artofswooning:Continuing from my previous post:03/16/2015 (first photo): Oogiri!“Hello everyone~昨日の行
artofswooning:Continuing from my previous post:03/16/2015 (first photo): Oogiri!“Hello everyone~昨日の行列のできる法律相談所見て頂けてましたかー??Did you all get to watch “Gyōretsuno dekiru hōritsu sōdanjo”??ディズニーで気付かれず写真撮ってあげちゃいました( ̄▽ ̄)I took photos without getting caught( ̄▽ ̄)そして今日は有吉ゼミ!!!And today is “Ariyoshi Seminar”!!!大喜利やってます!I am doing Oogiri!!!いや、大喜利のコーナーがある訳じゃないのですが、、、そんな雰囲気に押され大喜利を。Well, there is no Oogiri coner…That kind of atmosphere.難しかった!さすが芸人さんたち!!楽しかったです(^^)It was hard!They are indeed comedians, for sure!!It was fun(^^)ストロボ・エッジ絶賛公開中です![Strobe Edge] is in theaters right now!沢山観てくださーい!Please go watch it a loooot!See ya…:)”03/17/2015: A brief notice from staff; Because of such a hit [Strobe Edge] was, Sota is having another meet-and-greet sort of event. It was 03/24 at Roppongi!03/18/2015: Staff post about TV and Magazine Appearances. He appeared in numerous magazines, and also a TV program, “Pittankokankan”!03/19/2015 (second photo): Strobe Edge“Hello everyone~映画がストロボ・エッジ見てくれたでしょうか(^_^)?Did you get to watch [Strobe Edge]?まだの方は是非春休みはまだ長いですよFor those of you who didn’t watch it yet, spring break is loooong新学期に新しい恋、続けていく恋この映画でチャージしてください!!So before the new year begins (keep in mind that the new school year begins in March for Japan), recharge your love with this movie!この間の握手会で最低10回観ます!って言ってくれた方がいました( ̄▽ ̄)10回みたらセリフ覚えちゃうのかな?笑There was a fan that said that they would watch the handshake meeting minimum 10 times!!ではー!これからもストロボ・エッジを宜しくです(^^)Please continue to check out [Strobe Edge] in theaters!今日はぴったんこカンカンですいろんな経験をしましたー!Today is “Pittankokankandesu”!I had various experiences.楽しかったので見てください(^ω^)(^ω^)(^ω^)It was so much fun, so please watch it!See ya…:)”03/22/2015 (third photo): Urarobo EdgeThis one, I will hold off on translating because there are some spoilers from [Strobe Edge]! ;-)03/25/2015: This one was a staff message about the on-site manager will blog on Sota’s blog following the post by the Chief manager on 03/13!03/26/2015 (fourth photo): Strobe monitoring“Hello everyone~この間ストロボ・エッジ大ヒット御礼舞台挨拶でした!!The other day, I went to the Strobe Edge Stage event (like a conference essentially)!素敵なメンバーの中ストロボの撮影、プロモーションをできて本当に良かったです(^^)It was really great to be able to promote with such an amazing cast!まだまだこれからストロボ・エッジ進んでいきますよー!My hope is that [Strobe Edge] goes very far-!春休み是非見てください(^_^)Please watch over spring break(^_^)そして今日はモニタリング!自分でもなかなか挑戦な収録でした笑And today was monitoring! It was pretty hard…LOLでも楽しかった~(^_^)But still nevertheless fun~(^_^)See ya…:)”Well that’s a wrap! Will be updating for next blogpost, so stay tuned & don’t forget to follow!Christina xxx -- source link
#fukushi sota#strobe edge