mylittlehony:horsesarecreatures: Scherife, the last horse in Amba’s dam line that I could find a pho
mylittlehony:horsesarecreatures: Scherife, the last horse in Amba’s dam line that I could find a photo of. She was bred by the Shammar tribe which originated in Yemen, though I’m not sure where she was born. ^Another photo of her under the name “Cherife.” It seems like that was her original name, which was later changed to 214 Scherifa in Hungary, but in Amba’s pedigree she is just listed as Scherife. Scherife was one of the horses imported by Fadlallah el Hedad, on what I believe was his last trip back to the desert. She was in foal at the time of her purchase, and in fact gave birth on the journey back to Bábolna. The newborn foal had to be carried on a stretcher from Arak to Tadmur/Palmyra, but by three days old it was keeping up with the adult horses without trouble. Unfortunately, it died of a lung complaint after it was chilled in a rainstorm. Scherife was named for her strain, Kuhaylat al-Sharif, which came into the hands of the Shammar Bedouin during their war with the Sharif of Mecca. The conflict began in the early 1600s, when the Shammar allied themselves with the Beni Khalid against the Sharifs of Mecca; the strains had likely passed to Shammar before 1700, as at least one of the strains known to have been taken by the Shammar in the Battle of the Sharif was in their ownership at the time of the Battle of Dibssah (1111 Hijri/A.D. 1699-1700). So the Kuhaylat al-Sharif had been with the Shammar for somewhere between two and three hundred years by the time Scherife herself was foaled. Scherife’s line arrived in Poland as the result of war as well, in this case, WWII. Arabian mares had been requisitioned by the Nazis from Bábolna, some for Hostau, others for use in the Behring serum laboratory. There is some confusion in the sources I have read as to whether Scherife’s great-granddaughters Bulwa and Brzytwa were serum laboratory mares, or mares that had been caught up in the evacuations, or that had been sent to Poland in exchange for the repatriation of Bábolna stallions from the serum laboratory, but whatever the specific circumstances were, Bulwa and Brzytwa were in Poland after the war. Brzytwa had one foal, Brussa, at Klemensów, in 1948; Bulwa produced two important daughters by Witraz, Alga, foaled in 1947 at Posadowo, and Bulgotka, foaled in 1951 at Albigowa. Alga founded the Polish A-line family, which has produced such horses as Algonkina, dam of the champion racehorses Algorab and Allahabad and the exquisite mare Algeria as well as the famous stallion Algomej, Algoa, the winner of the Polish Oaks and Criterium Stakes and dam of the Polish National Champion stallion Aloes, Brusally Orin, a Legion of Honour winner and successful show hunter, Polish National Champion mare Alejka, the beautiful but ill-fated mare Amra, who died of colic after foaling, the successful show stallion TA Arapaho, the stakes-winning mare Algora, dam of the winning racehorse and champion show stallion Alwaro, and the mare Alarga, who was nicknamed the “trotting wonder”. Her pedigree in the Al Khamsa Roster. She had a very thin line of asil descendancy that made it to the United States in the 1940s. It was promptly crossed with Witez II. Amba’s damline deviates early on from this one with the offspring of 10.Gazal.(Sidenote: the bug in the Al Khamsa Roster that gives 214 Scherife’s DOB as 18946 is known to the AKR folks; it’s one of the things they are fixing for the 2.0 roster that is in the works right now.)*Sigleilan and her dam *240 Koheilan VIII-5 were among the 1946 collection of Arabians that were imported to the United States 1940 GM *240 Koheilan VIII-5 (Koheilan VIII (BAB) x 2.Mersuch I (BAB)).Another of *240 Koheilan VIII-5′s offspring was the 1958 stallion KOSCIUSKO (sired by *Witez II), who himself is in the AERC Hall of Fame as the 1976 entrant and is a notable pedigree element in endurance racing today. Indeed, quite a few of the 2021 Tevis Cup horses went back to Kosciusko. He was the foundation stallion for the Hyannis Cattle Co. *240 Koheilan VIII-5′s sire, the 1922 GS KOHEILAN VIII (BAB) (Koheilan IV (BAB) x 10.Gazal (BAB)), photo from the archive of Dr. Frielinghaus and courtesy of Wilton Burger.and another photo of KOHEILAN VIII (BAB), who was bred at Babolna but also stood stud at the Polish stud of Janow under the name of KOHEILAN I (POL):Koheilan VIII (BAB) was the sire of the mare KASZTELANKA (ex Bialogrodka), who is notable as one of the interwar Polish imports to the United States by Henry Babson, who also imported 6 Arabians from Egypt as well as the Old English/Crabbet stallion *Aldebaran from the UK by way of Canada, which is how an asil line to the stallion *Dwarka still exists today. Kasztelanka, below:source: Araabian Horse Archives, Inc, courtesy of Michael BowlingShe is known best as the dam of the stallion *Fadheilan, himself the sire of Fadjur. Their impact on the Arabian breed in the United States cannot be overstated.Koheilan VIII (BAB) was also the sire of the Kuhaylah Moradiyah mare LASSA (ex Zulejma), who was one of the last of the Polish asils before the typhoon that was horses like Tripolis, Fetysz and Enwer Bey swept through the genepool. In absolute fairness, a significant part of this loss was due to the horror of World War I, followed by the horror of World War II, which absolutely decimated the Polish breeding programs. source: Marta Ulan in the Old World Polish Arabian groupAnother daughter of Koheilan VIII was the mare JASKOLKA II (ex Gazella II), who is probably most often seen in pedigrees through her daughter Wilka, the dam of Carmen, who in turn was the dam of the stallion Comet. Relevant to Amba is the fact that Comet was the sire of Eunice, and thus the damsire of Eukaliptus. Photo of Jaskolka II, below:IKWA (Koheilan VIII x Elstera), another daughter who is in the damline of the stallion Nabor:Another Koheilan VIII daughter, JAGA II (ex Bajka), the dam of the stallion Wind. She is also found in the pedigree of the stallion Celebes:PIOLUN (ex Dziewanna), a son of Koheilan VIII for a change. Those only casually acquainted with pedigrees may recognize him as the sire of Priboj, And to tie it all back together, another of the Patton imports was the stallion LOTNIK (Opal x Mokka). Opal’s sire was Koheilan VIII.One thing that can be said about Scherife: you’ll often find her in sport performance pedigrees. A quick look at the AERC Tevis Cup Hall of Fame horses from the last 30 years reveals that the following trace back to her:2019: FIRE MT MALABAR [pedigree]2018: AMBASKIN COUNT SHILOH 2015: LV INTEGRITY [pedigree]2014: MRR PYRO [pedigree]2008: EDENS BAY RUM [pedigree]2003: RAMEGWA DRUBIN [pedigree]1998: DR THUNDER BASK [pedigree]1997: PIERAZ [pedigree]*1992: SIERRA FADWAH [pedigree]1990: RO GRAND SULTAN [pedigree]*sidenote, Pieraz has a genetic twin that was cloned in 2005. -- source link
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