spiral-stares: celtickate1:erogenousmind:shaman58:(via girlsandheadphones, girlsandheadphones)
spiral-stares: celtickate1: erogenousmind: shaman58: (via girlsandheadphones, girlsandheadphones) (via shaman58) A: Are you sure this is going to work? EM: What do I need to do at this point for you to have a little faith in me? You are always so incredulous. Yes, it’s going to work. I’ve done everything for you. She’s listening to it now, right? Just go up to her and do like I told you. Allison put her phone away and took a deep breath. Kelly was sitting in her room, headphones on, eyes closed. The file was doing exactly what it was supposed to. At least, Allison hoped it was. What if it didn’t work? Why was she so nervous? Allison knew the answer to that one. She was excited. She was so close to getting to realize a fantasy. The thought that she would get to live it…The thought that she actually might! Kelly was blinking now. Slowly, she reached up and pulled the headphones from her ears. The track she had been sent had done its job. Slowly, she came up out of the fog that had descended over her mind. It’s now or never, Allison thought. She stepped into Kelly’s room, and strode right up to the girl. Kelly smiled as she approached. Recollection and fuzzy thoughts told her this was a friend, and things were still a little too fuzzy for her to know much more than that. Allison was too distracted to return the smile. Kelly still looked so vapid, her eyes not quite focused, the dopey smile on her face. She looked so hot. Allison’s last steps fell unsteadily as the reality of what she was doing struck her. As she stopped right in front of Kelly, she squeezed her thighs together reflexively, feeling her arousal and praying it wasn’t too obvious. It certainly didn’t look like Kelly noticed. The smile on her face was starting to fade, however, replaced slowly by confusion. Allison realized how odd her behavior must seem. She needed to act now, and she needed to act confidently. She reached out with both hands and cupped Kelly’s face in them, tilting her head so they were looking straight at one another. Allison did not speak at first. She just stared directly into those wide eyes. Kelly almost gasped, but it quickly faded away to a slow, contented sigh. She knew she could be so easily captivated. She didn’t need to think. She could just stare deep into those eyes. And before long…she didn’t need to know…anything. It happens so…fast…Open, empty and receptive. Kelly stared. But she needed to be told… “Stare deeper for me,” Allison finally spoke. “And the deeper you stare, the deeper you go. You feel your thoughts fade away, replaced by my words.” Allison prayed she appeared a lot more confident than she felt. But the look on Kelly’s face told her that she was doing well enough. She continued, “Fall deeper and deeper under my spell. And as you go so deep, I can think for you now. All you need to do is obey. All you want to do is obey.” “Obey…” The word oozed out of Kelly’s lips. Hearing it, Allison couldn’t help but ooze as well in response. She could not have imagined a sexier sound in the entire world.This was the hottest thing she had ever done, and it was only going to get better. “We are going to make each other feel so good, Kelly. You are going to do exactly as I command, and it is going to feel so good. You love feeling good for me, don’t you?” With that, Allison took Kelly’s hand in hers and began tracing a circle, gently with her thumb between Kelly’s thumb and forefinger. If everything worked the way it was supposed to…”You know what this does to you, don’t you, Kelly?” Kelly had barely blinked since they began, her eyes locked on Allison’s, her expression calm. The change was instantaneous. She still couldn’t bring herself to look away, but her face became flushed, her breathing heavy. “I-I have to obey. Makes me…makes me cu—oohhh god. Makes me cum!” Her body was writhing now. As Allison continued her gentle caress, every few seconds, another wave would move through Kelly causing her to gasp and moan. Her mouth hung open and her eyes began to soften, silently pleading with Allison. “Good girl. And every time you cum, you lose yourself a little more. You give a little bit more to me. I take more and more of your mind. Because you don’t need it anymore. You can just cum and cum and lose your will.” Allison could get used to this. She knew she would have her turn before long, and after that, whenever she wanted, after Kelly was broken. She indulged, imagining how she would be pleasured first. “Sinking deeper under my control every time. Such a good girl.” She grinned evilly. “P-please!“ Kelly finally managed, although what she was begging for neither she nor Allison could have said. “So good. C-can’t thiiiink. Oohhhh. O-obey. Only obey. Cumming…” Allison’s thumb continued to circle and the light in Kelly’s eyes continued to fade. It was too much. She was losing herself, feeling herself fade away. Replaced by… Allison could tell that Kelly had nothing left. Her eyes were fluttering now as she barely managed to stay upright. She would need to stop this if she wanted to get anything in return this time. Or maybe it would be more fun to just keep going until Kelly passed out, nothing left but a mindless husk. Then Allison could curl up with her, whispering into her ear. Would that work? She would have to ask. She reminded herself that she really wasn’t quite sure what she was doing and should really just stick to the plan. Her thumbed slowed as she spoke, “And now, there is nothing left but your obedience. Your desire to serve. Your need to pleasure me.” “Pleeaasssuuure…” came Kelly’s echo. Allison pondered how best to take advantage of Kelly’s eager service. Maybe start her on her knees, worshiping Allison with her tongue. That sounded very nice. She reached to undo her pants and slide them down. But…Kelly had taken a hold of her hand, and she wasn’t letting go. Allison tugged gently, but Kelly just held on tighter. That was odd. “Pleasure you.” Kelly’s voice had not changed. It still dripped with sex and mindless obedience. But her posture was different. Where she had been almost flopping to the ground a moment ago, barely able to hold herself up, she was now firm. She pulled Allison’s hand toward her and Allison, unsure what to do, let it glide limply. Should she be worried? This wasn’t supposed to happen. “Let go, Kelly,” she tried, meekly. But if Kelly heard her, she wasn’t responding. She turned Allison’s hand over and began tracing those same small circles in return. Those same circles…which made Allison… “Cummmmm…” she moaned the last of her thoughts out loud. It was so powerful. It felt so good. She felt every touch on her hand in her most intimate places, but it was more than that. Nerves she never knew she had were stimulated. And it was like…like her mind was being brought to orgasm. Over and over again. And it just kept building and building and building. “Can’t…think…” Allison managed. “Obey…” “Obedience…pleasure,” Kelly responded. Allison reached forward with her free hand as she fell to her knees at Kelly’s feet. She caught Kelly’s hand and began her slow caress again. “Obedience is pleasure,” she gasped. Kelly immediately began to respond again, the sensations increasing the tempo of her touch. “Want to obey…we obey…we obey” Allison answered, speaking in unison with Kelly as their minds faded away into the pleasure, as they conditioned themselves more and more. “We obey” “We obey” “We obey” (via erogenousmind) (via hypno-sinner, hypno-sinner) (via spiral-stares) -- source link
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