Welcome back my lovelies!This part hurrrrrrrt me to write. I hope I do these episodes justice, but I
Welcome back my lovelies!This part hurrrrrrrt me to write. I hope I do these episodes justice, but I’m sorry If I don’t.Please read with caution if this episode hits you in the feels.Go get yourself some water, a snack, or go to bed if you have to because I know ya’ll be staying up silly late Warnings!- Contains main character death, slightly intense descriptions and over all doesn’t have a light feel to the episode. Read with Caution.TV Show- Teen Wolf.Series Name- The Rise Of The Dark Spirits.Part- Season 3- Episode 23- Insatiable.~~~~~A huge gasp was the first reaction your body held when you regained your senses, the familiar feeling of being shocked away hitting you just the same, however this time you weren’t on the floor. Panic was active and flooding through your veins, heart pulsing rapidly in your chest while your eyes flicker about, trying to recognize anything around you to have some sense of capability to ground yourself.But there was nothing.Well, there were things, but your vision was shaky and blurry, those two things not being ideal when your main achievement is to focus on something.“What the- what the hell?” was the first thing uttered from your lips, feet slightly stumbling around as you really couldn’t see anything. The panic centred in your chest was now beginning to spread, breath quick and rapidly turning ragged as the cold air around you nipped at your skin. “Okay, breathe. Y/n, breathe.” you manage to whisper to yourself, fists clenching in an attempt to help while your eyes squeezed shut, now being able to hear your heartbeat in your ears.You weren’t sure on how long you just stood there, but you did in fact just stand there until you felt calm enough to move around, composing yourself enough so that you could actually function. The eagerness to see light when you eventually opened your eyes again was increasing, and you got what you wanted, but it was dull and gloomy compared to what you actually wanted to see.However, I’m pretty sure you’re willing to work with anything you could.“He- hello?” you croak out after being able to find your voice, taking a moment to clear your throat as you begin trying to look around for anything again. “Hello?” you call out again, swallowing thickly, and when you get no response again, you went to take a step forwards, beginning to try and look around even more-A sudden feeling appeared around your ankle and a yelp practically shot out of your throat, body beginning to fall forwards as something you were guessing tripped you up. Your arms were slightly flailing about to try and cushion your fall, but apparently that didn’t work as your body collides to the ground with a ‘omph’ passing out of your mouth. You landed face down, and I mean face down.After practically having to peel your face off of the stone floor beneath you, a strained grunt echoes around, an aching feeling in your head just pulsing as a wave of dizziness hit you, all that being accompanied by a warm liquid that suddenly began streaming down your top lip.Was your nose bleeding?Any and all attempt to get yourself together was completely shattered as you ranomdly felt movement on your ankle again, panic just shooting through your system the moment it clicked in your mind on what it felt like.It was a hand.And as if reading your mind, the hand completely yanks on your leg all of a sudden, your eyes snapping open while another struggled yelp passes through your lips.You now felt your body beginning to get dragged along the cold and mildly wet ground and your own hands were now out and moving, fingers frantically trying to get hold of anything to help you. “Stop! Stop, please- help!”Your call rung around your ears and echoed around the area, arms not halting their fast movements as you were still getting dragged in a certain direction, panicked grunts and gasps rolling of your tongue. “Help-”Your words got stuck in your throat as you felt another hand grip onto your ankle, “No,” another hand appearing on your left knee and then on your right knee, “No, no, no,” hands now completely stopping your movements as they grasp onto your panicked arms. “Please! Please, stop!”Hands felt like they appeared everywhere (appropriate) on your body and suddenly…. everything stopped.You weren’t moving any more.There was no noise, only your panicked gasps for air as you were beyond frightened. You began trying to move your head around, trying to get a glimpse of whom these people were, but then you felt yourself get flipped over, body facing upwards and now your arms were the only things that were free. A sudden sinking feeling then hit you before you could even react, and when I say sinking feeling, I mean a literal sinking feeling as your body began getting dragged into the ground like you were going through some kind of portal feet first.