Welcome!!This part might be shorter than usual because I needed to use a lot of creativity for this
Welcome!!This part might be shorter than usual because I needed to use a lot of creativity for this episode as Stiles is obviously absent.I promise the next parts will be much better!This is an edit while I’m writing this episode: So, pretty much the entire episode is about Stiles at Eichen, so I’ve had to make up like half of this.It does reel back to what Scott and the pack are doing, but the start of this part is mainly about Y/n… So, I’m sorry if this episode isn’t what you guys wanted to read this week.However, I can ensure you that the next few episodes will be tightly keeping with the general plot.I’ve also realized that we’ve never really had a scene to ourselves have we?I do genuinely hope you enjoy this even though you could hardly call this an episode.Tv Show- Teen Wolf.Series Name- The Rise Of The Dark Spirits.Part-Season 3- Episode 20- Echo House.~~~~~Your body reacts in an instant, eyes snapping open as you attempt to jump up from where ever you were… Apparently that was a bad idea.A yelp passes through your lips when you felt yourself beginning to fall, the surrounding area just blurry as you scramble to grab onto anything you could, but you weren’t fast enough.Your body finally collides into a surface with an unpleasant sound, a groan flowing into the air right after as pain shot through your limbs. “Great.” you breathe out heavily, hands grazing over the ground underneath your before you find the perfect spot to plant them down, a strained grunt leaving your lips as you push yourself up.The light wherever you were was dim, your vision still blurry as you finally manage to sit on your ass, blinking rapidly in attempt to fix your eyesight.A huff of annoyance then leaves through your lips before you bring your hand up to your forehead, eyebrows furrowing in pain when a pulsing feeling begins in that particular place. Such a great start to the morning.“Scott,” you call out lazily as you let your back press into the bed behind you. But you got no answer. Your eyebrows remain furrowed but this time for confusion, bringing your hand away from your head. “Scott, where are-”You stopped.Your entire body froze on the spot, words caught in your throat as emotions erupted in you like a volcano.You weren’t in your room…But you were too.The air felt like it was charging to leave your lungs, and you slightly choke on your breath, body feeling like it was turning into jelly as you weakly push yourself up and off of the floor.It was your old room.A shaky breath shudders out your mouth as you spin around in any direction you could, recognizing every single thing your eyes land on.“Holy shit,” was the only response you could muster at that moment as you stop yourself from collapsing to the floor in pure shock. The steps you then manage to take were unstable and shaky, body visibly rigged as a tingle feeling shot through you, making your way over to the familiar exit of the room.You stood there for a solid minute when you actually got over to the door, eyes just stuck on the door handle as a million thoughts ran a mile through your head.How are you here?Did you start sleep walking too?Why is the room in the same shape as when you left it?You need to figure this out.However, your body was the one to make the final decision instead of your mind, your wavering hand beginning to reach out for the handle in what looked like slow motion to anyone if they were watching. And then you grab onto it. The cold metal contrasting with your warm skin, a chill running through your body as you close your eyes, attempting to compose yourself while you place your other hand against the wood in front of you.“Come on… Come on, Y/n. Just do it. It’s just a dream.” you told yourself through a whisper, trying to convince yourself something even if you didn’t know what it was.And then you finally did it.The door in front of you unlatches, and you take a slow step backwards, eyes remaining closed as cold air surrounds you.Your body was beginning to tremble, having no idea what to expect as you take in a deep breath, giving yourself about one more second before you opened your eyes.Your mouth gapes open the moment you let yourself scan over the hallway, hands dropping from whatever position they were in as they came by your side.You were in your old house.There was no doubt about it.“What the hell?” you whisper to yourself, not even being able to properly muster up the words before you press forwards, eyes wide in disbelief while they flicker around the familiar walls.It is your old house.The rim of your eyes were slightly hazy, but you move faster in spite, completely disregarding the old rooms you haven’t seen for so long as your legs take you down a staircase-But when you got down to the last step, before you could even plant your foot on the first floor. You froze again.Your eyebrows furrow at the sudden sound that just about manages to catch onto your ears, beginning to hold your breath so that you could hear better.It was someone humming.Whether you even had the chance to think about it or not, your fight or flight kicked in, quietly stepping onto the proper floor before you let your eyes scan about for some kind of weapon, alarms going off in your head at the fact that there was someone here.In a desperate attempt to be able to defend yourself, you pick up a lacrosse stick that sat in a bucket- Which had a certain meaning, but that wasn’t what you were thinking about right now.Your steps weren’t even audible as you tip-toe your way towards the sound, having much experience in that region. As you made your way through the halls of the house, the humming was getting louder, and once it got to a certain level of sound, you stop in front of a door.You didn’t even give yourself a second to think as you slam the door open, the lacrosse stick held up in the air so that you could swing at any moment. “Who the hell are you-”The lacrosse stick drops to the floor in a matter of seconds, body completely stiffening up in place as you went bug-eyed, the air just leaving your lungs all at once. “M… Mo.. M-” you couldn’t even get the words out as your body began to tremble, almost losing complete feeling over yourself when those familiar eyes met yours. “Y/n.”It was her and it was her voice.