livebloggingmydescentintomadness: freckles-and-wings:destiel-johnlocked:cockles + kisses *scream
livebloggingmydescentintomadness: freckles-and-wings: destiel-johnlocked: cockles + kisses *screams internally* idek which one is worse because in 1 and 4 the kissed one’s reaction just maKES MY SHIPPER HEART MELT number 2 is like the actual canonization of our biggest fantasies and please let’s never forget that they closed their eyes for a fake kiss and tilted their heads and jensen had such a genuine tender smile when they parted and i just!!!!!!!! and finally number 3 might not seem as much at first sight but i think it’s the most tender of all because it was just misha trying to reassure jensen and that’s how he chose to do it and jensen didn’t even flinch i mean he’s gotta be pretty used to misha just wrapping his fingers around his face for a kiss /coughs oh god thesnuggliestduckling: #MAKING SNOW ANGELS IN MY TRASH PILE (via livebloggingmydescentintomadness) -- source link
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