Welcome back my lovely people!I want to say that this also might be a little shorter than usual too
Welcome back my lovely people!I want to say that this also might be a little shorter than usual too because of most of the episode being the story behind the nogitsune so I do apolgize, but I did what I could.Thank you so much for the people keeping up with my series, and even if you’re just starting, I hope you’re liking it too.I hope you enjoy!Tv Show- Teen Wolf.Series Name- The Rise Of The Dark Spirits.Part-Season 3- Episode 21- The Fox And The Wolf.~~~~~“Yeah, I know, but he’s with her again! Honestly, it feels like he’s forgetting about us.” the boy whines as he flops back onto his bed, your arms crossing over your chest before you roll your eyes at his dramatic movements.“You know the whole point of being in a relationship means that you’re gonna have to spend time with the other person… right?” you question with a quirked eyebrow and Stiles stiffly raises his head up from the mattress, eyes showing a very unamused expression when he meets your own, a sigh passing through your lips in response.“Come on, man,” you begin breathily before moving over to the bed, placing yourself down beside the boy with the buzzed head. “He’s in love. You know? I don’t even remember the last time Scott managed to make a girl happy.” you point out and Stiles practically snorts, a light then grunt escaping him as he pushes himself up again.“You’re right.” Stiles finally agrees before adjusting himself into a sitting position, crossing his legs while turning to face you. “I just… I don’t know. I mean, all the times that I want to hang out with him or whatever, he’s already got something planned with Allison, you know? I just- we need bro time.”“Yeah, and you’ll get that. But things change when you’re in love with someone.” you point out and Stiles was now the one to roll his eyes. “But bro time.” he argues with a mild pout, looking into your own eyes as you just raise your eyebrows at him. “Wow, I feel bad for your future girlfriend.” you comment and Stiles’ eyebrows shot up immediately, lifting his hand up before he pokes you in the side making you jerk away with your own hands up. “Hey!”“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” you giggle out quickly and notice Stiles’ eyes soften, however he still shakes his head in response to your words, crossing his arms over his chest as he goes back into his original position. “But If it makes it any better anyway… If I was ever in a relationship with anyone, I would make sure that I would spend as much time as I could with you.” you then ensure with a light voice and Stiles’ head turns in your direction again.“Really? Like, even more than them- also, who says I would let someone take that place.” Stiles points out and your mouth slightly parts with your eyebrows raised. “Excuse me, what makes you think that you have a say in who I date- you know what? I retract my previous statement-”“No, no, no! Don’t you dare, I’m sorry, okay, I’m sorry!” Stiles rambles on frantically, hands gripping onto your arm as you just blink rapidly in response. “Uh- fine… Fine, okay.” you insist slowly and the boy eases back from you with a sigh in relief. “Good. Good. I would do the same for you too. If I get into a relationship ever, which will be soon by the way! You’ll be at the top of my list to be with.”The two of you were now staring at each other with wide smiles, not even wasting a second as you copied the way Stiles sat, crossing your legs together while completely facing the boy to the point that your knees were touching with his. “You mean it?” you question with mild reluctance, your eyes flickering between his own before he suddenly moves.A little taken aback by how quick the movement was, you blink rapidly for a few seconds before finally seeing what he was doing, immediately erupting into laughter as you tilt your head back.“Hey. I’m being serious.” Stiles practically whines in fake offence, although you could hear that he was smiling. It took you moment, but you silence your laughter, biting at your lip while moving your head back down.Stiles had his pinky out.“You know… If you do a pinky promise. You have to keep it. Are you willing to make that sacrifice?” you then challenge with a raised eyebrow and Stiles mimics the gesture, letting his eyes flicker between your own before he pushes his outstretched hand even closer. And you took that as a yes, a grin taking over your lips, keeping your eyes on each other before your fingers finally lock together, Stiles’ lips looking like they were about to crack because of how wide he was smiling. “I am,”“A promise is a promise.”~~~~~A groan passes through your lips at the light the seeps around your vision, body stiff and tense when you raise yourself from the bed underneath you.Did you sleep at all last night?