sirxusblack: Blue made herself a nest of sofa cushions beside Gansey and put her head in his lap. 

sirxusblack: Blue made herself a nest of sofa cushions beside Gansey and put her head in his lap. 
sirxusblack: Blue made herself a nest of sofa cushions beside Gansey and put her head in his lap. 
sirxusblack: Blue made herself a nest of sofa cushions beside Gansey and put her head in his lap. 
sirxusblack: Blue made herself a nest of sofa cushions beside Gansey and put her head in his lap. 
sirxusblack: Blue made herself a nest of sofa cushions beside Gansey and put her head in his lap. 
sirxusblack: Blue made herself a nest of sofa cushions beside Gansey and put her head in his lap. 
sirxusblack: Blue made herself a nest of sofa cushions beside Gansey and put her head in his lap. 
sirxusblack: Blue made herself a nest of sofa cushions beside Gansey and put her head in his lap.