“What?! Hey, stop! Stop, please!” you yelp out shakily, waist now hitting against the rim of what you could feel was some kind of hole. Cries of panic let your lips as those hands just kept pulling you down, your arms once again shooting out and scrambling to catch onto something, but for about the a millionth time-It was too late.Your right arm was now the only thing that wasn’t under, hand open and reaching out as if someone was going to grab it and help you out of this nightmare at the last second, as if someone one going to save your helpless self. “No!”Your body shot off the ground like that continuous cycle, practically springing to your feet and turning around in about every single direction, hands held up and ready to fight whatever was there…But there was nothing.Your shoulders were raised, tense and heaving while your eyes flicker around in every direction, however finally letting yourself take in your surroundings instead of getting ready to fight, a confused sound spilling from your throat when you could actually focus.You were in some kind of secret passageway looking thing. It was dark, damp and very unpleasant smelling to your nose as it left a slight burning sensation whenever you sucked in air, rusted and slightly leaking pipes running along the tops of the walls while a dripping sound was the only thing catching onto your ears. “Hello?” you call out shakily, defence mechanism still up and functioning while your head turns in every direction it could.Where are you? “Hello?” you call out a bit louder, stance slightly easing when your brain began convincing you that you were actually alone, void was somewhere else and raining terror on whomever he could.….. But were you?“Welcome back.”You honestly felt like you gave yourself whiplash because of how fast your necked jerked in the other direction, air just getting caught in your throat as you slightly stumble backwards with wide eyes.You definitely weren’t alone. “You can feel it, can’t you? You can feel when someone you care about is in pain?” Void questions with his hands held behind his back, your eyes just stuck on him as he walks towards you but still had some distance to go.No words even began to muster from your mouth, body beginning to move backwards while fear just pinged through your system. “Is your mind tell you that Stiles is dying?” Void then questions and that sentence alone almost made you completely stop moving. “What?”“It is isn’t it?” he taunts instead, and you stare at him for a few seconds, however your system started up again when you realized he was getting closer, taking in a sharp breath before quickly twisting yourself round and starting to stagger down the tunnel with your hands pulling you along the walls. “He is, you know,” Void began mysteriously, your eyes catching a glimpse of him taking slow and calm steps not that far behind when you looked back quickly, however your movements heavily contrasted with his, being all panicked and very much terrified. “He’s dying.”A slight whimper of a sound passes through your lips as you look back around, seeing the way that he was looking at you while his hands were now just by his side. Not good.You almost felt relieved when you turned round corner, slightly quickening your steps as now when you looked back you wouldn’t be seeing Void for a bit, I guess having a little more time to prepare yourself. More emotionally than anything.“What do you need me for then?” you practically shout back after gaining the confidence, still pulling yourself along the manky walls while panicked breaths went in and out of your mouth. “You think I can tell you something?” you continue on and your body froze when your eyes landed on a bar door.It honestly felt like you just rebooted as the next second you practically lunged for it, hands wrapping around the cold metal before beginning to shake it vigorously to try and get it to open. A sudden deep and taunting laugh echoes through your ears and goosebumps rose on your skin, taking about a step back from the door before you begun turning around slowly, a shuddered breath passing though your lips before you full faced where you came from. “Oh, I know you can.” the familiar but unrecognizable voice mutters smugly and though you couldn’t see Void just yet, you could just picture the smirk resting on his lips. “Well, I hate to disappoint you. But there is no way in hell that I’m going to tell you anything. Plus I’m pretty sure-”“You won’t have to,” his voice practically passes through your entire body, and you jerk yourself backwards, eyes finally laying right on his as he was now stood directly in front of you, just staring at you with that terrifying look that made you want to fade into the wall. “You’ll be screaming.” ~It felt like hours went by as the two of you were just stood there, your gaze cowering from his, but oh no. There was no way he was gonna look