dgrizzly: **Yup already got more for you, I am hoping to make this fairly frequently, so I am takin
dgrizzly: **Yup already got more for you, I am hoping to make this fairly frequently, so I am taking my time with it. This one is much more spicy, but still might leave you hanging (just a bit promise). I will ramp things up slowly.** Chapter 3: “Oh FUCK! Oh god! Oh no!” I mumbled to myself as I quickly put on my robe and dashed out of the bedroom to chase after the young amber. The girl who just caught her having sex with the “Babysitter”. I was calling out for amber, as I leaving the hall and entering the space that connected it to the living room, kitchen, and front door. Amber and Lilly were both in the kitchen now, Lilly was pouring herself and her friend some juice to drink. Lilly was talking away to Amber, about some silly thing about other kids in school. When Lilly saw me she spoke to me while smiling brightly. “Hi mom! Looks like amber found you, I wanted to ask if amber could stay over, we need to get a school project done” I was looking nervously towards her and then to Amber, Amber was looking at me, but I could not tell if her smile was, -I know what you did-, or just her usual cheerfulness. “Ahhm” My voice cracked a bit from the tension, and I cleared my throat and tried again. “How did you two get here sweetheart?”I asked as neutrally as possible, but I knew I sounded off “Oh Ambers mom dropped us off” She is still outside, she said she wanted to talk you when we come in “Ah.. OK dear” I looked at Amber again nervously… I did not want to give her a chance to be alone with Lilly, I could not risk her saying anything about what she saw. I was still hesitating when Rebecca came out of the hallway, already dressed. YES! I thought with excitement “REBECCA!” I said too enthusiastically *Throat clearing* “Rebecca” I said more calmly “Why don’t you make these to a snack and watch them while I go talk to Mrs Delphine” Rebecca seemed to catch on but still looked at me questioning “Mrs Delphine?” she asked “Ambers mother, you remember her right?” I said still nervous as hell “Ah yes” Rebecca smiled, she showed no signs of stress, how was she so calm?! “And make sure that…” I whispered to Rebecca “…amberyay aysstay uiteqay.” I tilted my head and signaled with my eyes towards Amber Rebecca was clearly confused “What?!” she blurted out too loud Damn I thought as the girls noticed, I went in farther leaning in to whisper, I rolled my eyes of course she does not know pig latin… I forget how young she is “Make sure amber stays quiet until I return, K??” I made sure she understood my meaning When she nodded in acknowledgment, I took a deep breath and went to the door just in time to see Ambers mother approaching. “Hiiii Karen!” I greeted with the most fake exuberance I could muster, it was actually very easy by now, almost standard with most of my women acquaintances and friends. “Hii Lynn!” she greeted back almost as fake as my own greeting, she gestured for a polite hug so I leaned in as well, it was short, but this time she noticed Karen’s amazing chest pressing against her own. Damn I never thought of her that way before, but wow she has a nice pair of tits. Karen broke her musing by apologizing, still using the fake enthusiastic mom tone “Sorry to dump my kid on you like this, I just have and emergency to take care of.” I was showing my concerned face, when she immediately followed by adding “Oh no, nothing to serious, Tom got stuck on his way from work with the car, and he asked me to come get him, and then drive to the shop where the car is and yada yada… Just a big mess, so I would really owe you if you could watch amber for me while I deal with it, besides you do have that babysitter to help so… ” She ended in a presumptuous tone I was pissed at the last part, and must have shown my anger she interrupted again “Oh I’m just teasing girl!” she reached out and touched my shoulder in a friendly manner “God knows, I would love to have some help as well, Tom is such a miser sometimes…” she mused “How did you get Joe to get you help?!” she laughed “Ah nevermind I need to go, thanks so much!! Love yeah by amber” she shouted inside the house, as she turned and walked back out to her car she gestured a genuine thank you with her lips. I smiled back fake as they came, she blew a kiss and went on to her car. What a bitch I thought. But I did sigh in relief as I shut the door, at least I can start containing the situation now. I told Rebecca who was still busy with the girls, they were both talking to her loudly about more nonsense from school and TV ect. I quickly told Rebbeca that I wanted to go get dressed, and to keep her eyes on them, making sure to give her a look, and then gesture with my head to Amber. She understood. As I was getting dressed, I was thinking on how to fix this damn mess. If Amber opened her big mouth to anyone I was in deep shit. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I thought in distress, No! I cannot let desperation overcome me. I can save this! I can do it! Whatever it takes! I finished dressing, and stood in front of the closed doors, damn how did I let this happen… I took a deep slow breath, and exhaled, before opening the door. Let’s do this. The two girls sat by the counter on the stools eating and talking and giggling. I took the opportunity to talk with Rebecca, she assured me that Amber did not have the chance to talk to Lilly alone, and she did not mention us at all. I sighed in relief, and asked her what she thought. She only looked at me with a –I have no clue- look. I was afraid of that. “Ok I will have a talk with Amber, and you keep Lilly occupied. I will make sure she stays quiet” “How are you going to do that, what are you gonna say?” Rebecca asked with curiosity “No clue” I replied with a tinge of desperation The girls were just finishing up, as I told Amber and Lilly that I needed to talk to Amber quickly “Why mom?” Lilly asked innocently, but she showed that she felt it strange for me to ask this Fuck… “Emmm…” Think, think! “Emm… Mrs Delphine… asked me… asked me to talk to her a bit that’s all dear” “About what?” Amber asked now, Lilly looked at her friend and then me waiting to hear the answer For fuck sake… “I… Mrs Delphine asked me not to say, it’s between her and Amber” “Then why did she want you to tell he…” — “Shush Lilly, Rebecca you two clean up here, and go play for a bit, when I finish with Amber, you two can start working on your project” I said with authority, even a bit more pissed than I intended. “Come with me dear” I gently but firmly took amber by her hand, and led her down the hall. I was having second thoughts when we entered my room, the room that was still disheveled from me and Rebecca’s love making, and still smelled a bit of sex. I decided it better that we go to the guest room. It was smallish but had a big comfy bed, just not much else, so I sat her down on the edge closest to the door, and I sat down next to her, so we were both facing each other slightly. I collected my thoughts as I inspected the young girl before me. In all the chaos, I forgot how pretty she was. Blond with blue eyes, soft white clear skin. She seemed a bit more developed than Lilly especially in her chest, but she was still developing it was clear. Both her and Lilly were active in sports, so this also showed. Lilly was a bit more petite compared to Amber, still looking a bit less developed, they were both beauties, each in her own right. Amber’s clothes were not super revealing. She wore short, cut off shorts, and a cute T shirt that was just tight enough to show off her gems. Her legs were magnificent, her thighs, creamy white, supple, and firm. Her ass as well. I was so distracted in checking the teen out, that I startled slightly, and snapped out of it when Amber asked. “What did my mom want Mrs Fischer?” she asked while smiling cutely, damn she was gorgeous “Well… I did fib a bit Amber” I said admiringly, she nodded and asked “Why?” looking at me sincerely with those blue eyes I was a bit confused at her sincerity, surely she must know what she saw “When you came into my room earlier… ” —! “When you were having sex with Rebecca?” she did not break I contact, she did not smile, but not negative as well. It was surprisingly calm a neutral. *Shock Stare* I was dumbfounded, she was completely right, but to say it so calmly and bluntly felt out of place. It also confirmed my worst fear, she saw every… how much did she see? Enough to know… “Its fine Mrs Ficsher…” She smiled “I know all about sex!” she said proudly “You do?” I asked apprehensively “Yes mam, me and Lilly both” I perked up at that, but she continued on her own “Yup, we saw -the porn- (jeez I thought), we saw it online, some other girls showed us” She said in confidence I was still very tense, and hearing about this did trouble me. Here I was trying to shield her from my depravity, and here come some random ditsy girls and shows my daughter porn. I had to understand what they saw, because clearly Amber was still quite clueless it seemed. “Ok dear, I am not mad, I am