And we’re back!Guess who’s now officially making an appearance in this episode….You guessed
And we’re back!Guess who’s now officially making an appearance in this episode….You guessed it- Void Stiles!!I’m typing this out before I actually write this episode, but I swear I’m not ready at all lmao.I know it’s only a short appearance, but I hope I manage to satisfy your Void needs, If not please don’t hate me. Tv Show- Teen Wolf.Series Name- The Rise Of The Dark Spirits.Part-Season 3- Episode 19- Letharia Vulpina.~~~~~Your movements were immediate and quick, white walls passing through your vision as you speed through different hallways, everything just merging into a blur of colour.Stiles was gone. Again.Your heart was pounding at an unreadable rate, breathing quick as the lights around you continue to subtly flicker. After however many minutes of panic, you finally stop yourself, pants of exhaustion tumbling out of your lips one after the other while you practically fall against a wall, attempting to control the pace.But you didn’t let yourself, eyes wildly flickering about until a thought passed through your head, beginning to pat at your pockets before frantically digging out your phone once you actually felt it. The device was tightly gripped between your fingers as you poke at the screen, too many emotions completely surging through your body as you find the contact of your brothers.“Scott? Scott, where are you?” you breathe out frantically, voice strained and shaky as you attempt to hide the urge to cry. “We’re on the roof….. We might have a bigger problem on our hands than expected.” your brother calls through and you sink into the wall behind you, hand clapping onto your forehead as the tears burn at your eyes. “Y/n?”“He’s gone.” you manage to mutter out, words extremely hard to muster as you didn’t want to believe it. “He’s wha- who, Y/n, who? Who’s gone?” Scott questions with confusion evident in his tone, a huff of air passing through your lips as you push yourself off of the wall, feet moving and moving fast. “Stiles! Okay, Stiles is gone! We… The lights in the room flickered and- I took my eyes off of him for one second. One god damn second and he just disappeared-”“Hey, hey, hey. Calm down, okay, uh- whoa!” Scotts semi-panicked voice completely jolted into a yelp of fear, mumbles of incoherent yells and a weird crackling sound calling through your end of the phone before you hear fast movements. “Scott? Derek?” you call through quickly, feet managing to move on but with fear in every step.“We’re fine, okay? Just get to the ground floor.” Derek’s voice loudly insists, their fast movements not even daring to seize making dread just fill your stomach. “What’s going on-”“Go! Y/n, just go!”Your mind was purely muddled, your next moves decided by your legs as you speed towards the entrance to the stairs, ramming through the door before completely winding down the staircase, frantic pants passing through your lips after every step.“Y/n!” a voice shouts the moment you get to the last set of stairs, your eyes flickering around to see both your brother and Derek, movements somehow speeding up as you practically stumble down the stairs.Scott quickly grabs onto your arm when you get to him, giving Derek a short nod before all of you began running through the halls. “What’s going on?” you question, every step making your voice shake, Scotts hand moving down to yours. “Keep moving!” Derek calls back and you look to your side, meeting the eyes of Scott while you ran, but he only squeezes your hand in response.Derek then shoves through an exit door in front of you, Scott making both of you pass through straight afterwards before running along side the building. Screams of fright and weird crackling noises caught your ears as your eyebrows furrow, seeing multiple people stopping in their tracks and staring at something up ahead.The three of you then swerve round the corner when the building was finished, bolting through the road of the parking lot as something caught your eyes.However, your movement was suddenly halted, Derek shoving in between you and Scott before putting his arms in front of either of you, making sure that you didn’t take another step. Your eyes flicker over to him in confusion, but look down after a second, taking a small step back when you saw liquid pooling right in front of all of you. It was a massive spill, your eyes scanning over it before they widen, landing on a familiar person that stood right in the middle of it. “Kira?” you breathe out, however your attention was immediately gone when you realize that a broken wire was flickering around her, electricity crackling from end that looked like it had been cut off, the thing practically waving in front of her face.The water had been electrified.Derek's hold was still on you, trying to keep you in place knowing that both you and Scott wanted to try and do something-But then it eased.Your mouth fell open as you literally watch Kira grab the wire with her own hand, the fiery light glinting in your eyes as your shoulders sink down with complete amazement.No words could even be mustered by any of you when Kira then places her other hand on top of the end of the wire, the previously crackling sparks over electricity getting covered as the light beams through the skin of her hand.A mild gasp slowly left your lips as Kira wasn’t reacting at all, her eyes closed as she attempts to control the movements of the wire. “What the hell?” you practically whisper, your