“But… But you’re dead- wait, am I dead? Whoa, whoa, hold up I’m gonna need to rewind-”“Hey, hey, hey,” the voice that you’ve been urging to hear again ushers, your feet staying planted on the floor as your mother moves over to you, I mean, even if you wanted to move, you literally couldn’t.“You- I don’t really know how to start this up. But you’re not dead… Okay?” she insists while lowering down to get in level with your eyes, but you held no reaction, now only holding a blank expression which causes the woman in front of you to sigh.“There is so much I want to say to you,” your mother then starts up, a soft smile taking over her lips as she brings her hand up, your entire exterior crumbling the moment her warm hand actually comes in contact with your cheek.The tears immediately sprung into your eyes, bottom lip beginning to quiver as you stare at her. “Can I… If you hug me- or I hug you, will I go through you or-”Before you could even manage to finish your mumble mess of words, your body was pulled forwards, mind not even beginning to process what was happening until you felt arms encasing you.She was holding you.Your mother was holding you, it works.Your body was stiff in her arms for a few more seconds, your eyes just wide in complete shock while the tears freely spill down your cheeks. A sob of literally every emotion spurts from your lips within the next second and your arms quickly dart around her own body, practically pushing your head into her chest as you squeeze your eyes shut. “Mo- Mohom,” you cry, only for it to come out as a muffled sound, and you get brought closer to the woman's chest.Your mother offers you a short but soft ‘shh’ as she was trying to compose herself, placing a comforting hand on the back of your head, just like Stiles began to do.Wait, Stiles-“Okay, okay,” your mother then starts up, pulling back concerningly quick as you caught onto the change of her tone, and even though you were still a crying mess, struggled sob-like breaths passing through the quiet air, she places a hand on either shoulder, making sure that you were looking at her before she continues on.“I don’t have that much time,” she continues on and your eyebrows furrow in response, tilting your head just a tad to the side and open your mouth to speak-“There is… There is so many things that I should’ve explained to you already, or that I should explain now, but I don’t- there’s no time.” she rambles on, tears sprouting on her water line as her voice fades into a shaky mess. “Mom?” “Look, your powers? It’s a thing. They’re real. I- I know Derek told you about me, and It’s true. What I am. What I was? It’s true. All of it. And… And you’re gonna have to figure out how to use it yourself.” she frantically explains and your eyes watch her cautiously. “But you’re here, right? Why can’t you say it now-”“Sweetie, I know it’s confusing, and I know you have a lot of questions too but… you need to trust me,” she starts up again, your eyes immediately following when she moves her hand, placing it against your heart before your wide eyes meet hers again. “You need to trust yourself. Okay? You’re a smart one. You’ve got your boys too, they help you no matter what, right?”And that’s when it began, you literally felt nothing on your shoulders, ripping your eyes away from your mothers, only to see that her hands were still there but… hovering.“Wait,” you breathe out, starting to see what was happening, but then her hands literally went through you, a gasp leaving both yours and your mothers lips as she jerks her hands into her chest. “Shit.” she curses under her breath and your eyes widen.“You can’t- No, you can’t leave.” you insist with a wavering voice, the room around you starting to fade into a white kind of colour while you keep your eyes on your mother. “It’s okay,” she begins while offering the saddest smile. “I love you, Y/n. I need you to know that.”“No, please,” you cry out desperately, throat almost feeling swollen while it pleads for air. “You can’t leave. Not yet, we have- come on,” despite your attempts to contain yourself, you reach your hand out, just trying to get her, to feel that she was still there-But it just went through her own hand.The woman before you then suddenly began fading with the white light, your hands frantically trying to grab onto her again, and again, and again. But to no avail… You couldn’t get her.“I love you,” she declares in a sad ridden voice and then your body began falling, panic just shooting through your entire system as you still reach for the woman that was moving the opposite direction. Your vision was being consumed by pure darkness, eyes still stuck on the spot that was now just a speck of white light as you fall somewhere.“Mom!”~“No!” The desperation passing through your lips practically came out as a scream, reliving the same cycle of shooting up from the ground underneath you, but this time you were on a bed.“Hey, you’re okay!” a voice calls out before you felt a hand grabbing onto your shoulder, but you try to shake them off, eyes wide as you look for the person that just left you. “No- no, not yet. No, I needed more time.” you strain out as you attempt to pry the hands off of you.“Y/n, you’re fine. You’re safe.” the voice insists as they keep their grip on you, your frantic movements halting when you find the eyes of your brother. “Scott?” you breathe out, a weird feeling surging through you when you see a certain emotion in his eyes.“You’re okay.” he whispers while placing a hand on your cheek, your eyebrows furrowing as you look between his eyes. But you let it go, scanning across your ‘new’ bedroom as your shoulders sink. “Do you… You remember what happened, right?”And then it hit you.Stiles.Where was Stiles- what the hell happened to Stiles.Scott apparently saw the look appearing in your eyes and quickly grabs onto your hand, your mind letting you go as you turn to face him again, stopping any thought process when he takes in a deep breath.