glad you told me, what exactly did you see?” I asked carefully “Well…” she started shyly “There was a man and a woman…” she paused and looked at me guilty “…And another woman” I stiffened a bit at that “They were having… Sex… and” she was recalling the experience carefully “We saw everything, I saw his penis, it was very… stiff…” she blushed “And the women were naked and very pretty…” Amber went on to tell her all about it. Aperantly it was quite hardcore, because it shoed all the genetaila, and full penetration. And besides there being two women, it sounded fairly tame? Straight forward is more appropriate. She did mentioned the girls kissed a lot and she thought it strange because she thought only boys kissed girls and she added… “But now I know it’s not strange at all, and when I saw you and Reb” —! “Ahem” I cleared my throat to interrupt her. “Listen Amber, about what you saw just now” I said to her in a grave tone “This was just me and Rebecca fooling around, it was innocent fun, we were just playing…” I hoped to god that I could convince her it was nothing “Playing…? Like a game?” she was clearly a bit puzzled, damn this will be impossible… “Well, dear sort of…” she just stared at me, waiting for me to elaborate “Well sometimes when a woman gets lonely…” *Gulp* I continued while facing away for a moment, finding the words “…They play silly games, like kissing with a boy, but make believe” “Isn’t that silly? Like kids imagine stuff?” she giggled I stopped and tried to asses if that is what I wanted to convey “Yeah maybe a bit, but more like imagining for grown-ups like me” I hope this goes well “Mmm so does my mom play these games as well? Does Lilly’s da— Mr Fischer play as well?” Jeez… fuck! Fuck! “No…” I mean “Its not that simple” I said and stopping to think “What do you mean Mrs Fischer? Not simple??” she was clearly trying to grasp my meaning, needing to get what I am saying, she seemed very curious. Too damn curious. “Well no, Mr fischer doesn’t know, he cannot find out, neither can your mom…” I was desperate to make her understand this, but also to not give away too much, so impossible! “WHY?!” she asked confused and a tad mad, squinting her eyes a bit “Well this play time is between me and Rebecca, you surprised us, you were not meant to see us” I said with a tinge of regret “But if it was just playing, why can’t they know? Why can’t I? can Lilly?!” “NO!” I raised my voice and held her arm, a bit too rough, she cried out an ouch “Sorry dear!” I let go and rubbed her arm where I grabbed her “You must never ever tell Lilly, or anyone! Do you hear me???” She seemed a bit hurt by my tone and roughness, showing a bit of a petulant posture. “I don’t get it Mrs Fischer! You and Rebecca were doing more than just playing, I saw you!” She raised her voice a bit Fuck! Fuck! I am messing this up bigtime “No shush dear, it was just… it was nothing dear, you have to believe me!” I was so desperate, I was panicked as well, she did not seem to pick up on it though “Liar! I will tell my mom, and ask her if it was really a game!” she was being such a fucking brat!! She was about to get up to leave, but I grabbed her by the arm again, and told her firmly “Sit back down missy, NOW!” she did as I said but was disengaged, crossing her arms and turning away from me, it felt like I was just handling another tantrum just less than an hour ago. I was losing patients now, and I needed to make sure this is done, or else all is in ruins. “You are right dear” she perked up at that “I was having sex with Rebecca” truth was the only escape, my last hope “And Mr Fischer does not know, and Lilly can never know.” I was sincere, Amber did pick up on this and turned back towards me and lowered her arms. “Amber dear” I put my palm on her cheek in a soothing manner “If you ever tell anyone about what you saw, I will be in a lot of trouble…” pausing “…Her Dad he won’t understand… he will hate me, he will even separate me from Lily…” *gulp* “…You don’t want that for her do you?” Amber looked at me, seeming to understand the implications. “So can you help me Amber? Can you keep it a secret? It was a stupid mistake that could ruin everything… it was a onetime thing, I will never cheat on him again, just please keep your word not to tell anyone, I will do anything to make it better” I pleaded. I was truly willing to give up Rebecca if it meant keeping this quiet. “Anything?” she asked me, with a weird look, it should have warned me what she was up to but I had no clue “Yes Amber, anything to make this go away. You would