ohsalazar: Why is it that when something happens it’s always y o u  t h r e e ?

ohsalazar: Why is it that when something happens it’s always y o u  t h r e e ?
ohsalazar: Why is it that when something happens it’s always y o u  t h r e e ?
ohsalazar: Why is it that when something happens it’s always y o u  t h r e e ?
ohsalazar: Why is it that when something happens it’s always y o u  t h r e e ?
ohsalazar: Why is it that when something happens it’s always y o u  t h r e e ?
ohsalazar: Why is it that when something happens it’s always y o u  t h r e e ?
ohsalazar: Why is it that when something happens it’s always y o u  t h r e e ?
ohsalazar: Why is it that when something happens it’s always y o u  t h r e e ?