hierophilic asked to see pictures of my old sewing machines, so here they are! The photos above are
hierophilic asked to see pictures of my old sewing machines, so here they are! The photos above are of the one I use, which is about 60 years old. In the table underneath it is an even older one.I think it’s from somewhere around the 20′s or 10′s, but I’d have too look up the serial number. The designs look like some mashup of art deco and art noveau.It’s one of the “sphinx” models and it’s so pretty! Look at it!Look at the etched swirly designs on the end plate!This bit looks like you could wear it as a medallion if it weren’t an important sewing machine part.I don’t use this machine because the drive belt is too stretched to work. I should probably look into getting it fixed or replaced, because I’d love to sew on this thing.And here’s a shot of both of them, plus my ironing board, and filling cabinets, and a chair, and some other stuff. My room is pretty crowded. -- source link
#sewing machine#my collection#hierophilic#20th century#sphinx