Mental health…I’ll tell you what… I left my place of residence December 2018 and went
Mental health…I’ll tell you what… I left my place of residence December 2018 and went on an open-ended roadtrip with the intention that I would find my true alignment to my Self, Truth, Soul. I’ve been on the road for six months and have gone through so many new beginnings, unexpected occurrences, and extremely painful endings. Setting the intention to rid myself of that which no longer serves my higher calling has ripped a lot out of my life in a very short period of time. I know these “tower” moments are helping guide me to love, they do not come without a price though. I have been, and continue to be, gutted of patterns and behaviors that no longer serve me. I have been challenged to have faith while it felt my entire world was crumbling around me. What was and continues to crumble were the walls of resistance holding me back from my true purpose of living free and in my authenticity. Grief has become a constant factor as I process the old from my life to allow and make room for the new. As much as I’ve smiled with new wisdom and growth on this adventure, I have doubly cried. My mental health has been challenged so deeply. The best thing I’ve been able to do for myself is learn how to be my own friend and nurture myself while going through the emotional processing, as well as TRUST that everything is happening as it is supposed to- as it is fated to - to guide me to the best that has yet to come. Right now I’m okay and I’m glad I’ve hung on even when I haven’t wanted to because, despite what the darkness convinced me to believe, there is always light. Things get better. Life is constantly changing. I am never alone. And if you need to hear it, you are never alone either. Sending you all love and understanding whether you’re exploring the dark, bathing in the light, or dipping your toes into both. #mentalhealthawareness -- source link