….. nope.Your legs were now dangling over the side of the bed as you twist yourself around, a yawn escaping you by accident while attempting to wipe away the sleepiness that gathered in your eyes.You were once again the last one on the house. Melissa at her usual work and Scott was Kira.You briefly remember him mentioning that Kira found a weird picture containing a familiar looking person to do with her family, thus Scott’s attention was mildly compromised.However, you had one goal that spun around your head over and over again.It doesn’t even matter what it was, nothing could phase your mind, take you away from the thought of Stiles even if it tried their hardest.The thought of the boy snapped you out of your ‘morning routine’, practically springing off the bed, stilling yourself for a moment because of getting up too fast before quickly moving around your room.You picked out an outfit within seconds, getting into the said thing and then beginning to tie up your laces, hardly any emotions displaying on your face as you did so.Honestly, these days practically felt like a simulation. Having absolutely no idea how it was gonna go was the only thing that was keeping you going.You grit your teeth as you harshly tighten the last knot, getting up from the position not even a second later before pulling on a flannel. You grab a small bag as the last touch before swinging yourself out of your room, keys once again clutched between your fingers while you pound down the staircase.The next thing you knew, you found yourself outside the house, turning back to lock the door before setting off towards the familiar bike once again.This time you put on the helmet first, sliding the thing over your head before pulling yourself over the seat of the bike, getting into a comfortable position before placing your hands on the handles, kicking up the stand as the last step, and then you were off.….. Where were you going?Oh… Let’s find out.You pulled the bike to a stop the moment you got into a proper parking space, foot planting on the ground for balance until the stand was kicked down, helmet being cleanly removed from your head.A heavy exhale passes through your lips before you slid off of your bike, eyes scanning over the building in front of you while your shoulder raise, letting out a deep exhale before finally beginning to move.The Station.After getting access to go in, you let yourself take about two steps into the official area before you let your eyes scan around, passing between the officers that were just doing their jobs.The place wasn’t destroyed like the last time you saw it.And then you finally found what you were looking for, Noah, Chris Argent and Derek Hale all huddled in the sheriff’s office as they talked about whatever.You somehow knew that already.You didn’t even realize that you were moving until you saw the room getting closer to you, ears somehow catching onto exactly what they were saying.“If this thing inside him, if it’s using his mother’s disease as some sort of psychological trick, then this isn’t just a fight for his body. It’s also a fight for his mind. Right?” Noah points out as you watch his head raise up, eyes flickering between both Derek and Chris. “You know, he’s left people severely injured.” Argent then reminds, making you quirk an eyebrow as you wait on the other side of the glass.“And others severely dead.” Derek adds on, having to bite at your lips to stop yourself from letting out a scoff otherwise he would hear you. “That’s why I need the two of you. I need people who are experienced in this kind of thing.” Noah then starts up and your eyebrows slightly twitch in response, the hesitance of your actions at the moment finally catching up to you.Can you really help?“I need you to help me stop him.” Mr. Stilinski finishes up while staring into Chris’ eyes, the two sharing the look for a few seconds. “And by stop him, you mean trap him?” Chris then questions, and it didn't take long before Noah nodded in response, a new feeling then just taking you over, not even having time to stop yourself as you just walk into the room.All three of the men turn to face you with wide eyes, confusion and shock taking over their expressions while you just stare back at them. “Count me in.” was the only thing that left your lips, letting your eyes flicker between them while they just blink rapidly.“Y/n,” Noah then finally starts up when he regains himself, moving himself round the desk while he keeps his eyes on you. “You can’t-”“I know why I’m here, okay? I know what I have to risk. But Stiles is my friend. And a very good one at that.” you begin with almost emotionless eyes, letting yourself look over to Derek and Chris for a few moments before looking back to Noah once again. “I know I can’t do nearly anything as cool as those guys can. But if you think I’m gonna sit back and do absolutely nothing when my best friend is possessed by a literal demon?”