papillon-de-mai:”Jeder Engel ist schrecklich. Und dennoch, weh mir,ansing ich euch, fast tödliche Vö
papillon-de-mai:”Jeder Engel ist schrecklich. Und dennoch, weh mir,ansing ich euch, fast tödliche Vögelder Seele,wissend um euch.““Every angel is terrible. And yet, alas, I welcome you, almost fatal birds of the soul, knowing about you.” — Rainer Maria Rilke, Duineser Elegien: Die zweite Elegie (1923)“I really don’t know what gave me the idea of angels. One day I wrote “angels” in my notebook, and the next day “the unemployed.” Maybe it was because I was reading Rilke at the time—nothing to do with films—and realizing as I read how much of his writing is inhabited by angels. Reading Rilke every night, perhaps I got used to the idea of angels being around.”— Wim Wenders, essay written in October 1987, after the release of Wings of Desire. -- source link
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