“Where is Stiles?” you question however before he could even get a chance to speak, Scott watching your expression that gave off a warning before his shoulders sunk, his grip tightening on your hand as he lowers his head.“Y/n,” your brother then begins, your heart pounding in your chest because of how long it took for him to get it out. “Stiles was…. He was admitted to Eichen.”“What?!” you practically shout with wide eyes, completely ripping your hand away from your brother in a split second. “Y/n, please-”You pull the covers away from your body, twisting yourself so that your legs flew over the side of the bed while a grunt of pain passes through your lips. “Y/n, you need time to heal, please.” Scott begun again, but you weren’t listening, pushing yourself off of the bed despite the pulsing pain in your back.This can’t true.I mean, there’s no way.You got about halfway through your room, the door right in front of your very eyes before a hand placed itself on your shoulder. “No, no!” you yelp out, attempting to reach for the door handle again, but your body got pulled back.“Scott! Scott, stop it!” you cry out as you struggle in his werewolf grip, your back getting pressing into his chest while he holds you. “I’m sorry.” was the only thing he could muster at the moment, tears beginning to spill down your cheeks as you kept your fighting mindset.“I need to- I need to see him. Scott, please. Please!” but no matter how many times you pleaded, begged, literally anything… He wouldn’t let you go.The next time you tried to get him to let you go, your words only formed into pure sobs, everything in this past week and even past few minutes just crashing down on you all at once.You fell limp in your brothers arms, the boy slowly easing the two of you down to the floor while sobs just tumble out of your lips one after the other.His heart was completely breaking, and he even tried to prepare for this before you woke up, but being in the moment is never easy, your gut-wrenching cries just echoing in his ears while tears began welling up in his own eyes.Once the two of you fully sat down, your body hunches forwards despite being held by your brother, your forehead then pressing against the ground in front of you while Scott rubs your back, the cries that leave your legs making it obvious that it wasn’t going to end soon.You were too late.~~~It doesn’t even mater how many minutes or even hours went by, you never left the place you were in.You were just laying on your back as you remain in bed, hardly even letting yourself blink while you just stare at the ceiling.Melissa was at work, Scott was doing stuff with Allison. I mean, even if he did tell you the plan of theirs you couldn’t remember it. And if Scott wanted you to join him anyway, Melissa would be quick to stop that.So here you were-Alone in your house, just stuck in your bed. I mean, you didn’t even remember the last time you fully had time to yourself. Well, of course you practically have every night, but not working on a plan, or being on a certain mission with the boys?It felt… weird and unnatural. A huff of annoyance passes through your lips as you twist, a mild grimace then following after when a small pain shot through your side.I mean, it wasn’t like deadly pain, you know, but it still hurt. And like, how many times have you gotten thrown into a wall.“I can’t do this.” you finally breathe out, just having enough of staring at a ceiling as you push yourself up from the mattress, swinging your legs over the side of the bed before standing up on your feet.You had no idea where you were going, but you were going somewhere whether you liked it or not, grabbing onto a pair of converse before leaning on your desk chair to tie the laces.It was a fast movement, but you got both of them tied anyway, grabbing a hoodie before vacating your room, then practically gliding down the staircase as you fiddle with putting on the clothing of choice. Keys were clenched in one of your hands as you pass through the front door without a second of confliction, movements fast and determined while you make your way towards your bike after locking the front door.A mild grunt leaves your lips when you swing yourself over the bike, one foot set down on the floor to keep a balance while you pull on your helmet, letting yourself shift into a comfortable position before placing both hands on either of the handles, taking in one last deep breath before you kick up the stand. “Here we go.”~You honestly didn’t even know where you were going, all you could do was follow your mind, letting it take you where ever it needed to while you just lazily keep your eyes on the road.But you weren’t going to see Stiles.You turn into the final street before switching into a different lane, turning into the familiar parking lot as the sound of your bike overpowers any other. And then it stops at just the right moment, letting out some kind of sigh as you let yourself lean back, only for a short moment because it hurt, before sliding off the helmet from your head while placing your foot down on the solid ground.You were at the Hospital. And now the hesitation hit you, body tensing as you swing off of your bike and twist around to the building, staring at it for about a second before beginning to walk through the parking lot, eyes slightly squinting at the bright sunlight.You were taking in breath after breath to at least attempt to calm the nerves that built up, shoulders raising as the tension starts up in your body, knowing full well what you were doing and why you were here.Isaac.The final breath was taken before you push your way through the hospital entrance, eyes scanning around the slightly busy hallway before you took the first step in, fingers grasping at the rims of your sleeves to try and soothe any anxious thoughts-But then you spotted Melissa, eyes widening in response as you almost completely froze, forcing yourself to take slow steps forward once again with yet another deep breath.