“Then I don’t think you know the definition of friendship… If it ever contains anything about that sort thing.” you then add on, your serious demeanour slightly faltering, but it didn’t matter that much as pretty much all of them huff a laugh in response to the comment.Noah looks back at Derek and Chris, sharing a non-verbal conversation for a little bit before Stilinski looks back at you, your entire body straightening up the moment his eyes met yours, so many forms of anticipation hitting you all at once. “All right,” he finally begins, and you literally had to fight the grin from appearing on your lips while Noah just smiles at you gratefully.“I hope you’re ready.”~~~The three of you now found yourselves back at the Argent apartment, following after Allison as she leads you into the same room you were in only a few days before.“This is everything non-lethal I could find.” the girl then informs as both her and Chris get to the table first, your eyes mildly widening when you see the amount of stuff laid out on the table before stopping beside Noah. “Take all of it.” Argent then insists while you share a look with Derek.“What’s the plan here?” Noah questions as Allison begins picking stuff up. “Our best shot right now is for Derek to try and pick up Stiles’ scent at Eichen house. Especially if he went through something stressful there.” Chris explains simply and your arms cross over your chest with slightly narrowed eyes. “All five of us shouldn’t be going to the same place, though.”“Where else has Stiles been showing up?” Chris questions after a moment, and you hear Noah let out a sharp breath. “The school, the hospital.” Allison then lays out. “Okay, hold on. We did this already.” Derek starts up and your eyes flicker over to him, intrigued by his point. “He disappeared. We started looking for him. Then walked right into a trap at the hospital.”“Then he’s getting us to repeat the same moves.” you point out, slowly looking back to the Argents as Allison meets your eyes with a certain expression. “So, what do we do? Wait for him to come to us?” she then questions before turning to her dad. “We can’t. Not if the Oni find him when the sun goes down.” Derek however counters, and you rub your hands on your face.“Scott’s working on them right now, with Kira.” Noah then informs before looking to you for confirmation, your head then instantly nodding in response. “That’s the problem,” Chris then starts up, your attention shifting to him once again. “We’re all trying to outfox the fox.”You were now biting at your lip while your mind was beginning to race for a millionth time, practically trying to work out calculations in your head until you felt a hand on your shoulder, your eyes flickering over to Noah's as he lets out a sigh. “Listen.” he starts up to pull the attention on him. “I’ll understand if anyone wants to back out.” he continues on, and you gently place your hand on his.“It wouldn’t be the first wolf to run from a fox.” Derek then points out as he swipes a gun from the table, a grin fighting its way to place on your lips. “Apparently I’m carrying a lightsaber.” Chris comments as he also begins putting stuff in a bag, letting his own grin rest on his lips when he sees your face practically light up in response to the words.“Dad, you and Derek hit Eichen house. Sheriff, it’s you, me and Y/n at the hospital. We all meet in the school.” Allison then lays out quickly, and you nod in response, Noah squeezing your shoulder once before takes the bag from Allison.All of you beginning to roll out.~You arrived at the hospital not that long ago, Noah went to talk with Melissa leaving you and Allison together for the time being.The two of you walk into the elevator side by side, twisting yourselves round to face the doors before watching them close in front of you. Silence was enclosed with you while both of you just stood, your body slightly swaying on the spot as you couldn’t really stay still.But the urge to make some sort of conversation was brought back when you caught Allison giving you a short glance, however, before you could return the gesture, she was already looking the other direction.It took you a moment, fighting with your mind while you continues swaying on the spot, before you pluck up the courage. “You know,” you begin after a few seconds, waiting for Allison to show a sign that she was listening to you before continuing. “I don’t really know how we do it. Like… How we are always able to get ourselves back up after… mildly traumatic things.” A slight huffed laugh was all Allison gave in response before she dips her head down, the elevator slowly beginning to move beneath you. “My grades are starting to fall back, but that was a given anyway.” you breathe out, trying to speak about random things… Until you looked over to the girl beside you.Allison’s head was now tilted upwards, her eyes stuck at the ceiling as if to hold back tears. And that’s when you saw them.Your own eyes mildly widen in response, and you quickly look over to the button that stops the elevator from moving, looking between the switch and Allison a few times more before finally switching it, the contraption coming to a stop as you turn all your attention on the girl beside you.