glumshoe:kaijutegu:glumshoe:afrosarah:glumshoe:afrosarah:afrosarah:glumshoe:Yeah, just some childhoo
glumshoe:kaijutegu:glumshoe:afrosarah:glumshoe:afrosarah:afrosarah:glumshoe:Yeah, just some childhood art of George Washington skinny-dipping in a river with a goose. No biggie.I’m losing my mind because I have a pic so similar to this but iirc it’s Abe Lincoln surfboarding and also he is a furryCorrection: it is, in fact, George Washington (see periwig). I have no explanation for this.My apologies to the founding fathers.don’t apologize but also. how can you tell that’s Washington. Because he is pictured here removing his trademark wig to serenade Honest Abe as an Elvis impersonator7 yr old me was in some kind of fandom consisting of just 1 person lmaodyduwiFHSIWYGEJSarah WHAT Washington/Lincoln fandom has existed since 1865WHY. WHY THIS. The first image will haunt my soul forever. -- source link