fortheloveofasubmissive:fortheloveofasubmissive:The Hand of a DominantThe hand of a Dominant is an e
fortheloveofasubmissive:fortheloveofasubmissive:The Hand of a DominantThe hand of a Dominant is an extension of their heart, mind andwill. It is used to communicate with broader range and often to greater effectthan mere words alone. The hand of a Dom is employed to lead and guide, caressand massage, reassure and calm, tease and please, coax and lure, tie andtorment, correct and punish. More is communicated by the look and touch of aDom than most any collection of mere words could impart.A Dominant is often of few words, yet the most competent amongus are excellent communicators without exception. They not only know how toconvey a point but also are fine tuned receptors. They sense verbal andnon-verbal cues in others more acutely and accurately than most. The oftportrayed image of the dispassionate and stoic Dominant, lording themselvesover a submissive, commanding performance with barked orders, a sneer, and aglare is far from reality. While many Doms may not necessarily be gregarious bynature they do not simply sit idly back. They survey and absorb all that ishappening around them, take it in, read people and in so doing, hone their owncommunication skills.Submissives often refer to their Dominants as mind readers becauseof the seemingly uncanny manner with which they anticipate and react to a sub’sunspoken thoughts or moods. Sometimes it seems as though the Dom is respondingto feelings a submissive has not yet even acknowledged to themselves. There isno ESP involved here. A competent Dominant is simply well attuned to thenon-verbal signals a submissive is sending, even when they are doing sounconsciously.How is this possible?When it comes to interpersonal communication, most people thinkof spoken words as the primary means of exchanging information, ideas andfeelings. But in fact only seven percent of actual face-to-face communicationexchange occurs in the form of words themselves. Remove the words entirely andmore than ninety percent of all communication still exists in the form of vocalinflection and body language known as kinesics. Kinesics includes things likeeye contact, facial expression, gestures, posture, touch, proximity and poise.Most good and competent Dominants have a natural and intuitivesense of kinesics. They are highly attuned to the body language of theirsubmissive and perhaps more importantly have learned to use kinesics toappropriately respond in kind. For example, when a submissive is expressingdefiance, a gentle but firm hand to the shoulder and an unwavering gaze isoften all that is required to calm and bring them to their knees. When asubmissive is feeling nervous or inadequate, a gentle cupping of a cheek and asmile can bring peace and confidence. When a submissive is feeling sensuallyclosed off, a fingertip traced slowly down the spine and a whispered, “Mine”can transform them into molten lustful lava. When a submissive is feelingplayful or randy, hair firmly grasped, a hand placed to the throat, or a firmslap to the ass combined with a lecherous leer can snap them into a state oflathered submission ready for anything a Master has in mind. And of course, inextreme cases the hand of a Dominant is there as an implement of correction andeven punishment.Ultimately the hand of a Dominant is employed to guide asubmissive through and beyond the internal struggles they experience withsurrender. This guidance is far subtler than many perceive. It is not aboutspankings and orgasms but rather about gently coaxing and luring a submissiveonwards, navigating deftly past insecurities and obstacles to achieving theirhighest state of surrender. In so doing, a bond of love and respect is createdthat leaves the submissive powerless before their Dominant in adoration anddesire.So the hand of a good and competent Dominant is an extension ofthe loving guidance they provide to a submissive that allows them to be allthey possibly can; their most submissive selves but also their most authenticselves. The hand of a Dominant cradles a submissive in protection and care,places them on a pedestal, and elevates their being to its highest state. Rare and precious are these competent and caring Dominant handsand fortunate are those few to come under them.Originallyposted on February 18, 2013Caption ©For The Love of a Submissive, 2013Image Credit Unknown – If copyrighted material please inform the author for immediate removal or permissionsFor further information or additional posts visit fortheloveofasub.comReblogging original text with a different “Tumblr approved” image.Please leave caption and image intact. -- source link