“Ally?” you question quietly, completely ignore the random nickname you chose as you watch the girl practically crumble in front of your eyes, almost attempting to turn away from you while sucking in a breath. “Hey… You okay?” you call out again, slowly moving a little closer to her with so much concern swirling in your eyes.“I’m not…” she begins with such a light shake of her head that you almost didn’t see it. “I’m terri- I’m terrified.” Allison then confesses while she starts nervously playing with her hands. “I’m always- I’m always terrified. I… I act like I know what I’m doing, but I don’t.”The girl was now properly facing you, your eyebrows pinching together in response as she lets her slightly red eyes flicker between yours, mouth parting to speak however slightly struggling to do so.“I… I don’t know if Isaac is dying right now.” she then starts up again, her own eyebrows raising as her face contorts into an expression that shows she was really fighting to contain the urge to cry. “I don’t know if I made a mistake with Scott. I don’t know what my dad is thinking. I don’t know if we should trust Derek. I don’t know-”Allison's ramble was now cut off by a mild sob passing through her lips, your entire body moving a step closer while she lets the tears that built up in her eyes fall. “I don’t know anything.” she cries out, and you immediately bring her forwards, pulling the girl into your chest with your arms wrapping around her body.Allison practically snuggles her face into the shoulder of your flannel, your heart just breaking at seeing her upset as well as the sniffles that you managed to catch onto.You let out a slight sigh as you lower your chin to rest against her shoulder, hands continuing to gently rub at her back. “It’s okay to not know what you’re doing.” you then finally start up after a few more seconds of silence, eyebrows furrowing with your words. “I think everyone knows what that feels like right now. So, you’re not alone.”The moment you knew she heard you, you gently pull her away from your body, a sad smile resting on your lips as she lowers her head once again, trying to hide her vulnerability. “Hey,” you call softly, hearing the girl practically suck in a breath before she finally meets your eyes, the look on her face making your heart feel like it was cracking.“You’re going to be okay. All right.” you ensure with raised eyebrows, every word laced with sincerity which Allison clearly caught onto as she lets herself muster up a smile. “I’m here if you need me. I always will be,” you start up again while gently taking her hands in yours. “I mean it.”Though the tears were still visible in her eyes, she managed to show a grateful expression on her face, clearly thankful of your attempt at comfort. “Thank you.” she breathes out, and you let a smile take over your lips, squeezing her hand as a response before you look back at the button you pressed not that long ago. “You ready?” you then question and Allison responds by letting go of your hand and wiping at her eyes.Taking that as a yes, you shift to the side a little before reaching out for the button, almost pressing your finger into it-A buzz of your phone practically made you jerk backwards, eyebrows immediately furrowing before you begin patting down your pockets. “What?” you huff out, annoyance passing through you until you pick out your phone from one of your pockets, eyebrows somehow furrowing even more the moment you turn on your screen.“Who is it?” Allison questions before sniffling lightly, and you drag your eyes away from the phone to meet hers with a confused gaze. “It’s from Noah.” you inform before looking back, tapping in your password and then clicking on the message. Your heart felt like it stopped.“Y/n? What is it?” Allison now questions with her own eyebrows furrowed, but your eyes were stuck on the screen, a pit just growing at the bottom of your stomach. “He, uh… He got a notification from his alarm system…. Meaning that someone broke in.” you inform extremely slowly, throat running dry.You let your eyes flick away from your phone, and you finally met with Allison’s confused ones, taking in a deep breath before you angle the phone so that she could see it.Her eyes widened.It was live footage of Stiles sitting on his bed and waving at the camera like it was normal.