save me and Lilly” “I want to play as well.” She said crossing her arms again and looking me straight in the eyes Confused “You what??” “I want to play as well Mrs Fischer!! I am a grown woman, and I know nothing about sex, and my parents won’t let me talk to them about it, and…” —- “What do you expect me to do about it?!” I asked incredulously “I want you to teach me! I want to know how to kiss too!” she said still looking me straight in the eyes, was this little brat really being demanding? With me?? “No amber, that is not appropriate, besides, I am a grown woman, and you are just a girl, and adults and kids should not…” — “I am not a kid anymore!!” she raised her voice, “I want to know more about sex. And if you do not teach me, than I will… I will use Lilly to do it!!” She leaned in showing spite in spades “Oh no you won’t young lady” I spat back “If you lay a hand on my daughter I will…” — “What?!” she smiled in defiance “You gonna hit me as well?” “No I would nev…” — “You are going to cheat, and have sex with women, and hit me as well?!” “No Amber, please… I … you have to understand…” Its hurt, she was right I was a cheater and I did have sex with women, a girl really… Amber went on in her tirade “You –grown ups—are all the same, so afraid to let us grow up, while you got about and do all the perverted things you want! Its not fair, and I’m sick of it, and if you want to act like a slut and cheat on your husb…” —!!!! *SLAP!!!* *Dead silence* I now had my hands on my gaping mouth and my eyes were like saucers with shock, I just hit her, smacked her across the face. She was now holding her hands at the spot of the impact, but she was not crying, just very, very mad. She was about to storm off, and I reacted quickly, by grabbing her from behind. “No No No Please AMBER…” She was leaning forward trying to leave my hold on her, but I was bigger and stronger, but I did not want to be rough with her. “Please Amber sit, please sit, please… please…” I was so desperate, I knew I fucked up, oh so horribly… it cannot be over it cannot end like this “PLEASE PLEASE AMBER STAY” she kept leaning away, only telling me to let go repeatedly. I could not allow her to leave, not yet! “Please amber, I will! I will, I will help you! I promise, I promise, Il’l do it just don’t go please!” I was almost sobbing when I felt her stop leaning, I did not let go though. “What will you help me with?” she asked quietly still not facing me I knew I was fucked, but this was a last resort, maybe I could minimize the damage, maybe she just wants to learn some silly stuff and will forget about it. “I will help you learn about sex” I said quietly not watning to hear the words “How??” She leaned towards the bed, so I let go a bit, she lossened my grip and I let her, as she sat back down, I breathed in deeply, calming the dread and panic as much as possible. “I… I don’t know, I am not sure, I never…” My brain was still a mess with this whole ordeal The little brat now sat quietly as if to contemplate, I stood there waiting, trying to think of things to offer. “I could, I could… give you lesson, yeah, like sex ed, and the internet has so many sources and..” “No!” she crossed her arms “I want practical lessons, I want you to teach me how to kiss, that sex ed stuff was boring and useless” she was petulant again For fucks sake “But what do you mean, how am I supposed to teach you?!” “Like you must have taught Rebecca” she spat with venom she just started honing That stang, Amber is such a bitch I realized, seems the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. “No way! Nope, ask anything else, I will not debase myself for a little brat who thinks she is a grown up already” “Fine! Have it your way…” she said with a sly smile, and stood back up in order to leave Fuck! “Fine fine! Don’t go, sit sit” I goaded her, while I sit beside her “Amber you do know what you are doing here right, you know it is wrong” I tried to shame her into stopping this madness “Maybe Mrs Fischer, but is it as bad as cheating on Mr Fischer with the babysitter?” sly smile For a young girl she seemed like a true vileness from one of those teen TV show Lilly made her watch with her. She now noticed this much more than how young and pretty she was. And what was even more maddening was that she still looked quite innocent, she was just a clueless girl, but she knew enough to ruin my life. I felt like I was handling TNT, the wrong move and BOOM it would blow me to hell. “Ok you little brat, I want to know how to kiss?” I asked angrily “YES!! Finally” she