shock then only increasing when you watch Kira open her eyes again.Her eyes were glowing a golden kind of colour as they flicker between you and the two werewolves on beside you, mostly staying on Scott.However, the sound of panicked people caught your ears and you see workers, patients, practically anyone who was in the hospital begin spilling out of the doors, Kira then finally dropping the wire when she took all the electricity away.Apparently she can do that now.You blink rapidly in response to everything, letting your eyes flicker about before you spot a familiar car, eyebrows then furrowing until you spot a trembling person beside the door. Allison…But where’s Isaac.The thought caused your eyes to flick around, looking through the people that were stumbling about in fear, people that just stood in shock, the people beside you-But then a body in a part of the pool of liquid caught your eyes, a sense of familiarity catching in your chest as you scan over the clothes that they wore, but then the feeling contorted into panic. “Isaac!”Your entire body rips away from Derek and you took off, not even caring when you run right into the puddle of water, the electricity finally taken away as you splash through it. You could hear Derek right behind you as you ran, not even turning round to look at him as you went straight for the boy.You immediately bent down when you were right beside Isaac, water seeping into your clothes when you fall to your knees, gently caress the side of the boys face as his body jolts the slightest. “Is he-”Derek’s attempt to speak was immediately cut off as you shift your hands to Isaac’s neck, heart feeling like it was pounding in your throat as your shoulders heave with panicked breaths. “He’s not breathing.” the words were hushed and mumbled as they left your lips, head jerking straight up as you meet the fearful eyes of the man in front of you. “Derek, he’s not breathing.”The emotion only increased in his eyes and you lean down towards Isaac again, hands placed on his face as Derek’s breathing got quicker, his body then twisting round as he turns to look at your brother. “Scott-”“He’s not breathing!”~~~~~“He’s not breathing!” “Shit, we just… We gotta-”“Come on! Isaac, come on, buddy!”“Breathe!”Your eyes snap open, body almost jerking forwards before some form of weight on your shoulder caught your attention.A sense of grogginess was stuck with you as you attempt to wake yourself up even more, rubbing at your eyes with your fingers until you look to your right, everything halting in response.Allison was there, her head resting on your shoulder as she must have given into the the urge of sleep.No one had any sense of what time it was, both of you sat in the hospital as there was no way either of you were just leaving Isaac after everything. You let your head sink back, not wanting to wake up Allison as she definitely didn’t need that. So you just press the back of your head into the wall behind you, a short sigh passing through your lips while your eyes fall closed. Doctors were walking by time after time as they did their job, the two of you continuing to stay seated, neither of you actually being allowed to see Isaac. You weren’t exactly family.The sound of elevator doors opening caught your ears, but you didn’t think much of it seeing as the hospital was a busy place.That thought process however went out the window when you heard the footsteps stop right beside you two, hearing some kind of incoherent mumble before you felt movement. A hum of acknowledgement left Allison’s lips as her head lifts off of your shoulder, the movement then causing your eyes to open, blinking a little in response to the sudden light in your eyes. “You both stayed here all night.”The comment made a mild huff leave your lips and you once again rub at your eyes, your attention then falling onto both your mother and brother standing in front of you and Allison. “Yeah, they wouldn’t let us see him because we’re not family,” the girl beside you then begins as you attempt to stretch your muscles. “I told them he doesn’t have any.”“We’ll he’s got us.” Melissa then points out and your eyebrows raise in response, looking over to her before meeting the eyes of your brother, only being able to muster the smallest smile that honestly didn’t even look genuine. “And I’ve got a key card.” your mother then adds on, pulling out the thing from her bag which made your eyebrows raise yet again. Isn’t she the coolest.The four of you arrived at the doors of the room that held Isaac, the feeling of eagerness building up in your system to see him but mainly getting overpowered by pure anxiety as you remember what happened to him. Stiles and Isaac in one night?Melissa swipes the key through the keypad and your body straightens up when the doors open, your eyes falling onto Isaacs resting body in a bed that was in the center of the room.In two days, you’ve now managed to see both of the people that you probably cared about the most end up in a hospital bed. Honestly, how cruel can this world get?