worldwithslavery: Julia strode confidently out the door of her mansion and down the front steps to t
worldwithslavery: Julia strode confidently out the door of her mansion and down the front steps to the gig waiting at the bottom. She was wearing an elegant white dress and hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of jewelry. She looked good and she knew it. She was on her way into the city from her country estate to shop at the high end boutiques. Julia’s three body slaves, Rachel, Mira, and, Jess followed along behind her, their heads bowed. They provided a stark contrast to their mistress. They were naked except for their metal slave collars, and the nipple rings protruding from their pierced tits. They had arrived at the gig. Another naked slave- Beth, knelt chained to the handles of the cart awaiting her mistress. Attached to the back of the cart were three lead chains. Julia would ride into town, but Rachel, Mira, and Jess would be chained to the cart and forced to run along behind. Julia could have attached the heavy lead chains to their collars, but where was the fun in that? Instead she pulled their nipples together and attached each chain through the slave’s two nipple rings. As the slaves ran the heavy chains would bounce up and down pulling painfully on their breasts. It amused julia that she could cause them so much discomfort on such a small whim. Dominant by nature, Julia loved finding creative ways to keep her slaves on their toes and mindful of their lot in life. Julia sat down in the cart. Beth rose smoothly to her feet, careful not to jostle her mistress. She stood ready her muscles taught, ready to take off at her owners command. Julia pulled out the remote control for the dreaded clit implants. Beth’s clitoris exploded in burning pain and she began to run. Searing pain again, this meant she had to run faster. Julia hit the button a third and then a fourth time. Each time Beth felt the blinding pain in her crotch she increased her speed by a small margin. She had to increase her speed so slowly because this made it easy for julia to find the pace she liked. All she had to do was keep shocking the animal running in front of her until she was satisfied. Finally after hitting the button a seventh time Julia put the remote down. Behind her the three body slaves ran along silently, the chains pulling painfully on their rapidly swelling nipples. The gig did not have a canopy, so Mira, who was running in the middle, had to hold a parasol over her mistress to shield her from the already hot sun. Julia was enjoying the ride, but for the four slaves attending to her the next hour was going to be awful. Such is the relationship between owner and slave Julia was trying the new slavetech bit gag in Beth’s bridle for the first time today. It was supposed to deliver the best responsiveness ever from a slave bit. However, there had been some controversy surrounding the product. Some believed that it was too cruel because it was known to cause bleeding from the slave. They didn’t care about the slaves, but they didn’t want children and other sensitive people to be shocked from the sight. The courts ruled the bit gags were perfectly legal however, so Julia thought she’d give it a try. She didn’t care about how much more pain it caused Beth, she was nothing but a slave. Julia was just curious to see if it really could improve even Beth’s responsiveness to the reins. The bits were the thinnest ever, but the real secret was the hundreds of tiny almost invisible little serrations designed to bite and grab into the slave’s skin. The directions said to pull the bit back tight enough in the bridle to just break through the skin on the corners of the slave’s mouth. They warned not to go to far though, as there needed to be room for the bit to dig in deeper and cause a sharp increase in pain when the reins were pulled. Beth’s bit had been put on perfectly. Finally, thought Julia, they were coming to the first real turn in the journey and she could give the reins a real test. She pulled firmly on the left rein. She couldn’t believe it. Beth’s head pulled around so quickly to where her mistress wanted to point her that it was as if it was one with the reins. Intrigued Julia began tugging back and forth, left and right on the reins, swerving back and forth along the path. It was as if she was pulling on air. Beth’s reactions were instant, her head moved back and forth in perfect unison with Julia’s arms tugging on the reins. Julia was very satisfied, she would be placing an order for more. The bustling shopping centre was in sight now. Impatient, Julia gave the shock button another push Beth was in absolute horror. The bit had been awful from the moment it had been fastened on her, but when her mistress gave the reins their first real tug Beth’s mind was blown. The pain was a real burning sensation in the sensitive corners of her mouth and in her tongue. She had already thought she was tasting blood, but there was no question now. Her mistress was dragging her back and forth across the road, the bit cruelly cutting into her with each tug. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take. Of course the answer to that was as much as Julia saw fit. Suddenly Beth’s clit exploded in pain. The bit was torture, but this was still worse. Dutifully Beth increased her speed. One final test thought Julia. With the gig closing in quickly on the parking space she waited as long as she thought she could. She leaned forward bracing herself, then pulled back on both reins with everything she had. Beth’s head snapped back as far as it could, desperately straining to escape from the pull of the bit. Of course there was no escape, Julia was leaning back hard with the reins. Beth’s heels dug hard against the pavement, as the cart came to a sliding stop even faster than Julia had thought it would. That was fun thought Julia. She knew it wasn’t a good idea to stop your slave like that on rough pavement. She was sure the bottom of Beth’s feet would now be cut to shreds and would have to be treated when they got home to avoid infection. But whatever, she was ok with buying some antiseptic, she couldn’t resist testing the “brakes.” It never crossed her mind how painful it was going to be for Beth to run on her feet now. Julia couldn’t help but laugh as she unchained her 3 body slaves. She had forgotten about them in all the excitement. Their nipples were now comically red and puffy. Obediently they followed along behind their owner, ready to attend to any need she might have. With the hot sun burning down on her naked shoulders Mira would continue shading her mistress with the parasol for as long as she was out and about. At the front of the gig Julia now got a good look at Beth’s mouth and feet for the first time. As expected neither were in good shape. The sliding stop had rubbed all of the old skin completely off the soles of Beth’s feet. They were now bright red and raw. Julia had already expected this though and was more interested in her mouth around the cruel bit. The corners of her mouth were both bleeding, and it was slowing staining her checks. Beth’s tongue must have been cut up pretty badly as well. She was drooling a lot more than usual around her bit, and there was definitely some blood mixed in with the saliva. Julia was amused to see that some if it had dripped down and was now hanging off the exhausted slave’s heaving breasts. Realizing that the sight was beginning to turn her on Julia decided she would wait until she got home and could do something about it before really inspecting Beth, besides Beth was only halfway done and still had to pull her home. Julia was sure she would be quite a sight to behold by that point. Julia hitched Beth up to the parking post, then carried on her way for a delightful day of shopping. At the post, the miserable slave caught no break. The posts had retractable chains that hooked onto the slave’s collar. Julia did not want anyone to think she allowed lazy slaves under her watch, so Beth’s posture was made perfect. She was kneeling ramrod straight, as high up on her knees as she could possibly go. Her neck was strained as far as it could reach, the rigid tendons in her neck standing out as evidence of her struggle. Julia had reeled the chain up as high as she safely could, she really was a stickler for posture. It was a struggle for Beth to properly breath, but it wasn’t quite high enough to strangle her. Julia was very good at what she did. Julia had been shopping for about 5 hrs before finally returning to the cart. Julia was starting to grow tired and couldn’t wait to sit down in the cart. Behind her, her 3 slaves trudged along. Rachel and Jess were weighted down, both arms loaded with bags and packages of expensive clothing. Julia had purchased so much that even Mira was holding 5 designer cloth shopping bags full of boxes of new shoes in her one arm, while shading her mistress with the parasol in the other. Now that she was holding the packages, Mira could no longer switch the parasol back and forth between her two hands. The muscles in her right shoulder were burning from holding the parasol out for so long. She still had to hold it out for the run home, but at least she knew she could do it. Mira had done this many times before. The gig was small and meant for speed. There was not much storage space on it at all for the packages. Oh well, that’s what slaves were for. Though Julia could have relieved her slaves of at least a few packages, the thought never crossed her mind. With the body slaves once again chained to the cart by their nipples, Julia released Beth from the parking post. Obediently Beth waited on her sore knees until Julia was comfortably seated in the gig. Once she finally rose to her feet Beth realized just how sore they were. Each step was going to be agony. Still, she stood at the ready and awaited her owner’s command via the dreaded shock and reins. Skillfully Julia drove Beth out of the parking lot, finally they were on their way home. Julia was anxious to get home. She really wanted to give Beth a full inspection. She was getting quite horny