“All right. Yeah, that sounds fine,” the woman agrees with another worker, her back facing you as you practically creep up on her, and then the moment came, her body twisting around before she almost jumps in fright, eyes widening as she suppresses a yelp.“Y/n, what- no. No, sweetie, you’re supposed to be at home resting, remember?” Melissa begins as she places her hands on your shoulders, about to begin guiding you away, but you didn’t budge.“I need to see him.” you insist with almost a completely blank expression and Melissa sighs out in response, slightly bending down to get in line with your eyes. “Y/n, you need rest.” she then points out, but now you were the one to shake your head, hands coming up and taking both of hers off your shoulders while looking into her eyes.“I need to. Melissa, please, just for a few minutes.” the plead came out as a whisper even though you tried to use your full voice, your mind not missing the noticeable hurt that flashes in Melissa’s eyes at the usage of her actual name.The two of you practically have a fight with your eyes as you both just stare at each other, none of you moving an inch until Melissa lets out another sigh, leaning back from you but not letting go of your hands that were now encased in both of hers.“All right. But you need to be quick, okay? They won’t like it if they see you.” she insists and the only smile you could muster at the moment shows on your lips, and though it was a small one, Melissa clearly appreciated it, sending one of her friends a short smile herself before beginning to take you towards the elevators.It wasn’t long until you got on the certain floor, your anxiety skyrocketing as you make your way over to the same doors like before with Allison and Scott.“Remember, be quick. Also be quiet… You know, just in case- I’ll be out here if you need anything, okay?” Melissa began as the two of you finally get in front of the entrance to the room, letting yourself blink rapidly when you felt a hand on your shoulder. “He’s getting better.”And with that, the doors open in front of you, a breath you didn’t even notice you were holding passing through your lips while your eyes land on the bed once again.The moment you felt the hand on your shoulder leave, you raised your head upwards, taking the first few steps into the room until you were almost at the bed.Your shoulders sank when your eyes finally scan over the boys face, this time not even reacting to the doors closing behind you as you just make your way over to the side of the bed wordlessly.Though his face was angled towards you, you could see that his burns had healed a lot since you last saw him, little specks of scarred tissue still scattered around the previously burned skin. He was in fact getting better.But not fast enough.The frown that was placed on your lips only deepens as everything hits you once again, how much all of you and your friends have gone through so far.I mean, you guys are still technically kids.Too young for this shit anyway.You bit at your bottom lip to stop the tremble that urged to start, slowly leaning forwards until your waist was pressed against the rim on the bed that Isaac was laying in. A heavy but shaky sigh was the only thing you could muster up before you take your hand, gently grazing it over the boys soft cheek, a little feeling of relief sparking in you when you spot his eyebrow twitching in response to your movements. The tears once again sprung in your eyes no matter how much you tried to stop it, your own eyebrows pinching together as you just stare at Isaacs resting face. And now you had to bite at your lip again, twisting your head to the side as you sniffle lightly, squeezing your eyes shut to try and contain the cries that so desperately wanted to come out.“I… I’m sorry,” you began after taking in a deep breath, letting your eyes scan over the boys face once again as he just rests. “I keep on letting you guys get hurt, you know… Hell, I don’t even know if you can hear me right now,” you stop yourself to wipe away some of the tears that fell. “But I want you to know that I’m here… Okay?”“No matter how annoying you may be,” you start up again with a mild chuckle. “You’ve helped me quite a lot. I think more than you will ever know because I can’t see myself having a one to one with you- but it is true.” your eyebrows furrow as you somehow scoot closer, moving your hand from his cheek and onto his chest for a better balance as you lean over, just about to place a gentle kiss on his cheek-A sudden breath however caught you off guard, immediately making you jerk back from the boy as your eyes widen with alarm. “Isaac?” you breathe out in complete confusion, just watching while the boys head slowly tilts so that he was completely face up, lips parting as he lets out soft groans.Confusion just continues to circle you, and you look around wildly to figure out what it was… Until your eyes find your hand.A mild yelp passes through your lips when you notice something weird about it, completely yanking it away from Isaacs chest with panicked breaths-And then it all stopped.Isaac’s head fell back into its original place, a short sigh passing through his lips until it all went quiet.Saying that your mind was racing was an understatement as you just stood in shock, eyes flickering around the boy wildly while rapid breaths left your lips.What the hell did you just do?And after a few seconds of confused staring, you manage to compose yourself, head tilting to the side as you slowly move back over to the bed with cautious steps, not know what the hell just happened.You got yourself back into the same position you were previously in, waist leaning into the rim of the bed before you once again took out your hand, practically holding your breath until you let it happen, placing your hand on the same spot on Isaac’s chest.And then it happened again.The boys head moved into the centre, lips parting and this time his eyes slightly