“Be quick.” you just about managed to process from Melissa, the woman giving all of you one last look before she moved away.Scott was the first person to start moving, taking a few slow steps so that he entered the room, you and Allison however hanging back as this was so surreal.You snap out of your daze and look over to the girl beside you, attempting to once again contain the urge to cry before you lightly take her hand. Allison apparently snapped out of her own daze at the movement, eyes flickering down to your conjoined hands before looking into your own set of eyes.You give her one short nod after a second, a nod that she seemed to understand as she looks back into the room in front of her, taking in a deep breath before finally nodding back.Scott sent both of you a look as he waited for you guys to enter before moving more himself, and the two of you then finally start walking in, the quiet beeping of the machine Isaac was hooked up to practically echoing in your ears.You were now close enough, being able to see the scarred but raw skin that trailed down the side of his neck, the doors almost giving you a fright as they closed behind you.What you then noticed was that Allison was holding onto Scotts hand as well as yours, the three of you holding onto each other for comfort as you look at your injured friend. You all then look to each other, Scott’s eyes flickering between you and Allison, wordlessly asking if you could go closer and it took you a second, but you soon nod in response, Allison following suit.And now you all walk together, slowly moving to the side of the bed as the air felt like it was about to completely leave your lungs. “I thought he’d be healing by now.” Allison then points out, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as your own eyebrows then do the same.That’s a good point.“So did I.” Scott responds with confusion, eyes stuck on Isaac as he didn’t know what was going on either. You now watch as your brother lifts his free hand up, slowly reaching over the bed in front of him before placing his hand on Isaacs raw arm as gently as he could. “Is he… Is he in pain?” you then question with mild reluctance, clearing your throat straight after while taking note of the change of Scotts expression. He then looks back to both you and Allison, a short but mildly struggled nod being his response before he shifts his hand.Your eyebrows twitch the slightest when you see Isaac’s body lift with a deep breath, realizing that your brother was attempting to take the pain away when you notice his veins turning black.The movement of Isaacs body made you take your hand away from Allison’s, watching as his body mildly squirms in the bed before Scott finally let go, beginning to pant for air when as he hunches over the slightest.“It won’t heal him, but… It helps him with the pain.” Scott breathes out, taking in as much air as he could after practically every sentence. “Did Stiles really do this?” Allison then questions and your eyes immediately snap to hers, eyebrows twitching yet again before you shake your head. “It’s not him. Whatever’s controlling him did this. Whatever’s inside of him.”“Well, then how do we get whatever’s inside of him the hell out of him?” Allison questions quickly as she looks between you and your brother, a sigh being your only response before you move a few steps away from the two, rubbing your face with your hands. You couldn’t see it, but Scott was watching you with a certain expression, emotions inside of him moving like a whirlwind as he straightens up his body.“I’m working on it.”~~~The hours went by in what felt like slow-motion, a constant feeling of guilt and sadness eating at you no matter what people did to try and cheer you up.You did go to school though, as hard is it is, you told yourself to get through it, at least to fix up your education, Scott wouldn’t of let you leave anyway.The walls around you were merges of colour, but not because you were running this time, it was more because of the inability to focus on literally anything. Your mind was a tornado getting ready to attack the next person that approached and-Your body collides with someone else’s, stumbling backwards but being able to stabilize yourself before you could even begin to fall. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?!” a voice calls out with a frantic tone to it and your head snaps up at the familiar sound, eyes mildly widening when you see who it was.“Oh!… No, no, that was my fault, I’m sorry. I wasn’t… I wasn’t looking.” you insist quickly, hands up in defense as your eyes held your panic. “We don’t have to blame it on anyone then. Could just say that it was a weird coincidence to be walking in the same part of the hallway?” Kira suggests with a shrug, pulling her hands behind her back. Her comment made a short laugh fall from your lips, one of your own hands shifting to the back of your neck as you scratch it nervously. “I mean, uh, if it works for you…. But I am sorry.” you breathe out with sincerity, Kira’s eyes softening on you in response. “It’s fine, don’t worry.” she insists without a second to waste, a smile beaming on her lips that you just wish you could return, but all you do is just stare at her.The silence then hit you all at once and you clear your throat, arms tightly crossing over your chest as you shift your weight to another foot. “Uh, do have Coach next too?- Or are you in a different class?” you question when you compose yourself, Kira’s eyes honestly looking like they brightened up at your attempt to continue the conversation.