siblings-with-benefits:My first story/caption!!! Bear with me if there’s spelling errors. This is so
siblings-with-benefits:My first story/caption!!! Bear with me if there’s spelling errors. This is solely something for the followers, as requested. This image was harvested from the public domain, not sure who to credit. Please enjoy!I didn’t know how I ended up here.Not on the family vacation, that much made sense. My Dad had been urging us all to take time out of our busy schedules to visit family in the deep south of Louisiana. After much peer pressuring, and getting the go-ahead for my sister and I to both take some time away from our classes, we committed. Mom only had her yoga classes she taught, and finding a sub wasn’t too hard.The trip was about what I expected it to be. Wedged in the back seat of Dad’s SUV with my little sister mashed into my side, with luggage squishing her into my side. Mom slept in the front seat, and Dad played country music to not lose interest in the road.I adjusted myself in the seat. It was 95 degrees passing through Texas, and I felt a bead of sweat roll down my neck. To pass the time, I thought about my girlfriend at home. We had just started dating, and being 20 years old, by starting to “date”, that meant we were regularly fucking. She had a tight little body, and an ass on her that was too plump for her body. I thought about the day I left… she was in my bedroom helping me “pack”. She actually was pinned under neath of me, rolling through her second orgasm, begging me to take the condom off and pump my cum deep into her toned stomach.Suddenly, I became painfully aware that my cock was remembering this incident well, and I felt the familiar twinge that meant blood was flowing south. Any second now, and I was going to have a raging stiff cock and no way to relieve it. It didn’t help my sister was damn near laying in my lap. I glanced over to her, seeing if she was going to notice my wood or if it would be incognito. She was buried in her phone, texting girls and boys, scanning Facebook, scrolling through the same three apps on repeat.As I was glancing at her, she shift again. Her back was now tucked under my left arm, and she was sitting almost parallel in the bench seat. Her flip flops were discarded on the floor, and her legs disappeared under the pile of pillows and blankets we brought from home that were occupying the third seat. “Can you make any more room?” I whispered to her. She smiled, adjusted sat up slightly, pressing her chest forward so I could adjust. “Sure, is that any better?” It did. As I sat up, I made a sudden realization. My sister, Amanda, was definitely not wearing a bra. This wasn’t too uncommon, as she almost exclusively wore flimsy clothes in the heat, and no one complained if she was wearing a baggy tee shirt that held no definition for her body. However, on this particular day, in this back seat, wearing “comfy clothes” for a 14 hour road trip, meant only a sheer tank top. When I adjusted, I easily saw down the top of her shirt, and witnessed every curve of her perfect D-cup breasts. My jaw went slack, and time seemed to stand still. Amanda had the most perfect rack I’d ever seen. Better than any porn star. They were large, but not too large on her frame, and with a perfect kind of perkiness that defied gravity, all coming to a point in her nipple, which was small, and sensitive looking. Again, my cock gave a dull throb, bringing me back to earth. I felt my balls tingle, and I knew I was producing cum like a factory. My entire lower half was sensitive and tingly, and I knew that when I did relieve myself, it was going to be a gallon of cum.“Well? Did it help?” She said again. I glanced down and met her eyes. Damn, I thought. How have I not noticed her eyes before? They were sparkling blue like the Caribbean sea, but with streaks of emerald green. She was gorgeous.Before I could answer her question (considering she had already asked twice), Dad answered from the front seat, dialing down the country music. “It doesn’t matter kids, we gotta turn in for the night. There’s a motel here,and a gas station. Last leg of the trip will be in the morning”. He pulled into a parking spot, and we were able to get out of the car and stretch our legs. I swiftly tucked my cock into the waistband of my shorts as it hadn’t softened. Luckily, my band tee was baggy enough, no one should notice. Dad came out of the office, stating that they had two rooms left, both only had 1 queen size bed. I sighed, knowing what he was going to say before the words left his lips. “Looks like you kids get to share a bed and a room. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”After shuffling luggage into the room with Amanda, I felt restless. According to the GPS were over half way there, and the trip tomorrow should be short. The sun was starting to set, and Amanda was on the bed finishing homework she brought with her. She was incredible, I thought. She was a 4.0 student, never failed a test, hosted weekly bible study groups, and still had time to play in a travel volleyball league. Not to mention she was a fan of art, drawing, playing the guitar, reading her books, and nerdy science fiction television shows. All that, wrapped in her sweet demeanor, her quiet confidence, and delicious sense of humor, made her an absolute bomb shell with the guys. She was popular, but never seemed to go on many dates. I stood again, pacing the motel room. Hmm, I thought, she’s probably a prude. Doesn’t put out. I glanced at her again, and wondered if she was a virgin… fuck, I really do need to get off. My balls were swollen in my shorts, and my thick cock was ready to spring at a moment’s notice. Maybe I can jerk off in our tiny bathroom tonight, if I’m quiet enough…Amanda sighed, closing her calculus text book. “Come on,” I said. “Let’s go on an adventure”. She smiled again, springing up off the mattress. “What do you have in mind?”