open, a mild gasp passing through your own lips before you tear your eyes away from him, looking down to your hand with complete shock.Your veins were slightly glowing with a kind of red colour, your other hand then shakily rolling back your sleeve only to see that it was travelling up your entire arm. Your eyebrows however furrow when a weird feeling circled around your chest, the air seeming to escape your lungs as your face scrunches up.After a few seconds, you couldn’t take it any more, reeling back from the boy as you practically gasp for air, hands clutching at your chest as you stabilize your body.Though you were in mild shock, you caught onto Isaac twisting onto his other side, his back now facing you before quiet snores caught onto your ears.And then it clicked in your head, eyes widening as you straighten yourself up as much as you could, taking your hands away from your chest before just staring at them. Disbelief striking you while you let yourself look back up to Isaac. “There’s no way.”You just took away some of his pain.You can do that?~~~“But I can help, Scott,” you insist without missing a beat, wind sifting through your hair as you just sit on your bike. “No, you’re supposed to be resting- are you outside? Y/n, you should be-”“I’m gonna say this one last time. I am fine, okay? I am up and moving, and I’m going to help whether you like it or not,” you begin with your eyebrows furrowing, your grip tightening on the phone as you just stare straight forwards. “If there is anyway to help Stiles, you of all people should know that I’m going to do everything I can to make it happen.”It was quiet for a few seconds after the words firmly left your lips, anticipation just aching at your bones while you wait for your brothers response-And then it finally came.Your body slightly relaxes as you hear the boy sigh through the phone, Scott then sharing a few words with the twins that were with him before he focuses on you again. “All right, fine,” your brother calls through, and you bite at your lips to contain the smile that wanted to appear. “Meet us at Allison’s.”You most definitely didn’t waste anytime.Honestly, you couldn’t even believe how fast you got there, but before you could even begin to count, you were already there with Scott and the twins, awaiting Allison to open the door after knocking a few seconds ago.Your body straightens up the moment the door then opens, meeting the eyes of Allison before she moves to the side to let you guys in. “My father said all the Katashi evidence is being moved to federal lock-up by armoured car tonight. Probably within the next few hours.” she informs as you follow her through the apartment, your eyebrows furrowing while you process her words.Scott already caught you up with what was happening, but it’s still a lot to understand.Your eyes then land on Lydia right as Allison stops her movement beside her, both Scott and the twins stopping beside you as you all just look at each other. “Wait,” you begin with narrowed eyes, looking back and forth between Allison and Lydia as you tilt your head. “We’re gonna rob an armoured car? That’s what’s going on here?”“Well, we’re going to try.” Lydia responds with a short smile to you, and you just blink rapidly, both you and Scott sharing a look before turning back towards the two girls. “Well,” your brother then starts up as you cross your arms over your chest. “What’s the plan?”(Not even five minutes later)“This is a really bad plan.” Scott declares as he looks to you for input, an audible sigh passing through Allison's lips as you just shrug your shoulders at your brother. “It’s not that bad.” Lydia tries to defend with hopeful eyes. “It’s not that good.” Ethan responds quickly as he moves beside the strawberry blonde, your head slightly lowering while you look down at the table in front of you. “As much as I don’t agree with it, you got any better ideas then?” you breathe out, raising your head back up after a second to look through the people around you.A mild smug kind of smile appears on Lydia’s lips for a second when no one responds, and she places her hands down on the wood in front of her. “None of us know the route they’re going to take,” Lydia then begins as she looks between you guys. “If Allison can get one of her dads GPS trackers on the armoured car, then we can follow it.”“So,” Allison then starts up, switching the attention to her as she points to a particular spot on the map. “When it gets here-”“We attack them?” Aiden then suggests out of nowhere, your eyebrows furrowing in response as Lydia turns around to the guy, who was just sat in a chair. “No. Your bikes will be in the middle of the road, looking like you guys got into an accident.” the strawberry blonde explains simply before twisting back to face you guys again. “And when the driver gets out to help-”“We attack them.” Aiden then points out, and you roll your eyes. “No.” Allison and Lydia both say at the same time as they turn to him with annoyance. “You’ll distract him… And Scott will break open the back door.” Lydia then points out, all of you looking to Scott as the boy himself once again shares a look with you.“I hope.” he comments with mild hesitance, your hand placing itself on his shoulder for a supply of comfort making him offer you a smile in response. “And you’ll get Katashi’s finger.” Lydia then finishes off when she turns to look at Ethan, the guy just blinking at her rapidly before his eyebrows furrow. “It’s not his actual finger, is it?” “You’re so out of our league.” Lydia breathes out, eyes slightly wide with annoyance as she just stares at the wall. “Why aren’t we just going to Stilinski for help?” Ethan then questions and your arms cross over your chest once again. “Because if he gets caught, then it’s the sheriff tampering with federal evidence.” you finally speak up before you meet the boys eyes, a weird feeling circling your chest when you notice his expression faltering.“Guys, this is going to work. We can do this.” Allison then starts up, and you blink rapidly before turning to look at her. “We’re losing Stiles. My dad’s in jail for murder….”