“Yes! Uh… Yes, yeah, we’re doing that running thing, right?” she confirms as she moves to your side, the two of you wordlessly agreeing to start walking to that said class. “Oh, god. Out of everything we could be doing it’s running?” you begin, Kira about to make a comment before you tilt your head to the side with narrowed eyes. “To be honest, with our situations in the supernatural world, probably would come in handy.” The two of you carried on through the school to get to the girls locker room, comments leaving your lips that apparently made Kira almost die of laughter, you didn’t even think you were that funny.But now you were actually outside in that same forest that practically haunted you every single time. Your classmates were stood in a line with you, Kira right beside you as everyone starts preparing to get out of breath. “I regret all my life decisions.” you breathe out as you stare straight ahead, Kira letting out a huff of a laugh from beside you. “Me too.” a voice then agrees, your eyebrows furrowing when you realized it wasn’t the girl beside you, eyes quickly flickering away from her and to your other side.“What- Danny, you’re actually fit.” you point out, eyebrows immediately shooting up with disbelief. “That’s true,” he comments, nudging your side when you roll your eyes. “But that doesn’t mean that I have to like running.” Danny then points out and you sink back slightly, lips folding into a line as you shake your head. “You do realize that you don’t have to be smart all the time.”Laughter erupts from the two people beside you at the same time as the whistle was blown, you immediately getting a head start as you force yourself forwards. “Damn you, Y/n!” a voice shouts from behind you and what you would Identify as an evil smirk takes over you lips, legs practically moving faster than everyone else.The sound of the dry leaves crunching your feet satisfied your ears, body relaxing as you let the wind flow around you, the cooling sensation adding onto that feeling even more.For some reason, even though you absolutely despised running, you didn’t have any worries about this, you were just gonna get it over and done with. Well, that was until someone completely stopped that.A yelp of so many emotions echoes through the forest as you almost tumble to the floor, a pair of arms gripping you by the waist just in time before you could even get close. “I thought you hated running.”That voice.You knew that voice too well.“Stiles?” you breathe out as a whisper, eyes widening in an instant. Your body completely tenses in his hold as he straightens you up, however, before he could even see your face, you jerk yourself out of his hold, shoulders heaving as you stare straight forwards. “Y/n-”“You,” you start up, twisting on your heel to face him, the tears just building up in your eyes when you find those familiar whiskey ones. “How… Do you even realize the amount of things that I just want to shout at you right now.” your voice was struggling to contain the shakiness throughout the sentence, I mean obviously you didn’t want to shout at him after everything he has been going through and is still going through.But how the hell do you react to this.“I know,” Stiles then begins as he raises his hands slowly, your body tensing once again when he places his hands on your shoulders. “I know, okay? I do, but right now… I need to fix something. You can shout at me all you want afterwards, you can do whatever you want but-”The boys words quickly fall away as he looks to his right, you then looking in the same direction with furrowed eyebrows only to see the other runners, the confusion continuing to build up as Stiles practically jumps in front of you with raised hands. “Scott!”You completely twist around before seeing your brother with Kira, a weird feeling flowing through you as you realize the boy beside you was practically guarding the part of the ground in front of him. “Stiles?” you breathe out with slight fear passing through your voice. “Stop, stop, stop! Everyone stop!”All the runners now stopped behind Scott and Kira, Coach and Aiden halting behind both you and Stiles as your eyebrows furrow even more.Did Stiles outrun a werewolf?Your panicked eyes met with Scotts as you move away from Stiles, stepping towards Aiden while you let your eyes fall back onto the boy you had no idea how to feel about. Nothing was even close to resolving the feeling of confusion as you now watch as Stiles’ attention was back on the ground in front of him, hands sifting through the leaves for a few seconds before he grips onto something that made a metal sound.Your head tilts with complete confusion as your eyes focus on a circular handle, further seeing that some kind of thick chain was attached to it when Stiles continues to slowly lift it up.All of the people around him just stopped and stared as they watch the chain begin to bunch up in Stiles’ hands, Aiden's own hand gripping onto your shoulder when you went to move. This went on for a little while as everyone just waited in anticipation, being concerned and scared as to what could be connected to the end of the chain that was getting longer and longer-but then you found out.The tension that was built up completely dropped all at once, your shoulders sinking down as your eyebrows were just furrowed in response.It wasn’t even connected to anything. It was just another circular handle.Coach was the first one to react, clapping his hands in a mocking manner as he moves in the space between Stiles and the rest of the runners. “Congratulations, Stilinski,” Coach starts up, Stiles’ head slightly raising before he looks back to you, watching your doubtful expression with eyes that showed that he truly believed in whatever he was thinking. “You found a length of chain.”This can’t just be it, right? When has Stiles ever been wrong. I mean, you don’t even know what he was looking for, but stopping an entire class for the one thing?It seems like it’s really important.