was giddy, totally ignoring my anger, she sat up straight closed her eyes and puckered her lips leaning into me. If this was not the saddest situation ever, it would be comical, she is so clueless, poor thing. “I’m ready Mrs Fischer, Miss Fischer?” she opened her eyes back up when nothing happened, and looked at me smiling knowingly at her. She became shy, tilting her head down a bit. “You never kissed before, have you Amber?” I knew the answer but asked anyway She was quiet, I took this to mean yes, I propped her head back up with my hand, and looked at her lovingly. I have seen her grow up since she was a pup, I loved her almost as much as I loved Lilly. “Amber its not too, late to go back on all this, you should be patient… learn to enjoy not knowing everything yet, it’s a journey you should take with someone you care for, someone who loves you” I said to her sincerely “Don’t you love me Mrs Fischer?” she looked at me, so innocent, such a kid still really “Yes I do dear!” I hugged her and pulled her back to look her in the eyes “You are like a daughter to me, I love you and Lilly as well, I would never do anything to hurt you” as I said it she lifted her palm to her cheek, where I hit her, a ping of guilt “I am so sorry about that dear” I hugged her again and kissed her on the spot, I wanted to lean back, but this time Amber held me. She looked at me with those deep clear blue eyes, she was so magnificent. I was lost in her gaze, not noticing her leaning in to me, closing her lips to my own. As she connected her lips, it was like the smallest peck, but I could feel a touch of wetness on my lower lip where her mouth parted just a tiny bit. It was so delicate and tame, almost unnoticeable. It felt really good I thought, her eyes were now closed again, and I let my own close as well. The moment felt like a small eternity, just two sensations, the soft touch of Amber’s lips on my own, and that small wetness of her mouth. The array of emotions was immense, she tricked me! It feels so nice though. I can’t! not with a girl!! Not with dear Amber!!! She is so pretty, I can’t… A rush of blood flooded her face, and then her chest and waist and thighs and her… pelvice. Ambers broke the kiss momentarily, but kissed again, now my upper lip, I did not move. I needed to move, to stop this! I was just horny that’s all, the surprised stopped me mid fuck, that’s all. I could stop this no problem, yeah stoooo… — Another peck to the side of my mouth, I moaned, fuck this was so sexy. She became bolder now, after hearing my reaction, damn I could just lean away and stooo… — more wetness, she licked my lip now and kissed it again, another moan from me. FUCK!! My head was drifting, I was not able to hold more than half a thought in my mind. Sto- *mooch* I love thi- *tiny lick* So wro- *Kiss* How is she so goo at thi- *Slow lick*. The assault was the most delicate and sexy thing I have ever experienced. She was so timid but getting bolder now. I just let her, I should have stopped her, I wanted to… “Amber I…” I thought I managed to start talking, but amber used the opening of my own mouth to dive in deeper, she licked the inner part of my upper lip and caught between her own upper lip and kissed. So now I had my mouth slightly open letting her access even more of my mouth. All I could do was sit there, I could not stop her, I tried to put my arms on her shoulder to create distance, but I they were like cooked noodles, could not exert any force, in fact she read this as me embracing her. Amber scooted in even closer now, putting her arms around my neck. The warmth of her body squizing on my own, was amazing. Her constant playing with my lips was incredible. I was so aroused, I was lost in lust, when I started kissing back. I knew I needed to show her what I like. I was now taking the lead. I grabbed her head with my hands delicately as possible, and tilted he head to gain leverage. I kissed her passionate but slowly, I liked across her upper than lower lip, I took in her lower lip and sucked a bit. She now moaned. I opened my eyes to see her pretty little face, she was gorgeous like an angel. I was flooded with guilt, and than my pussy felt a wave of pleasure, and this caused me to assault the girl even more. I tilted her head back more, and exposed her delicate neck and pleasured it with my lips and tongue, she giggled and then moaned. It was a woman’s moan out of a girls mouth. I went back to her mouth and used my tongue to part her lips and find hers. I flicked hers and retracted, again, and again, now Amber