scared. A sharp breath was sucked into your lungs, and you slowly begin to side-step, eyes still fixated on each others before your foot lands on the first step of a small staircase, finally plucking up the courage to tear your eyes away from Void. “They’ll… They’ll find me.” you start up with a clear of your throat, hands practically patting the walls on either side while you make your way down the steps. “My friends are going to find me.” you insist with much more confidence evident in your voice, even though the comment was meant more for yourself.You finally got to the bottom of the short stairs, all hope of a way out just vanishing into thin air as when your eyes look through the barred door in front of you…It was just a room with no way out to be seen.You were cornered.Your hands grasped onto the bars of the door once again, fingers now shaking because of the lack of warmth, also mixed with the fear spiralling in your chest that literally made you tremble. “You think so?” Void questions from somewhere behind you and the urge to run suddenly spiked, hands now frantically rattling the door even though you knew what was on the other side wasn’t of any use. I mean, maybe you could attempt to duke him and both end up on different sides of the door?“I myself was kind of wondering what they’re doing right now.What useless lead they’re chasing…” Void starts up again, the fight in your system remaining as you contain shaking the door. “I wonder if maybe some of them have bigger problems to deal with right now.”Your hands stilled almost immediately, head lowering as frantic pants left your lips, beginning to lean your weight into the door in front of you.He’s…. right.“Are they really spending every minute looking for you?” Void adds on as the cherry on top and a sudden pit grew in your stomach, the kind of feeling you would get when going down a drop on some form of roller coaster, although, this time it wasn’t the most joyful of feelings.“Or…” Void began again and your eyebrows slightly raised in response, kind of getting intrigued with whatever he was going to say. “Are they waiting for nightfall? Focused on some hopeless gesture to pass the time.”Well….. If you didn’t have insecurities before you sure as hell did now-A shaky breath left your lips as your brain began fighting itself, multiple ideas and tricks planting in your head, but no matter what you thought of.How did you know that Void hasn’t though of it himself?Your grip on the bars in front of you loosened a little, feet beginning to twist around until you were now fully facing the staircase, a shiver running down your spin when your eyes land on Void himself just sat at the top of the staircase with his head tilted to the side. The urge to cry suddenly hit you, and you felt the tears spring in your eyes, but no.There was no way you were going to cry. Fight it.Your eyebrows slightly furrowed more than they were originally, body trembling with such weakness while your mind raced, knowing that anything that you planned, you would have the disadvantage. “What do you want?” you then croak out after about a minute of silence, and you watch the expression on Void’s face turn into one of amusement. “More.” he states simply before rising from his sitting position in such a way that it literally made you shudder. “As descriptive as that is… More what?” you question slowly while your body straightens and Void suddenly lets out a chuckle in response. “Well…. He was right about you,” he comments a little more quietly than before and your head was now the one to tilt to the side.“The tricksters stories are all about food, Y/n.” Void starts off while walking down a step, his finger out and pointing at you like a damn teacher. “The Coyote, the Raven, the Fox.” he lists off, every name with another step. “They’re all hungry.”Void’s steps were slow and each one he went down sent goosebumps all around your body, eyes just watching as he got closer and closer. “And I’m the same.”Your eyes immediately avert from his as you swallow thickly, back feeling like it was melting into the barred door while you began to tremble a little more visibly. “I’m just craving something a little different.” Void then adds on, and you heard him take every step, body turning to the side while your shaky breaths echoed around.The moment you heard him take the final step, you quickly jerked yourself round towards the door, back facing Void while the tears started to build up a lot stronger, the fear practically pulsing in your veins while you just waited for his next moves.“I eat what you feel.” Void then points out and your shaky fingers grasp onto the metal bars, eyes staring through them like someone was going to be on the other side.All of a sudden, you felt your hair get pulled back from your ears, your eyes just squeezing shut with a slight whimper when you felt Void’s face right beside your ear, lips practically ghosting over it hungrily while your legs felt like they were turning into jelly. “And I’m insatiable.”