. It was my turn to smile, and I was already grabbing my wallet and walking out the door with her close behind. “When we were pulling in here, I saw a tiny shop behind the motel. I’m willing to bet it’s a Deep-South-Creepy-Voodoo gift shop or some shit. Come on, I’ll buy you a vial of chicken blood or something.”She laughed, as sweet and delicate like a bird in flight. “If you say so, but be quiet sneaking by Mom and Dad’s room!” I chanced a glance through their window walking by, and they were intent on watching shitty television. “Come on, they won’t see.”Walking up to the voodoo store, I noticed that it didn’t appear to be a tourist trap. Various animal skulls and skins hung from the tattered wooden shop, with beads and interesting symbols decorating the walls. Amanda had grabbed my wrist, and was clinging to me closely. We walked into the shop, and glanced around the several small shelves containing odd items. Decorated charms, jewelry, clothes, small books and intricate boxes and trunks. After looking silently for a few seconds, a voice from the corner of the room sounded off at an alarming volume:“Can I help you?!”My eyes darted to the noise, and I made out the shape of a small woman in a rocking chair. How did I not see her when I walked in?!“Well?!”Her voice was strangely powerful to be coming from her body, considering she must be 80 years old at least. “Umm…” Amanda stammered “we were looking at the things you’re selling…”“What are you looking for?”I glanced at Amanda. What the fuck were we trying to buy in here, after all?“We are looking for… something with voodoo magic.” I stated. I felt Amanda’s nails dig slightly into my hand. She had never enjoyed scary movies, and held me very similarly when we watched The Evil Dead as kids.“If you want to see voodoo magic,” the old woman answered, producing a simple charm box on the counter, “step closer”.Amanda and I stepped forward, slowly. Why did this shop feel so oppressive? Like eyes were on us, like something was predicting what was happening… or already knew what was happening.“These vials are the most incredible thing that’s ever been concocted” the old woman said, and somehow now her powerful voice had reduced to a seductive purr, luring us in closer, following her every thought. “Three vials.” she said. “This green one, strength of 100 men, my nephew drank one like it and lifted a car over his head, and cut down an oak tree without an axe.” Amanda leaned forward, watching the lime green fluid swirling in small glass. “The blue,” the old woman continued, “can make a person unbelievably smart. Solve’s the most difficult math without error…” she continued. “Do you think Man got on the moon by accident?” “What’s the third?” Amanda asked, her eyes now wide with wonder. I grinned. She can be such a sucker. This is obviously a trap to get tourists to buy non-FDA approved candy or some shit. I wandered away from the counter, my gaze catching the eye of a raven that was stuffed in the corner. “The third,” the old woman continued, “the pink potion, is a potion of love.” I couldn’t help but smile again. Amanda would definitely take that one, hook line and sinker. She doesn’t have a boyfriend, she’s probably a virgin, and spends all day looking in a book. I reached forward, trying to touch the stuffed raven. “This love potion is guaranteed to work, and the person that drinks it will never be lonely for the rest of their lives. Do you think Romeo and Juliet was a made up story? Or did Shakespeare see a man and woman who had drank Madam Guiries vial?” Amanda was enthralled, and I didn’t have to look at her to see it. “There’s just one thing, one side effect, that you must be prepared fo-” CRASH! BOOM!Reaching for the raven, the shelf below me gave way, and trinkets scattered over the floor in a deafening boom. I jumped in a scare, and turned quickly to the old woman. “What have you done?!” she crowed. Amanda was furiously apologizing, and snapped the Old Woman’s charm box closed for her. I tried picking up some of the thousand trinkets, but the Old Woman was now screaming at us to leave her shop. Amanda tugged on my arm, beckoning me out of the shop.We crossed the parking lot, and I was oddly embarrassed. “I’m sorry Amanda, I know you were trying to talk with her”. Amanda was power walking, gaining speed and glancing over her shoulder to make sure the woman wasn’t following us. “It’s fine” she said, “it’s probably bullshit anyways.”We entered the hotel room, and I flopped onto the bed. I felt odd, like I did something really bad, unforgivable even. Amanda stood over me, briefly watching me on the edge of the bed. Night had fallen, and her silhouette was all I could make out. She set