“We need to do this.”~And the time finally came.You arrived at the destination, crouching down in between two cars with both Scott and Allison, Kira also sitting with you as your brother got her not that long ago.You were a lot more hesitant to be here than the others, easing backwards slightly as Allison looks through the scope of her crossbow. “You’re up.” she then calls back to the girl beside her while lowering the weapon in her hands, Kira sharing a short look with you before looking down at the device that she held, taking in a final deep breath until she actually begins to move.Scott slowly got into his own position as the three of you watch Kira run through the alleyway between the buildings in front of you, your heart pounding with dread at every step the girl took.“This is gonna work… Right?” you then breathe out with your usual disbelief, Allison sparing you a short look before letting herself look through the scope of her crossbow once again.But before she could even answer, Kira finally gets over to the armoured car, your eyebrows raising as she crouches down before managing to place the tracking device underneath the base of the car, turning back to you guys with a proud smile making you nod your head in surprise.However, that then faded away quite quickly when the sound of a door opening caught your ears, literally seeing Scotts body tense in response while Kira quickly hides around the side of the car, an officer beginning to walk out of the building at the same time.It was Parrish.You bite your lip as you watch him open the door to his car, obviously trying to start a conversation before completely jumping back, swiping the gun from its holster and aiming it through the open door with shock.“Shit,” was the only thing you could muster as you now watch Parrish walk around the car, eyes flickering back and forth between him and Kira rapidly as this wasn’t what was supposed to happen already. “We have to do something.” Scott then grunts out hurriedly, but again, before anyone could even respond-The back doors of the armoured car gets shoved open, your eyes just widening as you watch the enemy jump down behind Parrish, the officer apparently not reacting quick enough himself as his head then gets slammed into the side of the car, your eyebrows furrowing as his body falls to the floor.“Who the hell is that?” Scott then breathes out and your wide eyes flicker to him. “What? You don’t know-”“Kincaid,” Allison then quickly informs, and you let the name ring in your ears for a few more seconds before you turn back to look at her. “Who?”“All right, I have a plan. Scott, you’re with me.” The girl starts up instead as she ties up her hair into a bun, completely ignoring your question while you just stare at her. “What do I do?” you ask slowly, looking over to Scott when he faces the two of you. “Just stay here and keep watch if anyone else comes our way.” Allison insists before securing her hair, beginning to move back as she gestures for your brother to follow. “Wha- but I can help.” you try to bargain with confusion, but Scotts hand then places itself on your shoulder, your eyes finding his as your lips form into a frown. “You don’t have anything to fight with, okay? You would only be getting yourself hurt,”“Just keep watch… Please. We will call for you if we need you, all right?” Scott insists and your shoulders sank in response, letting yourself look over to Allison who only nods her head in agreement. “Fine.” you then breathe out as you move against one of the cars and Scott squeezes your shoulder as a thank you, placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head before sneaking off with Allison.This time for a different reason.~It wasn’t long until you saw the two again.Your entire body jerking away from the car that you were leaning on, keeping yourself hidden but completely gaping at both Scott and Allison as they literally move right in front of the enemy…. Like literally walking up to him.“We need that finger.” you just about heard your brother start up, the sound barely audible, but you could still catch onto the words as you watch the back of your friends, seeing Kincaid turn their head to see them. I mean, at least Allison had her crossbow raised.Kincaid takes in both of their appearances for a few more seconds before a grin breaks onto his lips, turning back to put down a cloth he held before looking back to Allison and Scott. “Why should I give it to you?”“There’s a briefcase in there with $150.00 in it.” Allison informs immediately, keeping her aim dead on as you watch the scene fold out. “The scroll inside this prosthetic finger is worth three million.” Kincaid points out simply and your shoulders sink in response. “Damn.” you breathe out, shifting a little on your hands while keeping your eyes on them.“Give me the finger.” your brother then insists and your eyebrows raise, beginning to bite at your lips to contain your smile before looking to your side, about to open your mouth to make a comment to laugh at with-But you forgot.Stiles wasn’t there.“You know what I mean.” Scott continues on while you just sit there for a minute, rapidly blinking before you completely sit on your ass, eyebrows just furrowing at the feeling that surrounded you until your eyes found Scott and Allison again.Well… That was until Kira jumped off of the top of the car.Whatever emotion you were feeling right now evaporated into thin air and instead formed into one of shock and confusion, everything feeling like it was moving in slow-motion until she finally landed on Kincaid, attempting to attack him and get him to fall down…But he literally didn’t budge.A mild grimace was displayed by you when Kira gets tugged off of his back and just thrown to the floor like a rag doll, body almost slamming into the side of the wall before your wide eyes look back at Kincaid, heart now beginning to pound as his own eyes glow with that blue colour, sharp teeth just out and proud. “I guess negotiations are over.”Oh, shit.Allison