File Under: Screenshots as Self-Portraits or uTorrent users anon or piratebay pictures official or o
File Under: Screenshots as Self-Portraits or uTorrent users anon or piratebay pictures official or open call for suggestions as 2 what the hell 2 call our film night??? And Yes im living on a prayer right now praying 2 Poseidon and whatever other deities lurk in the sea of seeds for some support on these King Hu/Shaw Bros films so I hope some1 out there is surreptitiously seeding these for me and thanks if yr reading this (i cant imagine why but then again ive slowly begun 2 see how these networks are really quite small and how on Instagram a brother of some1 i follow here appeared on my feed and how it really wasnt all that uncanny or shocking at all and i registered it with a nod and an ‘of course of course’ and then returning 2 the endless scroll). Anyway it is safe 2 say that A Touch of Zen had a fairly massive ‘impact on me’ and i quote unquote that shit because i am afraid of the new sincerity and because ‘was it really a boulder that crushed me last night’? It was certainly elemental. And this shld be clear from all the screenshots (looking at screenshots is even better then looking at photos from a blurry night, the night after cinema is always more fulfilling or at least more often fulfilling then not and if its unfulfilling well at least u learnt s/t whereas debauchery teaches you almost nothing you didnt already know. or it teaches the same lesson again and again and again. Which is worth learning and forgetting again i suppose) i had taken of streams running, leaves blown by wind, barley bending with wind, bamboo stalks chopped, white rocky outcrops and then the flames. The coals which are turned over by Hsu Feng as she tells her tale of woe and overcoming 2 the diligent Confucian Ku. And it’s as if these coals and the flames that surround them are the portal for the travel in2 memory. The memory of her father’s torture and execution. Of the fight in the white rocky outcrops and the meeting with the martial arts Buddha. And it is back through the flames that they travel again 2 the present. And I wonder how many hours we have been staring in2 tongues of flames. No im not going 2 say that flames and shadows on walls are the origins of cinema. No im not going 2 say that staring in2 flames on long nights on mountaintops is the same as staring at cinema screens or laptop screens or whatever screen u can project a film on2 (any-space-whateverz) for hours at a time. Im just going 2 say that Fire is the Medium through which we Travel Backwards and on occasion Forwards in Time. Im not sure what Prometheus really wanted, I know that its a myth i keep returning 2 but so has every fool from Heidegger 2 the Accelerationists 2 this guy i kindof know who did a Butoh performance about it (why the saturation of Butoh in contemporary art? Some politics of slowness? Some slo-mo dance dance revolution? It would be gr8 to do but its kindof memeish 2 watch in the art context and its nowhere near as nice as Tai-Chi but that’s just orientalist babble from a recently converted martial arts film fan). I also know that the fight in the bamboo grove that Ang Lee nicked for Crouching Tiger (my favourite film as a 13 yr old) with the bouncing and flipping is worth being repeated again and again and again. And i like that Hu actually does repeat it at the beginning of Part 2. The scene that took so long 2 film because the light had 2 be perfect (the light even in my non remastered rip, which i kindof prefer or maybe justify 2 myself as a preference out of necessity) that it was almost as if it has 2 be done (maybe 2 justify the time it took, as a preference emerging out of necessity), 2 say ‘Did you think this was impressive the 1st time? Well its more even more impressive the 2nd time, watch more carefully how that leap is landed and how the sword is thrust in2 the guts of the Eunuch’s bodyguards at the same second its landed. Did you miss that the first time? You should be more paying attention poor viewer!’ And dont compare martial arts 2 ballet. Because it’s far more rigorous and far more impressive (although im no anti-ballet low art snob, it’s wonderful it just needs more combat) at least on screen (The Red Shoes tho!!!for another time). Repetition of rigorous training (Yang), repetition of rigorous reading (Ku), reptition of watching and rewatching scenes on youtube. or screenshotting the time 2 return 2 later. Maybe forgetting to. Maybe remembering to. Maybe remembering but forgetting why when rewatching. As soon as the film was complete i wanted 2 rewatch. But instead Ill watch Dragon Gate Inn (wish i had seen it b4 the Tsai film) and pray 2 Poseidon and the Gods of the Web, of the deep and of the shallows 2 seed these films so that the warrior cum scholar cum fools journey can continue. And i can write properly once im calm and have researched these things properly. But it is time 2 stop worrying. And time 2 start writing. Because ive seen that those flames cant always take you where you want 2 go, they can cut and recut memories at alarming rates. They can repeat and rewind but they cant always/ever pause. And that they burn the edges of yr memories. Until the ashes are snorted by yr mates at yr funeral after you die in some accident, or by yr own hands or after not leaving the house for 2 years because you have been invited 2 pass the popcorn and want 2 Make It Count. So back in2 it, no pause, only 2 screenshot and only then 2 ensure that you dont forget. that you dont forget not to forget. And so 2 start the forgetting all over again. -- source link
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