~ “You know, uh… Earlier with the whole, um, screaming thing. I hate to break it to you, but I think you’ve got the wrong person for that.” you comment slowly, eyes nervously flickering around Void’s face that was practically right in front of your own, catching a glimpse of his eyebrows raising slightly. “Is that so?”“Yeah, see. I’m not a banshee…. I can’t tell when someone is going to die. I can’t…” your words fell away when a deep chuckle rumbles from Void’s throat, your back now pressing against one of the walls as he then takes a step towards you, swallowing thickly while the air catches in your throat. “Wow, you really know nothing about your powers do you?” Void chuckles out and your head slightly tilts to the side, nervous eyes narrowing on the guy as your fingers press into the cold wall. “What do you mean?”“Let me put it simply. Have you ever wondered why there were multiple colours on that pendant?” he points out and your eyes widen within a second, body straightening up while you just stare at him in shock. “How did you… How did you know about that?” you question slowly and Void grins at you, your eyes squeeze shut when he leans forwards, his arm moving right next to your head as he presses his own hand onto the wall. “You see. When I was connected to your buddy Stiles, I could feel what he felt. I could hear, and read those thoughts of his.” Void begins simply while twisting a piece of your hair around his finger, and you peek an eye open to look at him only to close it once again immediately. “You would be surprised on how much he thinks about you.” Really? Void too.Damn you got the whole squad shipping the two of you.“Seeing as you don’t understand you’re abilities. Let me give you a little run down.” Void then starts up lazily and your eyes slowly open again, back slightly rubbing against the stone while you stare up at the guy. “Those colours on that pendant mean different things. The one that I like most out of those is the red.”Void…. is the one teaching you about you’re own powers… Void-Well, this is a change of scenery.“You can practically do anything with sound. Some of which you still have to learn. But the most useful one at the moment is the ability to send messages with sound and manipulate it into whatever you want,” he carries on, and you just stare at him with a blank gaze. This does sound like fake shit, but…. why would he lie of all people?“You’ve already done that.” he then adds on and your eyes widen once again, slightly shifting your weight to your other foot while maintaining eye contact. “What?” you question through a breath, and you could feel Void start getting irritated. “I guess you did it subconsciously. But if someone gets one of those messages then you might be saving the day.”Now your eyebrows rose again, watching as Void was the one to avert his gaze, your own eyes taking note of his change of expression. “You’re nervous, aren’t you?” the sudden sentence blurted out of your mouth before you could stop it, eyes mildly going wide when Void looked back at you rather quickly, however you weren’t scared. “You know they’re coming.”“And you know they’re going to kill you.”Your confidence completely left your system as Void leans his hand against the wall again, his face practically inches away from yours while you attempt to sink away from the hot breath. “Well, that’s exactly why I’m keeping you so close.” he whispers with such a rough and rasp voice making your head turn to the side, eyes squeezing shut once again when Void wouldn’t move back. “It’s so funny seeing the way you react to this face of mine. The hope in your eyes fading the moment I speak is rather amusing.” Void comments with a smile, and you slightly flinch away when you feel a hand on your cheek. Even though you wanted to move again, he made it so you physically couldn’t.“Did you really believe it was Stiles when we were in that loft?” he then suddenly questions and your eyes snapped open, swallowing thickly as Void tilts his head to the side with his gaze stuck on you. “I wanted to,” you began slowly, fingers pressing into the cold wall behind you all over again. “Either way, the two of you still have the same face and I don’t really have plans of watching him get shot.”“Both of you were connected anyway. You get hurt like that, Stiles would get hurt too.” you then point out, containing the urge to shiver when Void breaks out into another shit-eating grin. “You’re a smart one… Smart and feisty, huh? I see while Stiles keeps you so close now.”I mean, apparently Void is taking the lead on that one for now.~~~~~“Wait, so, what are we doing now?” you question with eyebrows furrowed in confusion, eyes flickering to the side of Stiles’ face that was now twisting into an expression of annoyance. “Do you listen, like, at all?”