“Oh, my god.”~~~“What is all this?”All of you were together once again, beginning to huddle over the desk that held a chessboard with familiar names on it.“What are these sticky notes for?” Chris continues on and your eyes stuck on the board in front of you for a few more seconds before ripping away and meeting with Noah’s, the two of you sharing a look before he takes in a deep breath.“This is what Stiles used to explain to me about all of… you.” he explains with mild reluctance, and you saw Derek glancing at you from the corner of your eye. “Well, maybe it’s a message from Stiles. The real Stiles.” Allison suggests with slight desperation while looking between all of you. You hope.Your eyes watch now as Chris slowly begins picking up a chess piece, your eyebrows then furrowing when you read the name that was stuck onto it.Isaac.“You think there’s any reason why my name’s on the king?” Derek then speaks up and your eyes immediately flicker over to that said piece, so many emotions swirling inside of you as you stare at it. “Well, you’re heavily guarded… Though I guess the alarming detail,” Noah starts up reluctantly before meeting the eyes of the werewolf. “You’re one move from being in checkmate.”“Well, then it’s not a message from Stiles,” you start up yourself with a sharp breath, a weird feeling appearing in your chest when you felt the eyes shift onto you. “It’s a threat from the Nogitsune.” you continue on slowly, eyes then widening before twisting yourself to look at Derek. “He’s at the loft. That’s what he’s trying to tell us.”“And he wants us to come there.” Chris adds on for you and you honestly couldn’t explain the relief you felt when someone understood the point you were trying to make.“Night’s falling.” Derek then points out, and you begin biting at your lip. “This couldn’t sound any more like a trap.” Chris however points out instead, Noah turning to face him again. “I don’t think it is.” he insists and your eyebrows raise in response. “I think your opinion might be slightly biased, Sheriff.”“Hear me out,” Noah calls immediately, meeting your eyes for a split second as he holds his hand out. “What we’re dealing with here is basically someone who lacks motive. No rhyme, no reason, right?”“Meaning what?” Chris questions quickly with immense doubt. “Our enemy is not a killer. It’s a trickster. The killing is just a by-product.” Noah continues on, your eyes narrowing increasingly after every point. “If you’re trying to say it won’t kill us, I’m not feeling to confident about that.” Derek chimes in, and you contain the urge to roll your eyes before sparing him a look.“It won’t. It wants irony. It- it wants to play a trick. It wants a joke.” Noah begins again, your body straightening up as his eyebrows raise. “All we need to do… is come up with a new punch line.” he finishes off simply and a grin once again attempts to fight its way onto your lips.Hell yeah.“The sun is setting, sheriff.” Chris then comments and your eyes immediately flicker over to him, body tensing with anticipation to see if he was finally going to agree.“What do you have in mind.”~The plan was set.All of you got into your separate vehicles, but you found yourself in the Sheriff’s car after he insisted. Silence engulfed the vehicle the moment the doors closed, neither of you saying a word to each other as the car just starts up, the other guys following after you.The ability to breath was somewhat strained as your mind sent you into panic mode, eyes staring straight out of the wind while getting lost in thought.What if you were doing the wrong thing?What if you can’t get Stiles back and the thing he is possessed by will continue making him kill people?How didn’t you see this coming?Is this your fault?Where’s Scott?“Hey,” a voice calls gently, and you blink rapidly in response, mind getting released from whatever hold it had on you before letting yourself look over to the man in the driver’s seat. “You okay?” he questions, keeping his eyes on the road mostly but managing to spare you a glance.“Uh… I- I don’t know. I’m as good as I can be right now.” you respond with a simple shrug, arms then moving to cross over your chest while your eyebrows furrow in response to your words. Were you?“I can’t promise that everything is gonna go swimmingly. But we’re going to do what we can, okay?” Noah insists sincerely without missing a beat, your eyebrows unfurrowing and going in the opposite direction as you turn back to look at the man. “Okay?” he then repeats after a second when you don’t respond, taking his eyes away and meeting yours until you nodded your head. “… Okay.”