cool-critters:Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)The southern viscacha is a species of rodent in t
cool-critters:Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)The southern viscacha is a species of rodent in the family Chinchillidae and is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru. It is a colonial animal living in small groups in rocky mountain areas. It has long ears and hind legs and resembles a rabbit in appearance apart from its long, bushy tail. The southern viscacha does not hibernate and is mostly active soon after dawn and again in the evening. At these times it emerges from its underground hiding place to feed on what plant material is available which is mostly grasses and moss, and it also eats lichens. Part of the day is spent perched on a rock sunbathing, grooming or credits: wiki, wiki, tumblr, pixshark -- source link