priscillastuff: outgoingnudist:A Few Things Nudists Need Generally speaking, nudists don’t have a
priscillastuff: outgoingnudist: A Few Things Nudists Need Generally speaking, nudists don’t have a need for clothing; however, there are a few items that do come in handy while enjoying social nudity/nude recreation. If you are just trying or considering nude recreation for the first time, here are a few things you might want to take with you! Sunscreen It’s important to remember that while we may love the outdoors, going to the beach, and how we look with a tan, there are serious consequences when we get too much sun exposure. Overexposure to the sun causes sunburn, premature aging of the skin, wrinkling, and skin cancer, including melanoma. First, I’ve personally always been very envious of those who can safely achieve deep, all over tans! Second, I am not one of those people, so I am very careful about burning! Nudists work up a tan just like anyone else. Sunscreen, exposure and shade when their skin has had enough sun. But, because we don’t wear clothes unless nature or society outside our group requires it, nudists have a lot more skin exposed and opportunity to get a burn! OUCH! Sunscreen is definitely a friend to all and should be applied to all parts of your body that are exposed and yes that includes breasts, vaginas, penises, testicles, and your bum! Is there proper etiquette to applying in these extra sensitive areas? It’s done ALL the time, just don’t get carried away! The only time when it would not be permissible is if you end up making it sexual to arouse yourself or to arouse some else, that is NOT okay. However, if you are putting on sunscreen to protect yourself and that is it, then definitely apply it to all parts of your body and liberally. Nobody is going to think anything of it unless you go overboard! And remember to reapply often! Sunglasses After you slather on SPF50 to shield your skin from the sun; however, what about your “naked” eyes? I found a 2012 survey, where less than half of the 10,000 polled recognized the health benefits of sunglasses, and 27 percent of respondents reported never wearing them! Yet this simple and stylish accessory can protect your eyes from a host of conditions caused by ultraviolet rays: Skin cancer, cataracts, macular degeneration, pterygium, photokeratitis, etc. When meeting someone new or for the first time at a beach/club/resort, I find it thoughtful manners to at least remove your sunglasses upon meeting. It is probably a good idea to to avoid really dark sunglasses when in social contact, so that you don’t give anyone the impression that you are conducting “stealth gawking.” Being branded a voyeur is one of the fastest way to earn notice to depart and to never return. It is a good idea though to protect your “baby blues” from the harmful rays of the sun! Flip Flops Flip flops are a type of open-toed sandal typically worn in casual situations, such as outside or at the beach! While they may not be “as kind” or supportive to your feet as other foot gear, they are easy to slip off, good for hot sand or pavement, and they happen to be MY favorite summer footwear! They consist of a flat sole held loosely on the foot by a Y-shaped strap that passes between the first and second toes and around either side of the foot. They may also be held to the foot with a single strap over the front of the foot rather than a thong. The name originated because of the sound that is mad by “slapping” between the sole of the foot and the floor when walking. I LOVE going barefoot, but some times, even in the cleanest of places, you can catch some nasty foot diseases. Flip flops, in my humble opinion are the footwear of choice for nudists. Mind you, they are likely not appropriate for nude hiking! For those activities, I would opt for boots and even socks! But, for every day wear and trips to the beach, give me some “cool” flip flops every time! A Towel The first thing I learned about being a nudist some 30+ years ago - bring a towel or two! Towels are indispensable when it comes to social nudity! For reasons of personal hygiene, nudists always carry a towel to cover furniture or other fixtures before sitting on anything. I always have a couple of beach towels close at hand by my furniture to sit on or when nudist friends come by for a visit. Many resorts do not furnish towels, so guests must provide their own. If you plan on utilizing the resort pool hot tub, or sauna, it is a good idea to bring at least two towels: One for siting and one for drying! If sitting or lying on the grass or sand while sunbathing, sitting on a towel isn’t required, but it is usually more comfortable. A Beer Here’s an article, that clearly supports a “cold beer” in your birthday suit in Munich! So, I am not going to get myself in trouble “preaching” to anyone nudist or textile about beer or alcoholic beverages. To me, it boils down to good common sense. Drinking alcohol may offer some health benefits, especially for your heart. On the other hand, alcohol may increase your risk of health problems and damage your heart. So, which is it? When it comes to drinking alcohol, the key is probably like a lot of things (other than going nude!), doing so only in moderation. However, I am not going to lie! There’s nothing like enjoying a icy, cold beer on a hot summer day naturally! Or a nice, relaxing glass of vino watching the sun set. It’s also NOT difficult to understand, nobody enjoys or should tolerate someone who becomes over intoxicated or obnoxious. There’s little use for that in social or social nude situations. I say enjoy a good beer, but be responsible! And NEVER, EVER drink and drive! It can ruin your life and the lives of your loved ones! Be nude - be happy! Your AANR Card I don’t go anywhere without my AANR Card and proudly carry it in my wallet! Perhaps membership isn’t for everyone, but I truly am proud of my AANR Card and happy to contribute to their preservation, promotion, and defense of what I find to be one of the best lifestyles ever - a “nudist!” I can also vouch, that membership brings some nice perks, benefits, and discounts. Check it out! A Hat Most of the nude beaches/resorts/clubs that I go to almost everyone wears a hat in the summer due to the heat and strong sun! As mentioned in other sections of today’s post, there’s nothing more frustrating or uncomfortable than a nasty sunburn or overexposure to the sun! Especially on a bald head! Like sunscreen, I really have to wear a hat to protect my head! Even those blessed with a full head of hair can benefit from a hat! a hat with at least a 2- to 3-inch brim all around is ideal because it protect areas that are often exposed to intense sun, such as the ears, eyes, forehead, nose, and scalp! I love baseball caps (you can show your support of your favorite sports team, club, or organization like AANR while protecting yourself from the damaging sun), but they mainly protect the front and top of the head, but not the neck or the ears, where skin cancers commonly develop. If you don’t have a shade cap (or another good hat) available, you can make one by wearing a large bandana under a baseball cap! Straw hats are not as protective as hats made of tightly woven fabric, but something is better than nothing! Who says nudists can’t show a little style in the hats and footwear they choose! Other There are other things one might bring to a nude venue for enjoyment! Maybe a bike or your eReader (or an old-fashioned book for those who still enjoy carrying a big, thick book!). Also, if you are near the water perhaps a canoe or kayak! And if you really MUST, with wireless connectivity widely available, you might even bring your laptop or tablet to check e-mail or catch up on the latest posts on my blog (shameful plug!). Whatever you take, just remember to leave your clothes at home and get ready to enjoy yourself socially or even peacefully nude depending on your final “natural” destination! Oh, and I hope you can stay naked for several days and truly cast your clothes and stresses away! Happy NAKED weekend to all! Fantastic information! Even veteran nudists can benefit from reading this. -- source link
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