just thinking about it. Now on the open road Julia began setting the pace for Beth. It was agony every time Beth’s feet hit the pavement, but she didn’t even care at the moment. Her pussy exploded in pain for the ninth time as Beth ran harder and harder. After ten shocks Julia was finally satisfied. Julia could finally sit back and relax. In front and behind her, her four slaves ran miserably in silence. The estate was finally in sight. Julia picked up the remote again. She was going to sprint Beth the rest of the way in. Out of nowhere Beth once again felt the burning agony in her crotch. She increased her speed. Quickly she was shocked again. Straining now Beth went faster. Still not good enough, again her clitoris seemed to explode. Desperately Beth tried to push on faster, she was now giving everything she had. The second her pace began to slacken by even the smallest little bit Julia was ready and Beth’s clit blew up in pain, time and time again. Finally they were home. The estate was buzzing with activity, just as Julia had left it. All around her naked slaves were attending to the estate. 4 naked slaves girls were furiously scrubbing the vast stone courtyard that served as the entryway to her manor. They were just about finished, but the overseer noticed Beth had left some blood behind on the beautiful stonework and ordered them to start over. Now hopelessly behind their daily allotment of chores, these four slaves would be lucky to get even an hour of sleep that night. Their clit implants crackled as the overseer reminded them to put their backs into it. Ignorant to all of the activity around her, Julia ordered Beth be brought to her garden lounge to await her pleasure, then went inside to get changed, followed by 3 very exhausted body slaves. All around the estate naked slave girls were working themselves to the brink of exhaustion, clit implants were crackling and overseers were demanding they work even harder. Despite this, not a single slave was as miserable as the broken animal kneeling in the mistress’ garden lounge awaiting Julia’s presence. Beth was in agony, she hurt everywhere. Her skinned feet were burning and her legs were cramping from the hard run. Her knees, back, and especially neck still ached from her five hours on the parking post. She couldn’t even tell where she hurt in her mouth anymore, the overwhelming pain just made it seem like it was everywhere. However, what concerned Beth the most was her clitoris. She had experienced the shocks countless times before, but this time something felt different. Her mistress had seemed exceptionally anxious to get home this time for some reason, and today was by far the most Beth had ever been shocked during a single trip. Especially at the end when they had become almost constant. Her clit had always burned afterwards, but this time it was magnified. It was still in agony and it was throbbing like crazy. As concerned as Beth was about her clit she couldn’t see it past her large breasts with the way she was kneeling. Besides, moving her head was too painful on her mouth now. Because of this, Beth had also given up on trying to swallow, she could tell she was drooling all over the place. Now that the ordeal was over Beth was able to think. Her mind was racing now. She always new she had a harsh mistress, but before she had always found an explanation. Even the clitoral shocks, while pure evil, had a purpose. They were how Julia told her what to do. Today tho, she couldn’t understand why her mistress had suddenly used the cruel bit she was still wearing, had wrecked her feet, or had shocked her so much when she couldn’t run any faster. She thought she always gave her best effort for her owner. In Beth’s mind the added tortures of today were for no reason other than cruelty. She now realized just how low she was. She had just been in hell and her owner hadn’t even cared, worse she looked like she had enjoyed it. Even worse, pulling her mistress into town was a typical day. Her life had already been unbearable before. Now if this was her new reality she didn’t know how long she’d keep her sanity. Beth started to cry. She had no escape. It was impossible to even end her own life, most owners, Julia included, kept their pony girls heavily restrained when they weren’t in use or being exercised by an overseer. Too many owners had lost pony slaves by being careless. Now knowing what her mistress was capable of Beth began to shake uncontrollably in pure fear as she heard her mistress approaching the garden. Julia strode towards the pathetic animal shivering and crying in front of her. She had never been so turned on in her life. Maybe she had been repressing some sadistic tendencies all these years? She was going to have to re-evaluate how nice she was to her slaves she thought. Many owners were quite sadistic with their slaves, there was nothing wrong with it or anything to be ashamed of. She ordered Beth to stand up. The slave was truly a sight to behold as Julia stared and took it all in. She was shocked by the sight of Beth’s clitoris. She had