mannersmaketh-theman: There is nothing quite like the satisfaction of bringing your lover to a screa
mannersmaketh-theman: There is nothing quite like the satisfaction of bringing your lover to a screaming orgasm. But the biggest thrill is not just in the orgasm you need to bask in the journey as well. Take your time, and I mean really take your time. Enjoy her body and how she reacts. Slow, deliberate, let her know you’re in charge and she is merely the putty being moulded. Watch her pussy glisten as she becomes helpless to your touch. Slowly , up and down. Squeeze her lips together, gently rubbing them against each other. Run your thumb either side of her clit. Watch it pulsate as you tease. Everything slowly, build her to an orgasm she will never forget. Open her lips, tease them apart. Tell her how gorgeous she looks all swollen and wet. Work your thumbs upward, don’t be shy. But this about the build up, take your time. When she is grinding and moaning gently let your finger slip between her lips. Just the tip. Up and down. Smear her wetness all over her lips. Gently rub some on her clit. Gentle circles as she grinds against you. Let your finger slip back inside. Run it long her walls, feel how wet and slick she is. Let your finger trace upward. Ever so slowly smear some around her arse, make her moan with anticipation. Ask her if she needs to cum? But don’t let her just nod her answer. Make her use her words. Make her tell you how badly she needs it. Tell her if you like her answer you will slip your fingers inside her and if here what she needs. If not tease her some more. You are in charge. Make sure she knows it. Push two fingers inside her. But not just a little way. Plunge them deep inside her. Let how know how good it feels to be filled. To be stretched and full. Work your fingers, twist them turn them. Tell her how hard you are. Describe to her how you are going to fuck her as soon as she’s cum for you. Listen to how wet she is. Tell her how hot it is when she gets all wet. Encourage her. Let her relax. Push your fingers downward. Play with her gspot. Build her closer and closer to her orgasm. When you know she close, slow down a little, get her to point when she can’t possibly take anymore. Gently ease your fingers out so that just the tips and still inside. Have a little taste, after all deserve it. Then push them back in. Finger her and I mean really finger her. In and out, twisting and turning. Ask her again if she needs to cum. Make her beg you to let her. Closer and closer and you know she desperately needs it. Then tell her to cum for you. Let her know it’s your orgasm. Bury your fingers inside and feel that perfect as she clenches hard against your fingers. Tell her how stunning she looks. How much you need her. Let her know that is only the beginning. It’s not about the destination it’s about the journey. -- source link
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