ibelieveinethan:carrotsforferrets:ibelieveinethan:carrotsforferrets:ibelieveinethan:carrotsforferrets:I’d like to address a few of these quotes.First off, Madonna, that isn’t always the case. Plenty of boys don’t find being a girl degrading, and would gladly like to wear different clothes, it’s because society has focused too much on helping women become like men that they haven’t helped men become like women.Secondly, Kate Nash, the term you are looking for is Egalitarianism. Egalitarianism is defined as the belief in equal rights for everyone regardless of sex and race. Feminism promotes Women to become like Men. It doesn’t help for equal rights for Men. Name one thing that feminism has done for Men. Just one. Has it changed the fact that in the UK, Rape is defined only as a man raping a woman or another man? If a woman rapes a man in the UK it is not legally defined as so, even though it happens quite frequently. How is that ok? Many places in the united states have laws that allow for women to automatically get the child in a case of divorce, or will give less harsh charges for the same crimes.I’m not saying that Feminism is bad. It’s good! Very good! But it’s only good for women. It’s about elevation of women and helping them become more like men in aspects of rights. Women deserve it though. Too much is to be expected of them in today’s world. However, it has done very little to help men. Why?Cause it’s called feminism…?You make a good point though! It’s not good to generalizealso, about the UK and rape, I’m pretty sure they’re saying it based on statistics but they shouldn’t disregard rape carried out by women, so that’s another mistakeWell the generalization seems to be: “If a man hates feminism he hates equal rights and thinks all women who want equal rights are stupid bitches.” But feminism ISN’T exactly equal rights. It’s about giving one group more rights to become more like another. Again, it isn’t bad, but when are they going to help the other side?As for the UK thing, I believe it is defined in their law as “The penetration of a penis into an unwilling person.” That covers Man on Woman and Man on Man, but not Woman on Man. Estimates say that 10% of Rapes are Woman on Man and 74% of them go unreported due to a variety of factors. Rape is a serious thing. If a woman is raped she has the support of her friends and society in general that it is ok to feel horrified by this and that she should go tell someone. If a man is raped he is laughed at “LOL YOU’RE A GUY DO YOU NOT ENJOY SEX YOU PUSSY?” Why isn’t feminism helping this problem for the sake of equality?Because as I have told you on numerous occasions, men throughout history have had more power in different areas than women, so some women got fed up with that and decided that they should be treated equally to men. That’s what you don’t seem to get ;;; Why don’t they have the same rights in the first place? So I think it is about equal rights. It’s not giving women more. It’s giving them the same. Why should they help the other side? That’s not what they’re there for. They’re there to make women equal to men, not to solve men’s shit. Get me?That is stupid and should be dealt with; sure the feminists should say something about it, but so should everyone. I think it’s time society as a whole started standing up against stupid laws. After all, not too many people belong to any sort of group, so if general signatures were taken or something I think a lot more progress would be made… I think they should pass a bill saying that rape is just as bad for everyone!Aah, because there are large scale cases of man-man or man-woman rape, and not so much woman-man; doesn’t mean it’s ANY less important, which is what people seem to disregard for some reason… The thought that a man would enjoy such a thing is absurd, but then again it’s everywhere around you: the stereotype that men only think about sex.I think yes, they should make sure that men are not classified as rapists because that’s just absurd. I’m sure they don’t all do that though. For instance, Ellen Page, Madonna and Kate Nash wouldn’t say that! I’m more than well aware that not all feminists think that men are rapists! That is just as bad a stereotype as saying all men are rapists! You seem to not get past my point: More rights for women is NOT equal rights. That is all feminism does, more rights for women. Yes, they need to be equal, but men also need to be equal to women.Let me repeat: FEMINISM IS NOT ABOUT EQUALITY. IT IS ABOUT ONE GROUP MOVING IN ONE DIRECTION NOT ABOUT SOCIETY AS A WHOLE COMING TOGETHER TO BE ONE. and just because I have said this I am not saying that women don’t deserve rights or that equality isn’t neccessary. Women DO deserve rights and I think equality IS important. That’s why I will support women’s rights and men’s rights, and LGBT rights, and what have you, but I will NEVER consider myself a feminist. I am an Egalitarian, I think everyone should have the same god damned laws and rights. Is that so bad? Is that so hard to believe?! I don’t care if being Feminist is the more popular way of saying it, it isn’t the same.They’re trying to level it out though! They get more rights (if you really want to consider them more) to be able to hold the same standards as men, and besides, I don’t think it’s anything major anymore, just amounting on things they already have, like same paid jobs and the like. Why don’t they make “masculinism” if they’re so unhappy with what feminists are doing? :I That way they can address their own issues and everyone can be happy.You can belong to whatever group you please, but you can’t expect every group to address problems it was not created for. And that’s my final word, really…Feminism seeks to dismantle the system of cultural, social, and economic oppression referred to, in shorthand, as “the Patriarchy”. The patriarchy hurts men, too. Feminism pushes for women (and men) to escape patriarchal power structures, and to introduce equality by doing so.The claim that mothers are “automatically awarded child custody” is bogus, except sometimes, when the mother is unwed and there is no father’s name on the birth certificate.But there is more to that statistic than meets the eye. Most divorcing or single fathers (roughly 90 percent) never ask for custody. In contested divorce and parentage custody cases, however, the father wins 60 percent of the time.The Ireland-Smith case is not a fluke; there is no automatic advantage for mothers. In fact, there’s an edge for fathers. Where does it come from?Some of that 60 percent is accounted for by the fact that fathers are most likely to seek custody when the mother is egregiously unfit or dysfunctional.Many of the other cases result from the mother’s financial inability to support the child; of course, that often is closely related to the father’s failure to pay support.Paternal demands for custody are most likely to arise when the mother demands child support (or more child support, as in the Ireland case), or when the father gets married, thereby acquiring either full-time unpaid child care or a second income.http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-08-22/news/9408220044_1_ireland-smith-custody-motherThere are lots of lawyers answering this question over and over on Avvo.com, so go look for yourself.But even if it were true, it would be another example of the patriarchy at work, and I’m going to tell you why. When it is assumed that women are “better” at “traditionally female roles” such as motherhood, nurturing, and so on, that’s the Patriarchy at work. That’s sexism. Because the flipside is that men are only good at sports, being macho, and having careers (and women are bad at these things, simply because they are women). Feminism doesn’t want that assumption made. Under a feminist revolt, gender-based assumptions about a person’s competence would be demolished.Literally everything the “Men’s Rights” idiots are whining about is already a feminist issue. It’s like they cannot possibly fathom being a part of any movement that doesn’t make them feel like the gold medalists in the Oppression Olympics.Which, in of itself, is patriarchal. -- source link