heard of this before but never seen it. It had reacted extremely to the intense use of the shocker. Beth’s clitoris was now huge. It was extremely swollen and the skin was stretched so tight that it was hard as rock. Also slave’s clits usually turned redder after they had been shocked, but Beth’s had gone way beyond that. It was now a deep purple colour. From what Julia had read she knew Beth’s clit wasn’t going back. Maybe the colour would go back to a more red colour depending on if it got a break from the shocks, but as a pony slave that was doubtful indeed. She also knew that It would be a lot more sensitive from now on and even easier to hurt. Julia touched Beth’s clit. It was burning hot. Beth squirmed under her touch. Half-jokingly expecting it to burst, Julia pinched Beth’s clitoris as sharply as she could. Even with the sharp bit still fastened in her mouth the animal in front of Julia let out the loudest inhuman screech Julia had ever heard. She came in her panties right on the spot. She motioned to Rachel who quickly removed them for her. Julia was feeling insatiable tonite. She pinched the screaming animal’s clit a second time and then sent Jess running to the mansion to get a needle. Reluctantly Julia moved on from Beth’s clit. Now she was curious again. It was time to see what these bits did to a slave’s mouth. Beth’s checks were covered in dried blood, though they were still slowly bleeding from the corners of her mouth. The bloody saliva was also still drooling from the slave’s mouth. Julia was amused by how messy it had made Beth’s tits. She could see why the prudes were so against this bit. She ordered Rachel to finally remove the bridle from the suffering slave. Julia ordered Beth to open her mouth wide and stick out her tongue. It was a mess. There was a cut running the width of her tongue where the bit usually was. Removing the bit had apparently reopened the wound because it was bleeding again. This made Julia more excited for what she had planned for Mira. There were also a bunch of nicks and cuts all over the rest of the tongue from when it or the bit had moved. The worst ones were where small chunks of skin were missing from Beth’s tongue. Jess was back. Julia ordered Rachel and Mira to fasten Beth to whipping post on the patio. Julia accepted the needle from the kneeling Jess and moved in on Beth. Unable to move Beth’s eyes widened in horror as she saw the needle. Julia knew the clit implants were at the base of the clitoris so she had a bit of room to work with on the swollen clit. Slowly and deliberately she pushed the pin straight into the tip of Beth’s clit. The slave screamed and screamed. That’ll soon stop smirked Julia as she retired to the divan, the pin still in Beth’s clit. Beth was moved to the blow job pole Julia’s husband loved to use. Julia motioned to Mira. Mira stepped forward wearing the largest strap-on dildo that Julia owned. This one was only used to punish slaves. Julia was hopping it would stretch against the cut up corners of Beth’s mouth. She was not disappointed. Mira was order to roughly face fuck Beth’s cut up mouth so that Julia could watch while she was pleasured by Rachel and Jess. With Rachel between her legs eating her pussy as she had been trained to so skillfully do, and Jess at her side gently sucking on her nipples Julia watched the show in front of her. Beth struggled for breath as tears poured down her checks, while Mira rammed the huge and now bloody dildo into the back of her throat. After a couple hours and four more orgasms Julia finally called a stop. It was getting late and she was starving. An exhausted Mira pulled the bloody dildo from Beth’s mouth. Julia rang for the stable hand and ordered Beth to be cleaned up and her wounds treated with the antiseptic. Beth was only 19 years old. Most pony slaves made it to about 25 before their bodies gave out. Julia want to make sure she got the most out of her slave. For that reason she considered allowing Beth to rest tomorrow and using a random cleaning slave to pull her tomorrow for the even longer journey to her friend Maria’s estate. As she watched Beth being led off to the stable though she decided against it. The cleaning girl would never run as fast as Beth. Besides nothing she had done to Beth this evening would really put her at any risk. Basically all she had done to Beth was play with her clit and facefuck her. Any slave should be ready to go the next day after that. Tired, but extremely pleased with her day Julia retired to her house. She was going to explore more of her sadistic side she decided, but from now on the sessions would only be with cleaning slaves. She didn’t want to risk her more valuable animals. It was only 9pm but Julia was exhausted. She was going to have a quick snack and then off to bed. The slaves toiling around her still had three more hours of labour, except for the four in the courtyard, they would work through the night. Life on the estate was paradise…if you were the master or mistress. -- source link
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