The final main ref for my Survived!Dad!AU is done!! IT’S JEREMY 2.0!! I ended up caving and making h
The final main ref for my Survived!Dad!AU is done!! IT’S JEREMY 2.0!! I ended up caving and making him taller because it got weird having him shorter than both Neyla AND Arpeggio. He was originally just modelled after the airship toucan guards anyway, so it was fitting he got a bit of an upgrade. Jeremy is bae and he deserves it.Full (Real) Name: Jeremy FlinnAlias: Jacob Lenny Age: 42 (2020) Born 1978Gender: MaleHeight: 5 foot 3 inches Bio: Jeremy doesn’t talk much about his early life asit tends to bring up bad memories, but it is easy to infer it was difficult forhim. He spent most of his adolescence and young adult life hopping aroundemployment across Europe until he landed himself in less-than-savory crowds. Hewound up working within the spice ring operated by the Klaww Glang, specificallyunder their leader: Arpeggio. His ability to comply with demands and accomplishthem—by any means necessary—led him to become the drug lord’s right-hand-man.Despite the chaotic, devastating downfall of the operation, his loyalty toArpeggio took over and he followed his former boss in the aftermath, saving hislife and becoming entirely dependent on him, and vice-versa. The spontaneousarrival of an infant daughter didn’t really help much either. He now lives aquiet life under false identities with an unconventional new-found family. Personality:• Trusting to an absolute fault, Jeremy is easy tomanipulate. He’s become better at noticing when he is being taken advantage ofand can stand up for himself, but it is still a major fault for him. • Although not entirely so, he is mostly dependent onothers to tell him what to do. He has few personal ambitions with his only realgoals being to make sure everyone around him is safe and happy. He is more thancapable of being a proper adult and taking care of himself, but when it comesto daily activities or more significant life-altering choices, he can never decidewhat to do on his own, and when he has to it usually overwhelms him.• He is super friendly, sweet, and selfless. He’lldrop everything to help someone in need and rarely does anything make him angryor upset. • Ironically, he has a pretty thick skin and doesn’t takethings too personally. His belief is no one acts out maliciously on purpose,and if they do, they didn’t truly mean it (even if they did). This helpshim put up with Arpeggio’s constant bitching.Likes:• All rock music, but especially heavy metal. • Feeling useful.• Blueberries!!!• Chicken nuggets!!!!!!!!!!Dislikes:• Open flames (he uh… tends to catch on fire a lot)• The quiet.• Shoes.Other:• Jeremy is physically mute. He communicates through sign languageand knows both British Sign Language and American Sign Language (he switchedover to learning ASL when he came to America but uses both). His family (Neyla,Arpeggio, and Linda) all have learned it too so they can understand him. Hewill also communicate by clacking his beak together in specific ways to indicatesimple responses like “yes” or “no” (such as in cases where the person isn’tlooking at him to read his signs).• He is awfully accident prone and gets hurt on a constantbasis. The incidents are usually superficial and nothing permanent. Just a loootof bruises and ruffled feathers.• Yes, he does bonk his beak on things. All. The.Time. • He is GAY.Relationships-Arpeggio: The relationship with his former boss startedout… problematic. While Arpeggio has never been abusive to Jeremy, thepower dynamic has been present from Day 1 and tearing it down over time wasdifficult. While he still is bossy, Jeremy doesn’t mind it. Jeremy was the onlyone willing to care for Arpeggio after the accident and the time he spentnurturing him only hardened his loyalty. He cares a lot for Arpeggio and wouldrun to the ends of the earth for him; even if he has doubts the feelings are equallyreciprocated, he believes deep down that it is true. While it has beenexpressed his effort were appreciated, he understands emotions are weird anddifficult to grasp. Are they two gay birds or “just friends”? Signs point toDoor #1 but sssh we will let them take their time. Neyla: Although Neyla’s bond is noticeably strongerwith Arpeggio than with Jeremy, he still sees her as a daughter as well. Beingfondly referred to as an “uncle” of sorts, he takes great pride in being theone who can sneak her cookies before dinner or let her stay up an extra 30minutes before bed on a school night. This has crafted a much more “fun-loving”relationship between the two. On the rare occasions he has had to reprimandher, it tore him apart. His favorite activity with Neyla is hanging outlistening to music and teaching her how to Sign the lyrics. Linda: Jeremy met Linda over their mutual love ofmusic, exercise, and being queer as shit. While they spent much of their earlyrelationship meeting up at the gym or going to concerts together, he neverintroduced her to his family until a bit later when he recommended she take hercar to his mechanically-inclined partner for service. One thing led to another,and he vouched for her to live with them permanently to help them out in raisingNeyla keeping them all safe. They get along exceptionally well and arethe absolute best of friends in every regard. He is aware she really has thehots for Arpeggio but it doesn’t bother him. They may or may not secretly gushtogether over their birdman shipping. Nasty fangirls. -- source link
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