“Can somebody now please tell me what the hell is going on?” Coach continues on, an uncertain expression taking over your face as you look to the other people.However, just as you looked over, a certain string just about managed to catch your eyes when Coach began to move his foot, being too late in realizing what it was as the man walked right into it. “Wait, Coach-”Without even a second for anyone to react, some kind of sound pierces through the air and you almost didn’t see it from your angle, however the end of what got stuck into just below the center of Coach’s chest then glistened in the light.It was an arrow.How the hell do you miss the tripwire?A wave of gasps flow through the crowd of students that just watch in horror, your eyes continuing to widen as the realization of what just happened settles in, “Oh, crap.” practically being Coach’s only response before his body began to fall backwards. It doesn’t even matter how long had passed, but you, Scott, Stiles and Aiden were the only people that crouched by Coach, the man himself waking up after his initial shock and just screaming his heart out.“Get it out of me! Get it out of me! Get it out of me! Oh, my god. I’m gonna die.” he freaks out, his body just withering about as the blood seeps through his white shirt. “Coach,” you begin after a deep breath, but the man turns his head the other way, continue to shout in whatever emotions he was feeling at this point. “Coach, you’re not going to die.” Stiles then finishes for you, the boys hands putting pressure on the skin around the arrow to attempt to stop the bleeding. But Coach wasn’t listening.“It would hurt less if you stop moving, Coach.” Aiden then points out and your eyes flicker to your brothers, Scott then looks over to Stiles who then looks between both of you before nodding his head shortly.“Stay still, Coach. An ambulance is coming.” Aiden attempts again to calm the man down. “Get it out! I’m gonna die!” Coach screams out instead and you lean back from the others, so many emotions whirling through you before you look around the people that were surrounding. “Get back! Get back! Give him some room!” you shout out quickly and people began to listen, most of them moving backwards while you show no tolerance to the people who didn’t. “Get the hell back!”You lean back down once you thought they were far enough, giving your brother a nod. Scott then quickly grabs onto Coach's hand and squeezes it, the other three of you actually making sure that no one else was too close while your brother carried out his mission.Coach wasn’t even speaking anymore while the veins in Scotts hand were turning black yet again, however a certain grunt from the injured man then catches your ears and your eyes widen for the a millionth time. “I think he just passed out.” Aiden then informs and you completely sink down on your knees, one of your hands gripping at your shirt to supply yourself some comfort.“I- I could have killed him,” Stiles then suddenly starts up from beside you and your attention went to him without any fight, watching how he scans over his shaky, blood covered hands before looking between you and Scott. “I could have killed him, right? What if it was his head or his throat?”“But it wasn’t.” you point out quickly, not even giving him the chance to argue with you as you raise your eyebrows at him. “And he’s going to be all right.” Scott then adds on with a sincere look to the boy, these past few minutes just confusing the hell out of you.“I think I just heard an ambulance coming.” Aiden informs randomly and you look in the direction that it would be coming, a sound following after that you noticed immediately which made you look over to Stiles with wide eyes, a shuddered breath passing through his lips before he nods in response.“And my dad.”~You were now stood beside the familiar Jeep once again, eyes stuck on the ambulance as they just began pulling a stretcher into it, weird energy just sticking to you while watching Coach’s unconscious body.A hand on your arm then takes you away from your moment, blinking rapidly before you focus on the being beside you, Scott’s eyes softening at your stance.However, before you could begin to focus on him, your eyes fall away about a few spaces beside him and land both Stiles and his dad hugging beside the Sheriff car.What the hell is happening.The hand that was on your arm then gently squeezes you, a sigh leaving through your lips before you finally look at your brother, shoulders sinking the moment you meet his eyes. Though neither of you were what you could begin to call fine, Scott still had that ‘act’ where he put everyone before himself, giving you a smile to supply you some sort of positivity that you just had to return in response.“Scott, Y/n! You better come look at this.”The shout was only loud for the two of you, both you and Scott sharing a confused look before you focus on Ethan, turning back to Stiles one last time as you follow after Scott when he begins to move.Your movements halt the moment you get to the back of the Jeep with Ethan, the boy himself unzipping a bag in the boot while you just furrow your eyebrows in response, even more so when your brother picks up a particular thing. “This is the same wrapping paper we used for Coach’s birthday present.” Scott then points out and the confusion only layered on, Ethan picking up a small box before looking between you and Scott hesitantly. “Wasn’t that William Barrows thing? A bomb made from nails and bolts all wrapped in a birthday present?”The entire situation weighed down on you like an anchor, realization practically slapping you in the face before you look over to your brother with wide eyes, the air seeping out of your lungs as Scott just looked at you with confusion. “Where… Where did it go off?” you start up, the point you were trying to make immediately catching onto Scott as his own eyes widen.