reacted, she anticipated my flicks and stuck out her tongue softly to accept it. She also sucked on it some times. Damn she was learning fast, this caused me to moan. I was noticing she was picking up on my style, and was making moves of her own, I loved how she went for my neck as well, I moaned loudly and thrust my pelvis towards her body, I whispered instinctively in lust “Oh Amber” FUCK! What was I doing?! We were making out now! It was so fucking amazing, I wanted it to never end, I was so aroused and she was so pretty, mmm and so sexy the way she is writhing now. SHE IS JUST A GIRL!! My mind screemed, I was about to break contact when she touched my breast with her hand “Ohhhhh” I mound loudly, embarssed by volume a changed tone “Amber no!” I whispered “Please Mrs Fischer, I want to touch you so bad” she was so perfect her voice that of pure sexual wanton, and yet still had a girls voice. Her lips were more swollen now and darker in tone, which made them even sexier than before, her cheeks were pink as she had ever seen them, coloring the clear white skin. Damn she is so irresistible, I went back to kissing her passionately, I was making out with her now. The poor thing tried to keep up, but I was too much for her, and she was still so inexperienced. She let me take control, and did her best to play along. I was now molesting her whole face, and I admit I was also humping her unconsciously. It was slight movement, but she must have felt it because, she was reacting to it with her own humping. It was starting to really warm up when Lynn her the door open. SHIT NOT AGAIN!!! It was just Rebecca, a relief… But the look on Rebecca discovering them was pure shock and utter amusement. “Look at the dirty mommy playing woth amber” she said with a shit eating grin, clearly teasing her “Mom?! Amber?! Are they done yet Becca?” Lilly was close but Rebecca was only peeking with the door open enough to see inside. She closed the door fast, and I heard her distract Lilly away from the guest room. Meanwhile the lurid make out session stopped, so I took the opportunity to stop the madness. She told me she was grateful for the lesson, and said she loved everything that I taught her. She had her usual cute demeanor but now was added a clear layer of sexuality to it, that made me flush and hot again. I made clear with her, that no one is to know about what she saw, and what I just did with her. She did inquire about more “Lessons”, I was so tempted, but I only playacted her by saying “We will see dear…” I touched her cheek again lovingly and she put mine over hers. Looking at me with those endlessly blue eyes, pure beauty. I pecked her on the cheek, this time more like a mother would. Well I am a mother, but when I kissed her before, there was nothing motherly about it. We went back, out and I was so much calmer knowing I might have gotten away with the disaster. I still had a sinking feeling of dread, of what could have happened, what still could happen. And I also had to deal with Rebecca. She would not let me live it down. She made sure to rub it in my face how judgmental I was with her when we were talking earlier. But it was mostly in good spirits. I was also worried she would be jealous, but she just said she loved it, and thought it was the sexiest thing she ever saw. I did love how she thought and spoke, but she was deranged if she thought I would go through with any of her current of future plans, about Lilly or Amber. Later that night, she was in bed with Joe already snoozing away. I went over the eventful day in my head. It started with fear, of what could have been, but quickly transitioned into how much fun she had with Rebecca, and how they were discovered. What if we had let her watch? Mmmm that would be so fucking hot! What the hell am I thinking?! That would be ridiculous. How could I have let it get so far? I actually molested a young girl, my daughter’s best friend! – And making out with the young blonde was so immensely erotic, I will never forget it, I thought as my hand reached down into my panties. It was not long before I was climaxing, to thoughts of making out with Amber, and amber with Rebecca, and I with Lilly…. YESSSSSSS!!!! I came so hard and loud, I woke up poor Joe, I quickly hushed him back to sleep, calling it a dream. I came several more times that night, quieter though, careful not to wake my clueless husband. This lasted until I finally fell asleep dreaming of young girls and naughty deeds. To be continued -- source link
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