“Well, sorry that I was just minding my own business, and then you came up out of nowhere and yanked me in some random direction. Didn’t even give me a heads-up or anything.” you huff out in response, rolling your eyes with the same annoyance before crossing your arms over your chest. “… Okay, fine. I admit that was a little weird- But did you forget the fact that we’re studying together?” Stiles points out with a light nudge to your side and your mouth parts immediately, a little offended by him not having much faith in you, but your response fell short the moment he locked eyes with you. You did in fact forget. “Touché.” you groan in annoyance, eliciting a few giggles from the boy beside you while chatter from students echoed around the mildly busy halls. A sudden grip on your arm however made your eyebrows furrow, taking your attention away from the other people, once again looking back at Stiles while he just sends you a grin before pulling you in a certain direction.The two of you found yourselves in an empty classroom about a few minutes ago, both of you placed at a table on either side while work due about an hour later sprawled along the surface in front of you.“That doesn’t mean that it’s any less hard, Stiles!” you huff out, rubbing your temple in annoyance while the boy himself taps his pen against the desk. “Dude, why did you even take the subject if you react like this to simple questions?” Stiles points out teasingly, but when your hand stilled within a second, looking up to the boy with such a slow pace and a very scare face, he practically shuddered with fear. “Okay, okay. Why don’t you just let me do it then.” Stiles breathes out and reaches his hand out, but you immediately shake your head with a sigh. “No. No, that wouldn’t help. I need to do it myself to get better, but… God, I just can’t understand it.” you try to explain with pure exhaustion, head practically flopping down before landing on your arms that crossed over the table.“Y/n,” Stiles calls out lightly, clearily feeling a little bad. “Y/n.” he calls again a little louder than before, dragging out the last part of your name while gently shaking your arm. But you don’t respond, causing the boy to let out a sigh of annoyance.“I’ll make you a deal.” he then starts up and your eyebrows raises immediately, head slowly tilting until your left eye just about peaked up over your arm, Stiles’ lips curling into a short smile before he focuses again. “How about I answer the questions on your homework for now. And then I help you with them in the future?”“What?” you question with furrowed eyebrows, head fully lifting from your arms before titling to the side. “Yeah! I mean, we can fix up a… schedule of some sort, but sure. I’m willing to help.” he insists sincerely, giving you a simple shrug while you practically gawk at him. “Really?” you then breathe out after a few seconds and Stiles furrows his eyebrows at you.“Of course. I have to warn you I might not be the best either, but I know the formula and stuff like that.” he points out with slight doubt circulating his voice, but you quickly reach out and grab onto his warm hand, Stiles’ eyes immediately snapping to the sudden movement before widening. “No… No, it’s fine, thank you. Any help… helps.” The two of you just kind of just stare at each other for a few seconds, eyes flickering between the other pair before Stiles cracks a smile, your attempt to stop yourself from doing the same immediately as the both of you just burst into laughter. Stiles’ head slightly lowered as he let out giggles, hand subconsciously twisting in its place before it held onto your own, the two of you just letting out your amusement. “You’re such a weirdo.” you giggle out, other hand pressed on your chest while you attempt to cough the last of your laughs out.“I’m not the only one!” Stiles points out immediately as his head snaps back into its original place, your own head shaking in amusement when your eyes land on the lovable grin on his face. “Besides,” he then continues on and your eyes flicker back to his when you felt him gently squeeze your hand.“I’m your weirdo.”~~~~~Multiple muffled sounds echoed around the tunnels minutes apart, so many emotions just building up as the relief settle in your chest. They were here.A sudden movement causes a slight yelp to pass through your lips, an arm appearing around your waist before the door next to you was yanked open, Void then pulling you both into the new room and then slamming the barred door behind the two of you.Void’s hands were now on either side of your body, fingers clenched on the sleeves of your shirt while he looks around almost anxiously. Now you were the one slightly amused by his antics, continues pants tumbling from your lips uncontrollably while your eyes flicker between his.