faith-byfive:“You saw the lies, you knew there would always be someone who’d abuse their power

faith-byfive:“You saw the lies, you knew there would always be someone who’d abuse their power
faith-byfive:“You saw the lies, you knew there would always be someone who’d abuse their power
faith-byfive:“You saw the lies, you knew there would always be someone who’d abuse their power
faith-byfive:“You saw the lies, you knew there would always be someone who’d abuse their power
faith-byfive:“You saw the lies, you knew there would always be someone who’d abuse their power
faith-byfive:“You saw the lies, you knew there would always be someone who’d abuse their power
faith-byfive:“You saw the lies, you knew there would always be someone who’d abuse their power
faith-byfive:“You saw the lies, you knew there would always be someone who’d abuse their power