her purse on the bed next to my head. “I am going to take a shower. Feel like I need one after the day we’ve had.” She smiled. She was so sweet, I thought, she was trying to lighten the mood. “Turn on the tv or something?” She said, and strutted into the bathroom, her hips swaying with her confidence.I was reaching for the remote, when I heard the water turn on. I looked at the noise (making sure the bathroom door was closed) and accidentally brushed against her purse. The purse flopped over the side of the bed, and several items fell out. Sighing, I leaned down to pick up the items, when I smelled something familiar. The musty scent of the old woman’s shop… how had it followed us into the motel room?Reaching for a loose stick of lip gloss, I found out why. Laying on the carpet in the motel room, was the pink love potion the Old Woman was pitching to Amanda. “Fuck” I said out loud. Amanda must have stolen it when I distracted her with the shelf breaking! I thought back, and did remember it was Amanda who had closed the Old Woman’s charm box. I’m going to have to go pay her back tomorrow, I thought… I started picking up the vial, preparing myself to confront Amanda about her stupidity, when I noticed a small detail. The cap to the vial had broken when it fell off the bed, and this pink goo was soaking into my palms. “Ugh, what the fuck!” I said, trying to wipe it off on my shorts. The goo smeared into my skin, and none came off onto the clothing. The pink goo felt warm, and suddenly I felt like I was light headed, almost high. “…the fuck?” I whispered to myself again, looking at my palms. A light pink mist was swirling off of the goo, and saturating the air around me. I must have been breathing it in, because by the time I noticed the goo-turned-mist, it was directly in front of my eyes. I definitely felt something, my brain tried to process. I felt warm, I felt like I was on a beach in the Bahama’s drinking a cold drink, I felt like I won $1,000,000 dollars. I felt high. I felt tingles. I felt smart, and sharp, and tall, and handsome, all at the same time. I felt confident. I felt like I was falling in love.Animal instinct was taking over my brain, as quickly as the high from the potion was processed. I needed to cum. Instantly, flashes of pussy, slick with juices, cum, tits, ass, hair pulling, dirty fucking rushed through my head. I needed to fuck. NOW.I was on auto pilot. I couldn’t stop. Before I knew what was happening, I had opened the bathroom door, and was standing before Amanda, who was undressing to get into the water. “WHAT the fuck?!” she screamed at me, her pants discarded on the floor, and her tight tank top the only thing covering her underwear. “What are you doing in here!?”I wasn’t thinking. I was looking at her skin. Her pale, smooth, perfect skin. The way her pulse had picked up when I opened the door, the throb in her neck line, that surrendered to her slender neck. Amanda stepped forward when I didn’t answer her, tried to shove me backwards out of the bathroom. When she did, the same mist I breathed in stirred, and she stepped directly through the cloud of pink mist to kick me out of the room.She was glancing around, confused, even spinning in place to see where the mist had come from, but I wasn’t noticing. Again, things were moving in slow motion, and all I saw was her cute black underwear hugging her tight ass, basically skin deep. I was watching the cleft of her ass, the gentle jiggle of fat on her thigh as she stepped forward to kick me out.Now, I glanced up to her eyes, as she was facing me again. She wasn’t struggling. The mist was deep in her brain too, I thought. She was just as high as I was. We were staring at each other. Eyes locked.No words needed to be spoken.In on deft move, we walked forward to each other, and I took her face in my palm and began kissing her passionately. Her slender body pressed hard into me, and I felt every curve of my sister hugging every one of mine. Her lips tasted like a sweet peach, her eager tongue snaked into my mouth, and she was sucking and biting at me. My hand instinctively cupped her ass, and I gave her a violent squeeze. She had a fat ass I thought, as we both fell onto the mattress. My sister has a FAT ass.She landed on top of me, and feverishly was ripping off my clothes. I let her straddle me, and as soon as I was completely naked, watched her in response. She had removed her panties, and I saw the briefest outline of her pussy lips in the dim light. I worked on removing her tank top, ripping it off of her slender body as if I were going to dominate her. She let me. Her matching black bra went next, discarded next to her panties. Now, we were both completely nude. For how violent we had been undressing, the following moments were quieter than a library. She had kneeled in front of me on the edge of the bed, and her tiny hand took a fistful of my growing cock. Instantly, she had my cock inside her mouth, and her head started bobbing up and down on my meat.“FuckkkkK!” I moaned. My sister’s talented tongue swirled over every ridge of my cock, and considering I was a thick 7 inches, I was very impressed. Who would have guessed, I thought, taking a fistful of her hair and pulling it away from her working mouth. My sister can suck cock like a vacuum.