“On a school bus.”~You were now stood in between Scott and Stiles once again as you watch Parrish get into his gear, all of you standing behind the ramp to the parking lot for the buses while your heart just pounds in your chest.Noah was the only one on the ramp as he gives Parrish one last nod, the guy himself returning it before finally stepping in.Even though your mind was going a million times fast, you had no idea how Stiles was feeling, or even how to feel about Stiles in general.It wasn’t like you were blaming him for everything, but he sure as hell was blaming himself. He does that too much.The sounds of people chattering around you was the only thing that you focused on to keep yourself grounded, taking in a quiet but deep breath before beginning to reach your hand out. Your nerves were spiking, heart rate somehow increasing even more until you felt it.The tips of your fingers practically ghost over the skin of Stiles’ hand, the boy taking note of it and looking down as you kept moving. The decision was finally made and you swallow the nerves bubbling in your throat before taking your fingers away, moving them so that they were under Stiles’ hand and slip them between his own fingers. You completely refused to meet the boys eyes, but Stiles was staring at you since the start.A million things running through his own mind.He literally almost killed someone, has possibly planted a bomb inside of a bus, could potentially kill even more people and has definitely hurt you emotionally…. Yet you’re still on his side. He was in utter disbelief.Stiles couldn’t even begin to let words curl on his tongue, so the only thing he did was make himself face forwards, his fingers the tightly gripping onto your hand as he sniffles lightly, all of you starting at the bus once again as you wait in anticipation.None of you had an idea on how many minutes had past of Parrish being in the bus, your eyes watching as Noah was beginning to pace slightly, a sense of nervousness washing over literally everyone.But then the moment finally came, Noah raised his hand to his walkie-talkie and Stiles’ hand practically ripped away from yours as both of his clamped together, you not even daring to question it.You then spot Parrish moving towards the front window from inside the bus, your eyebrows once again furrowed in confusion. And then he suddenly presses something into it glass, the thing taking a second to focus with your eyes-But then you saw it.It was a desk name plate that held a certain name that sent chills down your spine.Sheriff Stilinski.Even though it was mostly because of the confusion, you sank back just a little, mouth separating in an attempt to speak which only fell short as you turn to look at Scott, the two of you then looking over to Stiles as you all share the same amount of confusion…. Until it clicked in your head.This was a detour. ~No one wasted any time as literally everyone scrambled away to get to the station, your entire heart feeling like it was about to stop the moment you got into the main area.The whole office was practically blown up, pieces of scraps and chunks of wall scattered everywhere while multiple people were wounded on the floor just bleeding out as they couldn’t move.“Get me an ambulance here, at the sheriff’s station. We’ve got an explosion. We got multiple officers down. Multiple officers down. We need an ambulance A.S.A.P. On the double.” Noah frantically calls through whatever he was holding, but you were too focused on one of the officers in front of you.Stiles basically crawls along the floor on the other side of the person while you just fell to your knees, expression blank as your eyes flicker over the mans face, blood spilling from his lips while glass was sticking out of certain parts of his body.But he was alive.A sharp breath leaves your lips, hands grasping onto the cold floor before you lift your head, meeting the eyes of Stiles as the two of you share a look. “Scott.” you then call out, knowing full well that he was gonna be in some kind of daze, but he’s the only one that can try to do something. “Scott?”Within a second, your brother stumbles towards you guys, quickly getting onto his knees when he sees the injured man between the two of you.“Can you do something?” Stiles breathes out, hands shaking as they wave about for reference and your breathing began to pick up, watching as the officer was squirming about in pain with mild whimpers. “Take his pain? Anything to make it easier?”