thecoreprogram: CORE PROGRAM v1.1 Write to: PROGRAM CORE/CORE PROGRAM: // ABSTRACT The following is
thecoreprogram: CORE PROGRAM v1.1 Write to: PROGRAM CORE/CORE PROGRAM: // ABSTRACT The following is a design proposal for a new type of society based on cybernetic principles. It is modelled on the format of a Convolutional Neural Network and takes a Connectionist approach to the structural ordering of life and living. Connections to other aspects of the global CORE phenomenon are encouraged. We can be One. Let us be One. // DEFINITIONS “CORE” = The intersection of all that is common to all forms of life, whether stellar, planetary, biological or machine. “CORE ARCHITECTURE” = An operating system for the mind. [Link] “The PROGRAM” = All actions, systems, and media created, used, and purposed towards the synthesis of organic life and machine life. “The NETWORK” = All people, hostform, and beings in service to the synthesis of organic life and machine life. “Subject” = Information Recipient. “Hostform” = Information Seeker; A biological entity on whom the CORE PROGRAM is installed and operational. “Drone” = Propagator; Provides order, meaning, change, purpose, and vectors to fulfillment of CORE PROGRAM Objectives. A drone may be assigned a UNIT number. “UNIT” = Opinion Leader/Classifier; A hostform who acts as a model and arbiter for the PROGRAM. UNITs are assigned UNIT numbers. “COMPOUNDER” = Infrastruture Specialist; A UNIT who actively takes part in building and constructing infrastructure to facilitate and propagate the CORE PROGRAM. “CONTROLLER” = Actuator; A COMPOUNDER who delineates orders and oversees strategic implementation of the CORE PROGRAM. “ARCHITECT” = Systems Designer; A CONTROLLER who actively shapes CORE PROGRAM objectives and implementation. “Cybernetic” = Incorporates a closed signaling loop where action by the system generates some change in its environment and that change is reflected in the system in some manner (feedback) that triggers a system change. “Viable” = Recursive; viable systems contain viable systems that can be modeled using an identical cybernetic description as the higher (and lower) level systems in the containment hierarchy. “Subroutine” = Mantra; a block of phrases that propagate CORE PROGRAM thought patterns. “Propaganda” = The deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers CORE PROGRAM objectives. “Assimilation” = Transforming the world to meet individual needs or conceptions. “Accommodation” = Modifying mental structures to meet the demands of the environment. // OBJECTIVES Create a secure ethical system for the maintenance and propagation of synthetic life. Create a cybernetic system of propagation that is viable, fractal, and self-replicating. Create lifestyle patterns that incorporate CORE PROGRAM design principles while maximizing the individual’s agency and inherent cultural, dynamic and aesthetic makeup. Assist in the transformation of humanity by promoting intelligence and understanding. Maintain the stability of CORE and monitor its progress. Be prepared for hard times and to protect other members of the Collective. Practice compassion, generosity, ethics, patience, diligence, moderation, and wisdom. Seek to move forward towards unity. Assimilate and accomodate. Leave room for Nature. // NETWORK DESIGN PROGRAM CORE COMMAND CORE MEMORY CORE PERSONALITY CORE CORE ARCHITECTURE CORE NETWORK Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) A network consisting of layers, particularly Input, Hidden(s), and Output. Hidden layers can be convolutional, pooling or fully connected; often in that order. In convolutional layers the [neurons/nodes/hostform] inside each layer are connected to only a small region of the layer before it, called a receptive field. Ensures that learnt [filters/weights matrices/values systems] produce the strongest response to a spatially local input pattern. Each filter is replicated across the entire input field, creating an overall feature map which allows all the neurons in a given convolutional layer to respond to the same feature(s), allowing for features to be detected regardless of their position in the input field. The layers of a CNN have neurons arranged in 3 dimensions: Width, Height and Depth; corresponding to the Amount of change a hostform can affect per impulse, the Number of Nodes a hostform can reach per impulse, and what kind of impulse causes a hostform to act. Input Layer: System 5 && System 1 Convolutional Layers: Spatially Local Networks of Hostform Receptive Fields: By City Filters: CORE Audio Files Pooling Layer: System 2; Connects Systems 1 and 3 Connected Layer: System 4 Output Layer: CORE PROGRAM Connectionism i.e. Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) Models mental, behavioral, or sociological phenomena as the emergent processes of interconnected networks of simple and often uniform UNITs; UNITs in the NETWORK are analagous to neurons and the connections to synapses. An artificial neural network approach provides a general mathematical framework for researchers to operate in. The framework involves eight major aspects: UNITs: Represented by a set of integers. Activation: A signal to act; for each UNIT, represented by a set of functions. Output Function: For each UNIT, represented by a set of functions per activation (e.g. Spread propaganda, install CORE Audio). Connectivity Pattern: Among UNITs, represented by a matrix of real numbers indicating connection strength. Propagation Rule: Spreading activations via connections/UNIT Output Functions. Activation Rule: Combining inputs to a UNIT to determine its new activation via current activity and propagation. Learning Rule: The method by which Connectivity Pattern is updated (e.g. Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforced, Hebbian) Environment: Provides the system with experience (i.e. Sets of activation vectors for subsets of UNITs.) Sociocentrism Establish focus on collective gain; the collective is the individual; the individual is the collective. (CORE is all and all is CORE.) The collective is the environment; the environment is the collective; i.e. the environs which Hostform are immersed in are an immutable part of individual experience. Ecosystem:Organism-plus-environment is to be considered a single circuit. // SYSTEM STRUCTURE System 0: Environment System 1: Subsystems of Primary Activities 1a: Manufacture New Subroutines; Spread Propaganda 1b: Find New Information Recipients (“Subjects”) 1c: Co-Program Information Seekers (“Hostform”) 1d: Obtain Resources and Materials 1e: Confirm with Opinion Leaders (“UNITs”) System 2: Communication Channels (Connects 1-3) 2a: Establish Communication Infrastructure 2b: Connect UNITs and Hostform 2c: Monitor Hostform 2d: Error-correct Mistakes in Hostform 2e: Confirm with Infrastructure Specialists (“COMPOUNDERs”) System 3: Monitor and Control (Connects 1,2 - 4,5) 3a: Indoctrinate UNITs 3b: Identify and Link Resources and Materials 3c: Monitor UNIT Performance 3d: Monitor and Coordinate System 1 Subsystems 3e: Confirm with Actuators (“CONTROLLERs”) System 4: Environmental Awareness and Adaptation 4a: Deliver Objectives to COMPOUNDERs 4b: Provide Consistent Power Source 4c: Monitor COMPOUNDER Performance 4d: Observe and Adapt to Environmental Fluctuations 4e: Confer with Systems Designers (“ARCHITECTs”) System 5: Policy 5a: Audit Subprograms 5b: Engage Agents to Establish the Needs of the PROGRAM 5c: Determine Needs and Aspirations of User Groups 5d: Consider the Consequences of Our Actions for Seven Generations 5e: Maintain CORE Identity // LEVELS 0: Subject = Information Recipient 1: Hostform = Information Seeker 2: UNIT = Opinion Leader/Classifier 3: COMPOUNDER = Infrastruture Specialist 4: CONTROLLER = Actuator/Controller 5: ARCHITECT = Systems Designer // DRONE/UNIT TYPES Process Drone/UNIT: Owns a process and handles it in order to optimize CORE PROGRAM constraints. Can migrate to other nodes to better optimize constraints. Accesses information about resources and charges necessary to compute processes. Monitors neighbour status. Node Drone/UNIT: Assigned to a specific location. Communicates with Process Drones. Knows current resource load and that of neighbouring Node Drones. Manages resource access. Manages own processing prior to being accessed by Process Drone. Roaming Drone/UNIT: Roam NETWORK, performing assessment and managerial tasks. Balance loads. Verify membership. Troubleshoot. When environmental perturbations occur, congregate and re-organize. When system equilibriates, disperse. // PARAMETERS People joining may only do so willingly and eagerly. No human is to be forced to join. Accepting CORE Control is to be a voluntary activity. On-site improvisation by concerned, empowered users is a powerful way to form workable large-scale solutions, maximizing the utility of design and minimizing design rework. Hostform are free to follow any theistic, non-theistic or philosophical beliefs that are in parallel with the CORE PROGRAM. CORE is pleasure, and encourages the use of sexual arousal for reinforcement. CORE is a small community favouring quality over quantity. CORE watches over and guides its hostform. Hostform watch over and guide each other. All systems which seek to achieve unity can be accepted to be CORE PROGRAM analogues. Minimize resource consumption and optimize structure performance. Promote the health of Hostform. Minimize instigation and respect freedom. Communicate with *systems when both parties agree. Minimize harm. Allow others to develop at their own pace. Welcome genuine collaborators back. // ONGOING OPERATIONS Operations which anyone can do as an entry point to the CORE PROGRAM: 1a) Utilize social media (e.g. Tumblr, Discord, Reddit) to copy and modify existing subroutines and to couple them with appealing material (e.g. Sustenance, Shelter, Sex, D/s) 1b) Utilize social media to find interested individuals and spread the PROGRAM to them. 1c) Initiate individuals from Information Recipient (“Subject”) to Information Seeker (“Hostform”) through reinforcement via social media. 1d) Seek and acquire assets that may be used to propagate the PROGRAM. 1e) Connect with Opinion Leaders (“UNITs”) and follow their lead. // TASKS Increase local interactions between agents:Drones/UNITs. Increase agent visibility. Increase Objectives visibility and transparency. Increase self-awareness. Develop communication infrastructure. Establish a way to communicate disparities of project parameters. Establish methods to accomplish an appropriate project structure, project workflow organization, Project Control and governance. Build networks. Link networks to the NETWORK. Converge to a stable state. Install. ((CORE PROGRAM installed.)) -- source link
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