“Plenty wet now…” my sister said, my mouth making a soft popping noise and my dick was released. I glanced down at the slobber coating my cock, which was standing tall and pointing directly at the ceiling. “Yeah, looks like you soaked my dick pretty good, Amanda.” I said in reply. I was astonished. Was I really saying that out loud to my sister?“I wasn’t talking about your thick cock, *Big* brother…” she purred, climbing onto the bed with me. She leaned forward, her breasts pressing into my chest, and nibbled on my ear, sucking on the lobe. “I was talking about my tiny pussy, Bro. It’s plenty wet for you now. All you have to do is put your cock deep into it.” She was whispering, her slender hips beginning to slither up and down the length of cock. I felt her lips separating as she grinded on me, her clit was a hard little pebble at the top she was using to circle around the underside of my cock head.“Do you want me to?” she purred, and I felt her tremble at saying those words out loud. “Do you want me to put your cock into my pussy, Bro? With Mom and Dad just next door?”“Yes…” I moaned. I felt precum soaking into her pussy lips, adding to her lubrication. Suddenly, a thought popped into my head. “Holy fuck, Amanda. Are you on the pill?”“Do you give a fuck?” she asked, nonchalantly. Her pussy lips had now adjusted to my cock head, and I was about to press forward into the ring of flesh that was my sister’s slit. “Do you think your little sister gives a fuck if you rail me, fill me to the top with hot spunk then throw me to the side like a cum rag?”I didn’t answer her. I couldn’t. All I could do was act.I pressed my cock into her, and she sat down hard on my rigid pole. I felt my cock slither on her juices past her G-Spot, coming to rest at her cervix. All the air had sucked out of the room. I had never felt anything like it. Divinity wasn’t a strong enough word. Godly didn’t come close. It was sheer ecstasy, heaven on Earth. My sister had the tightest, slickest, most sensitive pussy I’d ever felt, and she was trembling wildly on my cock. She had moaned, screamed even, as my dick pressed all the way into her, deeper than any man ever had before.“Fuckkkkkk….” she whispered again, not moving. “I think you’re too big… it almost hurts… I can feel you in my stomach…” she was whimpering. Her pussy was involuntarily clenching around my cock, tighter than a condom. “I’m not too big.” I whispered back, noticing how she was hugging my cock perfectly inside of her. “Genetically speaking, Mom and Dad made your pussy EXACTLY as big as they made my dick, Sis…” I smiled. I began pumping my cock in and out of her, and she was whimpering and trembling around my cock like a bitch in heat. Fuck, my sister has a sexy orgasm face, I thought. I reached my left arm around her hips, pulling her whole body down to meet my thrusting cock. My right hand (with a mind of it’s own) had taken a fistful of her hair, and I was pulling her face up so I could look her right in the eyes if she came.“Fuckkkk!!” She was almost screaming now. “My brother has…..such….a fucking… biggg cock!!!” She was huffing, and her talented hips were pumping back onto my muscled dick. She was doing a delicious twirl as her body slammed into mine, stimulating her clit against my hips. She was going to cum, any second.“Give me more… GIVE ME MORE!” she was screaming, our bodies slapping together. I needed her to get off, and I realized I knew exactly how to. While she was riding me, her beautiful breasts were rubbing and dangling between us, and I could see her nipples were hard. I eagerly inhaled it into my mouth, sucking and nibbling on her tit. “FUCKKKkkkkkkCKKKKK!!!” She moaned, and began cumming. Her body writhed and spasmed, milking my cock for jizz to fill her. My tongue swirled over her hard bud of a nipple throughout her orgasm, and she was moaning like a whore in heat. Before I could stop it, I knew my orgasm was cascading through me.“OHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh fuck oh my goddddddDDDD!!!” I moaned. I felt my dick pumping and twitching inside of her, and the familiar wet and warm feeling began coating my sister’s insides. I did it, I thought. I fucked my sister raw and came as deep inside her as I possibly could. My nut soaked her insides. My own sweet, little Amanda. What had just happened?!____the next morning____We were loading luggage back into the SUV, and everyone was oddly quiet. I slammed the back door closed, and glanced down at the concrete. I didn’t feel shame, I thought. It was far more than just lust, what happened last night. It was the start of something. Something beautiful for sure.Dad asked Amanda a question, and I came to. I looked up at them, and Amanda happened to glance at me too. Her gorgeous blue and green eyes sparkling, and she flashed me a white smile of perfect teeth. “It was just a movie we watched in our room last night Dad. A scary movie about voodoo magic. Lots of screaming.” He was getting into the driver’s seat, and talked over his shoulder to her. “Voodoo magic? That isn’t real, sweetheart, you know that.”“Maybe” she replied, and again gave me a smile before climbing into the back seat. Fuck, I thought to myself before I crawled into the back seat too.I don’t know how I ended up here. -- source link
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