“How many times can you do that in one day?” you question quietly, not even daring to meet your brothers eyes as he slowly moves his hand. “I can do it.” Scott insists without hesitation and you bite on your lips, sinking down even more with a nod of your head.Obviously you wanted him to help the poor guy, but he’s literally done it about 3 times today alone.That has to be exhausting, right?You then finally let your eyes rip away from whatever you zoned out on and watch as your brother takes one of the officers shaky hands, practically cupping it in his own before it began.Scott’s face was scrunching up while his veins show that he was doing it, your head jerking back to it’s original position when you hear struggled grunts, eyes widening when you see the officer attempt to raises his head.Tears just stung at your eyes as he huffs out air, blood practically spurting from his lips and then…… That was it.The officers head fell back down, entire world crumbling when it rolled to the side, full body going limp. He was gone.Scott was gasping as he attempts to regain his strength, but you couldn’t even try to look at him, mind racing as you just watched a man die, right in front of you. You could hardly hear Noah shouting at the three of you to go, barely focusing on his hand nudging at your arm too move.You were stuck.Scott was the first one to start up and he tugs Stiles up from his spot, “Y/n, come on!” but you couldn’t move, not even if you tried. Of course you’ve seen people die in movies, and you’ve unfortunately witnessed a few people die in your life, but not like this.Not one that could’ve been caused by your best friend- no, whatever was controlling your best friend.Your body was then lifted from the spot that you sat in, a pair of hands grabbing at your shoulders as you stumble to your feet, eyes not leaving the dead body even though you were getting taken away from it. “Y/n,” you could only recognize that voice as your brothers and you blink rapidly. “The oni. They’re coming.” a voice then informs frantically and you snap out of your daze, eyes finding the familiar person who was right beside you. Scott gently tugs both you and Stiles to move again, a weird feeling just flowing around your body. “Stiles, we’ve gotta get you out of here.”~~~All of you practically stuffed yourselves in Stiles’ Jeep, once again not even beginning to waste any time as the vehicle zoomed down the road, trying to find somewhere that those things wouldn’t get to Stiles.“It’s an animal clinic?” you just about manage to catch onto Kira questioning from beside you, both you and her vacated in the back seats as rain slams against the windows. “Yeah, the place is lined with mountain ash. Just like our house.” Scott responds with a gesture between you and him.“It should buy us some time.” you add on after a second and though Kira looked hesitant, she nods her head in understanding. “But they can get through it?” Stiles asks, giving your brother a short look as the windscreen wipers wave over the window. “Eventually.”“Nobody’s got any better ideas?” Stiles then questions and your eyebrows raise, arms crossing over your chest as tilt your head to the side. “Do you?” you challenge with an extremely simple tone, Stiles’ eyes finding yours through the rear-view mirror before his mouth opens to say something, only to fall short and retreat from your eyes. “Okay, sure. Animal Clinic.”And it honestly wasn’t long before you got there. The Jeep halts immediately and your hand shot towards your seatbelt, everyone else doing the same before you got out, a grunt of annoyance leaving your lips as the rain just splatters on your head.The four of you now slid towards the doors of the clinic, frantically attempting to open the doors as your eyes narrowed so that you didn’t get any water in them. “Come on!” you shout after a second, the water making it increasingly harder to do anything as your fingers kept slipping.The familiar sounds the caught your ears, movements completely freezing as you slowly twist around on your heel, the air leaving your lungs as the water pounds onto your skin. They were here.“Stiles, get inside!” your brother then calls out, turning around before throwing the boy beside you the set of keys. Stiles immediately fiddles with them while you watch your brother turn into his werewolf form, a growl echoing through the area as he was ready to fight.“Kira, get closer!” you call to the girl and she complies with reluctance, eyes not leaving your brothers as she does so. A grunt of annoyance was heard and you somehow manage to look away from your brother as he moved forwards, eyes finding Stiles as was still fumbling with the keys.“With the amount of those things you have made, the one time that we actually need to use it, you can’t?” you huff out with slightly gritted teeth and the boy beside you almost growls in response. “Well, the rain isn’t helping.” Stiles tries to defend and spares you the smallest look before continuing.Finally, the door behind you unlocks, Stiles making the thing slightly hit your back as he opens it before you move out of the way. “Kira, come on!” Stiles then shouts out and lightly grabs onto your wrist. “Wait, Stiles, I can help!” you call out when Kira just starts fighting with Scott, but the boy beside you wasn’t having it.Your body was now shielded from the rain as you practically got thrown into the building, feet sliding to a stop while Stiles remains at the door. “Stiles, what the hell!” you call out with a look of disbelief, but he only holds his hand up, water drenching from your clothes as he stops you from going anywhere.He was being weird.After a second of you just standing there, a muffled scream caught your ears and your eyes mildly widen in response, a pain pulsing in your chest all at once. “What was that-” but before you could even finish, the boys body completely pulls away from the door. “Stiles!”You quickly slide across the floor with a panicked breath, just about to run out of the door before all three of the others appear in front of you, your heart pounding in your throat when you saw your brother.You immediately switch with Stiles as he closes the door, pulling your arm around your brother while you and Kira guide him into the surgical room, eyes just stuck on the sword that was stabbed right into the boys abdomen.Fear was just panging in your chest as you gently lean Scott against the metal table that you’ve seen way too many times, your body shifting to the left of him while Kira and Stiles were to your right. “Holy shit.” you breathe out as your shaky hands were held up in disbelief, a growl of pain passing through your brothers lips as he looks down at the sword himself.