#Repost @nwdcr (@get_repost)・・・Today marks the beginning of WEEK 5 of #hungerstrike at #NWDC and day
#Repost @nwdcr (@get_repost)・・・Today marks the beginning of WEEK 5 of #hungerstrike at #NWDC and day 27 of no food for one hunger striker. Last friday we filed a temporary restraining order against ICE to protect hunger strikers from force feeding. Please keep calling and share our call to action. #ChingaLaMigra #AbolishICE #enddetention #enddeportationshttps://www.instagram.com/p/Bn1byoEhLrb-xWRmSZAUW8LbJiC40pHd5jyAPc0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13c2t0lwzohbn -- source link