responded the moment the man growled, shooting an arrow as fast as she could while you shift around again, getting closer to the front of the car that you were leaning against with quick breaths, dread just filling you when Kincaid takes the arrow out of his skin like it was nothing.You somehow managed to flinch when you saw Kira run towards the man, swinging at him as much as she could before he literally just grabs her by the neck, lifting her off of the ground until her feet were just dangling in the air before throwing her once again, and this time was when she fully slammed into the wall.Allison didn’t even have any time to react herself as she just got whacked in the face, her entire body twisting in your direction while she falls into another wall. “Come on, Scott.” you mutter under your breath the moment you catch onto him making his way forwards, scared eyes just flickering between all of them rapidly.Your brother then took the first swing and-Hardly any response.Scott looks at him for a second before hitting him in the face again with a grunt…But again, nothing.He then quickly goes to punch him in the stomach as hard as he could-Yeah, again nothing, I think you get it.“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” you breathe out in completely disbelief, literally having to snap your mouth shut when you almost called out his name, only being able to watch as Kincaid began to get revenge for that awful attempt at starting to fight.The next time Scott tried to swing, Kincaid just grabbed the arm like it was nothing, having to then do the exact same with the other one when your brother attempted to swing again, the man then bringing both of Scott's arms down before completely headbutting him.“Oh, come on,” you groan with your hands coming up to your face, eyes squeezing shut as your back leans into the car behind you. “Fight, Scott. You can do it.”And he tried.When look back again, you see Scott going in for another swing after regaining himself, but he just got overpowered once again. Kincaid made it so that Scott was leaning down after a taking a hit, taking advantages as he brings both of his hands together before forcing his elbows down, a huff of air passing through your lips as he slams them down on Scotts back, making him fall to the floor with continues gasps of pain.Kincaid then finishes it off by full on kicking your brother in the side, and you had to grab onto something to stop yourself from fully running at him, gritting your teeth to stop yourself from shouting out a bunch of profanities as you just try to take in deep breaths. “You have the eyes of an Alpha,” you then hear Kincaid begin and slowly look back over to them… However something else caught your eye. “But where’s the strength?”“Up here.” a voice calls out pretty much immediately and your eyebrows raise the moment you spot the twins up on the top of a staircase, body falling back into the car once again as you sigh in relief.A grin almost made its way onto your lips as both of the werewolves jump down one after the other, taking a go at at at least attempting to fight Kincaid-“Y/n!” the voice completely caught you off guard, and you raise your body off the ground, letting your eyes flicker around the area rapidly until you find Lydia running towards you. “Come on, come on!” she ushers hurriedly, not even getting a say in anything as she just grabs your hand, pulling you towards everyone else until you got to Allison.The two of you quickly begin helping the girl up, your hands gently placing themselves on her back to ease her upwards a little better before all of you just watch the werewolves fight, slightly pushing the two girls back a little more just encase they got closer.Your eyes were just wide in shock as you watch the whole thing, even more just surging through you when both of the twins manage to pin Kincaid against a wall, throwing punch after punch no matter how many they actually had to.“They need to stop.” you grunt out, moving away from Allison the moment you saw your brother lift his head off of the ground. “Ethan, Aiden…” Scott calls out through a strained voice just as you get to him, gently gripping onto his shoulders before helping him to sit up, Ethan and Aiden just throwing Kincaid to the ground. “Stop!”“You want him to come after us?” Aiden questions, his head shaking and eyebrows raised for emphasis while you watch Kincaid struggle to sit on his knees. “Scott, we’ve seen guys like this before. Trust us. He’s dangerous.” Ethan points out through pants as you help Scott finally get onto his feet, body seeming to have healed quite a lot already as he just lets go of you.“So are we,” Scott then comments and your eyebrows furrow in response, Allison looking to you with narrowed eyes before Kira starts trying to get up, your body immediately moving over to her. “And he looks smart enough to remember that.” your brother then finishes as Kira grips onto your hand, biting at her lip to contain a grunt when you pull her to her feet.And though she could stand on her own, you still place your hand on her back just in case, watching as your brother steps towards Kincaid before simply removing the golden finger from the man's pocket without any more fighting. Scott then began shaking the thing until a bit of rolled up paper came out, and once it appeared in the palm of his hand, he let his eyes flicker between you, Scott, Lydia and Kira, sharing a short smile with you and Allison especially before looking over to the twins. “We’re here to save a life.”“Not end one.”