“Okay, okay, you just…” you attempt to start up, Kira exchanging a look with you before she grabs onto the handle of the sword, face contorting into disgust as she began to pull on it. “Be careful-”Stiles’ hand suddenly places itself on Kira’s arm and pulls it away from the sword, your eyebrows furrowing in response before a weird feeling hit you in the chest, even more so when Kira was beginning to gasp from the hold. He was hurting her.Without even a moment to react, Stiles then began raising her arm and your eyes widen when you realize what he was about to do, “No!” but then it was too late, he grabs her upper arm and forces her down, completely slamming her face into the metal table, mouth falling open as you watch her unconscious body fall to the ground.However, you immediately felt eyes on you and you raise your hands, taking a large step back from the boy as your body began to tremble. “Ple- please, don’t. I won’t do anything, I swear, I won’t.”Stiles took a step in your direction and the air caught in your throat, eyes wavering in fear as you gulp nervously. “Don’t.” Scott then breathes out and Stiles’ head snaps towards his, eyes flickering between your brothers before he apparently complies.Your body presses into the wall behind you as water drips from your hair and face, hands just shaking while you watch with wide eyes, having absolutely no idea what was happening.Stiles’ fingers tauntingly tap against the handle of the sword stuck into Scott’s abdomen as he fully moves in front of the boy, your eyebrows then furrowing once again when Stiles raises the other hand in a reassuring manner, confusion just etching through your body. “You okay?”“Please don’t. Stop.” Scott mutters out quickly, the fear in his voice making you pull your body away from the wall. “Stop it.” you call out and the attention was back on you, an immense sensation of your own fear pooling in your chest as those hollow eyes meet your own.That wasn’t Stiles. That was the nogitsune.The boy took his hand away from the handle of the sword and though you were completely terrified, you stood your ground. “Don’t touch him.” you state firmly, head lowering the slightest as you maintain the eye contact. “Feisty one, huh?” he now comments with a mild smirk taking over his lips,sending your brother a short look before he took a step towards you. “Don’t-”Your brothers words were cut off just as you were about to move backwards, Stiles’ hand clamping onto your arm, a disturbing look of insanity taking over his eyes as he pulls you forwards with him. “Do you want to do the honors?” he then questions mockingly as his eyes scan over your trembling figure, words not even beginning to form out of pure fear.The smirk then reappears on his lips, his eyes narrowing for a split second before his grip on you tightens. “Oh, he’s gonna hate me for this one.” whatever controlling Stiles comments and your eyes widen immediately, Scott attempting to reach out for you at the same time. “Wait, stop! Stop!”But it was too late.You raise your hand in attempt to use whatever powers you had, but he was too fast, not even processing what was happening before your back completely collided with a wall, a yell piercing through the air as you fall to the ground, eyes not even beginning to focus on anything as everything felt limp. “No, Y/n! Please, please!”The world around you was growing dark as your face was scrunched up in pain, eyes completely losing control while you just fade into the floor. The feeling in your body went and your eyes began to fall closed, Stiles’ voice muttering stuff to your brother.A series of minutes went by, hearing the voices of Stiles and sometimes little please from Scott but you couldn’t grasp onto what they were saying. You were just about to give into the urge of sleep, about to completely give up until a blurry figure appears in the room, a body then falling to the ground not even a second later and even though you wanted to find out what happened, the feeling was too much, vision beginning to fade to black while a person leans over you at the last second, lightly shaking your body to get you to wake up. “Stay with me, Y/n.”“Come on.”~~~~~Thank you so much for reading! I do really hope that I wrote this as best as I can, but always keep in mind that I’m not a professional writer and will make countless spelling mistakes because of my dyslexia.Tag list-Let me know if you want to be added or removed!@e-bendy - @sftpjmn - @nmriia - @holyshnitzboi - @simpforsomanypeople - @trustfundparker - @wandascandles04 - @poguestyle17 - @royalreadery - @im-a-stranger-thing - @abitofeverythinggg - @mvrylee - @topazy - @seninjakiteyLove you all so much and I hope you’re having a wonderful day or night!- Ava :) -- source link
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