“Scott’s still with Kira?” Noah questions to attempt to carry on some kind of conversation, however you look back out of the windows. “I don’t know. He hasn’t, uh… He hasn’t messaged me in a while.” you inform with your hold on yourself tightening. “I think he’s still with Kira, though-”“Right, I’m gonna tell you something, and I know this really isn’t a good time. But no matter what happens at the moment, I just need you to know this.” Noah then suddenly starts up and the random urgency in his voice caught you off guard, eyebrows furrowing once again as you slowly look over to him. “Sheriff?”Noah took in a deep breath, your eyes catching onto his grip tightening onto the steering wheel before lightly turning onto another street. “I don’t want you to freak out, so please don’t. I just need to say something first before you can react… Okay?” he then comments and a feeling of dread suddenly hit you at once, swallowing a lump that formed in your throat. “O- okay.”“I know about you,” he then states, and you just stare at him, mind racing a million miles per hour, mouth then parting to say something before remembering his previous words. “Derek… might of explained a few things to me. Argent doesn’t know so don’t panic. But, uh, yeah.”“Your mother was an… interesting woman.” Noah then comments with a light chuckle and your head slowly turns back towards the front, blankly staring out of the window while your body sinks back into the chair you sat on. “You know about…” you trail off, eyebrows raising when you see Noah nod his head after a few seconds.“Oh…” was the only thing you could muster as your fingers grip onto the fabric of your clothes, not actually knowing whether to go into panic mode or just sit there.“Does Scott know?” Noah then questions after a few more seconds of silence, and you blink rapidly once again. “No.” Short and simple. I mean, it was the truth.“You won’t tell him, will you?” you then ask quickly with your eyes widening, the sudden thought being the thing that made you panic and Noah quickly places his hand on your leg. “No, no. Not if you don’t want me to.” he insists, and you sink back into the chair with a sigh passing through your lips.“But. I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to tell him.” Noah then adds on, and you slightly froze, head raising up a little more while your eyebrows furrow in thought.Why didn’t you? I mean, he sure as hell saw the thing in the classroom that one time. Maybe he does know.“Look, we have a lot more things to find out right now, okay? I appreciate your concern, but I think you know what we should be focusing on.” you point out with mild hesitance and Noah retracts his hand from your leg, a tinge of guilt flowing through you when his lips fold together. “Yeah… Yeah- you’re right.” he breathes out with a nod, and now you really felt guilty. “Wait, I didn’t mean to-”A honk of a horn interrupted your words and the moment you realized what that meant, your stomach felt like it just fell to the floor.You were here.The car you were in pulls up to a parking spot and stops immediately when it was in the right place. “Noah,” you then call out quickly, grabbing onto his sleeve the moment he went to get out. “Y/n?” he questions with mildly furrowed eyebrows, and you swallow the lump that yet again made an appearance in your throat.“Stiles is gonna be okay… Right? Like, if we get him. He’s not gonna be in pain?” you question slowly, annoyance swirling through you the moment you felt the urge to cry.Noah was just staring at you with a new-found emotion, your eyes averting from his when you felt like you were tearing up, almost about to let go-Noah’s hand places itself on the top of yours and your eyes immediately snap back to his, letting yourself take in a breath that was shaky from all the emotions that stuck together. “I… I don’t know. Like I said earlier, I can’t promise you anything. But we are going to proceed as cautiously and as safely as I can. That is all I can tell you.”Your grip was tightening on him as you let yourself think, but Noah wasn’t phased, giving you as much time as you need while the others got themselves prepared. “You ready?” he then questions lightly, giving your hand a little shake to bring you back, and it worked, your eyes meeting his again before you take in a deep breath, appreciating his patience before you give him a final nod of your head.“I’m ready.”~~~~~Again, I’m so sorry if it’s shorter than usual-But thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed!!Taglist-Please let me know if you want to be added or removed!@shadow-of-a-cloud - @e-bendy - @sftpjmn - @nmriia - @holyshnitzboi - @simpforsomanypeople - @trustfundparker - @wandascandles04 - @poguestyle17 - @royalreadery - @im-a-stranger-thing - @abitofeverythinggg - @mvrylee - @topazy - @seninjakitey - @tanyaherondaleAgain, thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a lovely day or night!- Ava :) -- source link
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