~~~It was now a lot later, your body just relaxing in your desk chair as you type away on your computer, doing whatever you wanted.A sigh passes through your lips as you sink further into your chair, fingers coming to a stop on the keyboard before you let your eyes close, taking in another deep breath to control yourself.In all honesty, you didn’t know how to react to the past few days, and even if you had a physical reaction, you didn’t know how to feel.You didn’t know how to feel about Stiles, or Isaac, or what you saw earlier.Or the literal fact that your friend is possessed by a demon, you know, cause that’s normal.A knock on your door then took you out of your moment and your eyes snap open, feet planting on the ground properly before you twist yourself round, yet another sigh passing through your lips. “Come it.”You immediately got up from the chair the moment the door actually opened, eyebrows just raised when Scott begins to make his way into your room, gently closing the door behind him as he offers you a smile.“Scott?” you question with a tilt of your head, hands clasping together behind your back as Scott takes a few steps towards you. “You aren’t busy, are you?” he questions instead and your eyebrows raise once again, looking around your room before meeting his eyes. “I don’t really see anything that I could be busy with…”A huff of air leaves Scotts lips as he shakes his head in response to your words, stopping his movements as he now stood in front of you. “Yeah… Yeah, you’re right,” he insists with a nod of his head, and you let go of your hands, just crossing your arms over your chest as you narrow your eyes at him.“But uh… I just. I wanted to see how you were. Generally.” Scott then confesses and your confused look eases, eyes slightly softening before you avert them from his own, for some reason finding comfort in the wall beside your bed. “I’m as good as I can be,” was the only response you could muster as you just shrug your shoulders, clearing your throat afterwards while you shift the weight to your other foot.“Y/n,” Scott then calls out, but his voice was barely audible, words forming into a whisper that took you by surprise, even more so when you find the boys eyes, tears just about visible. “I’m sorry.”“What, Scott- sorry for what?” you question immediately, taken aback by the sudden emotions as your arms unravel. “I… I let this happen. Stiles… Isaac- it’s all my fault.” he breathes out, and you quickly place your hands on his shoulder. “Hey, hey, hey, that’s not true.”“I’m supposed to keep you guys safe, Y/n. How can I say that I’m doing that when Stiles is in Eichen. You know- Isaac is literally in a hospital-”You just brought the boy into your arms without wasting any more seconds, Scott words falling away as he just begins crying into your shoulder the moment his face comes in contact, tough exterior just crumbling all at once.Your eyes were just wide as you hug the boy close, hand moving up the nape of his neck while slightly swaying both of you, feeling Scotts arms wrapping around your torso as his head just sinks into you. “It’s okay,” you practically shush through a whisper.The fabric of your shirt began to get soaked through because of the tears, but you couldn’t care less, tears of your own just springing in your own eyes at the sound of Scotts cries, honestly not even used to hearing the sound.He hardly ever cries, at least with you.The two of you just stood while holding each other close, none of you bothering to speak up as the affection was enough, the silence being a comfortable one a part from the few sobs that left your brothers lips.“You did what you could.” you whisper as you caress Scotts head, and he lets out a slight whimper in response, giving you one last squeeze before he leans back from you, continuous sniffles almost echoing through the air.“Look at me, Scott.” you breathe out, and he complies, wiping at his eyes as he does so and a sad smile takes over your lips, gently placing your hands on his shoulders again. “You are the strongest person I know. You have done literally everything you could to keep us safe.”“Scott, it’s going to get better okay?” you insist sincerely, and he shakes his head with a cough. “I should be the one telling you that.” he comments and you roll your eyes, retracting your hands from his shoulder but making sure that he was still watching at you.“Look… I don’t really know what to think right now,” you begin and Scott takes his hand away from his face before furrowing his eyebrows at you. “I don’t know what to believe… Hell, I don’t even know what to do.”“But the one thing that I know, is that we have both done what we could. Even if we don’t believe it, it’s a fact. Stiles made his choice of going to Eichen because he was scared of himself, okay- And as much as I disagree with that, we can’t exactly do anything about it now.” you point out and Scott’s shoulders sink as he takes in your words.“And Isaac is getting better, okay? He’s also a pretty strong guy and…” your words fell away, thinking about what happened earlier, about what you did. “He’s going to make it.”Your eyes found Scotts once again and took a step forwards, his eyes following your movements as you place your hands on his shoulders all over again. “We’ve done all we could in those moments… And now we’re going to work out what to do now.” you insist, Scott’s eyes flickering between your own as he spots a new emotion taking over.“We’re going to get Stiles back… I don’t know how, or when… But it’s going to happen. It has to.” you continue on and a smile then curls at your lips, Scott immediately smiling in response as his own hands place themselves on your shoulders, clearly liking your new-found enthusiasm. “We’re gonna do it.” you breathe out with so much confidence and Scotts smile was like a full on grin now, the boy then pulling you into his chest as you immediately respond, both of you just wrapping your arms around each other with content expressions.“We’re gonna get Stiles back.”But are you?~~~~~Thank you for taking your time to read these and I do actually hope you enjoyed this part, but if not, I’m sorry. Taglist-If you want to be added or removed, please let me know!@e-bendy - @sftpjmn - @nmriia - @holyshnitzboi - @simpforsomanypeople - @trustfundparker - @wandascandles04 - @poguestyle17 - @royalreadery - @im-a-stranger-thing - @abitofeverythinggg - @mvrylee - @topazy - @seninjakitey I hope you guys are having a wonderful day/night and I love you all!- Ava :) -- source link
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