“They’re here.” you breathe out as your body practically sways back and forth. “And I don’t even have to scream or whatever to know that they’re going to kill you.” you then comment with slight smugness, but the moment his eyes met with yours, you wanted to back up into the wall all over again.“Good. Because that’s exactly why I brought you.” Void then insists and your eyebrows furrow within an instant, wide eyes then following him when he steps back before he suddenly pulls something from wherever. “I needed to know when they’d be close enough.” he continues on and the air catches in your throat when he looks back at you. “When my own death was closing in.”A weird sort of rattling sound then practically swarms your ears, and you look to your left, a slight gasp leaving your lips when you spot the Oni’s that you’ve seen way more than you’ve wanted to.You let yourself look to the right, they were there, and after looking around like a maniac for a few seconds, you realized they were literally circling around the two of you.And the moment those things raised their swords, you sprung into action almost immediately and ran to the wall direction behind you, knowing that they were for Void instead of you as your back practically slams into the wall all over again.“‘Cause only when they’re close, can I do this…” he then trails off before looking down at the metal part in his hands.Your eyes slightly widened when you saw the Oni’s start to charge at him, Void wasting no time before he finally did whatever he wanted, snapping the metal into two parts which emitted a sort of sparkly green light.Within about a second, all the Oni’s halted their movements, your eyes falling back on Void as he stared back with the same shit-eating grin. “I’ll see you soon…. Y/n.” was the last thing uttered from his lips before he completely vanished, literally everyone else in the room going with him as it was now just you.He changed the ownership.Your back was still firmly pressed into the wall behind you, pants leaving your lips after every second while your eyes flicker around the once crowded room. “No…” you breathe out as you slowly lean away from the wall. “No, no, no. No!” you yell out and as if all of your energy came back, you practically sprinted to the barred door that Void forced you through not even that long ago. “Come back!”“Come back, you bastard!”~You really didn’t know how long it had been, your feet making you pace back and forth while a weird feeling spread through your chest within seconds.It was almost like your senses had been heightened, hearing things you didn’t hear before and most of all, feeling things that you didn’t know you could.Multiple footsteps merging together was the sound that took you out of your thought process, body completely halting its frantic movements right in front of the barred door before beginning to slowly move backwards, swallowing thickly as you didn’t know who to expect. “Y/n?”Wait, no… No!Scott, Lydia and… Stiles. The real Stiles appeared behind the metal door.Your eyes grew wider than they probably were before, body practically lunging towards the door as your brother began fiddling with it. “Y/n. Are you all right?” Stiles questions immediately, fear filled eyes flickering around your state. “No…. No, no, no! Why are you here?” Scott slightly grunts before finally managing to pull open the heavy door, panic just coursing through your veins as you look through each of them. “Y/n, we’re here for you.” Stiles points out with narrowed eyes, and you shake your head instantly. “You weren’t supposed to be here.” you whisper before taking a step back, hands raising to your head. “The message….. The message! Didn’t you get my message?” you question desperately, mainly looking at Lydia this time as your breathing quickened. “Y/n, what’s happening?” Scott asks in an attempt to calm you down, and you let out a shaky sigh, hands coming up to your head again while the tears burned at your eyes.However, a sudden thought made your body feel like it just shut off, completely freezing in place before your eyes slowly flicker up to find any of theirs. “Who else is here?” you practically whisper as your stomach just drops. “Who else came with you- who else is here?”“Just…. Just, Kira, Allison and Isaac- why?” Scott informs and your eyes widen even more, lungs feeling no more air could go either in or out. “I knew it.” you heard Lydia breathe out and practically all of you turn to her in confusion, but when she made eye contact with you.You knew.“Go.” you command immediately and Stiles’ eyebrows furrow in response, Scott attempting to reach out for you in confusion, but you push him backwards. “Go, go, go! We need to move!” you rush out and your brother just blinks rapidly before nodding his head, running past everyone else before all of you follow behind, beginning to run through the tunnels all over again. Damp air was rapidly sucked into your lungs as the four of you made your way through the dark passage ways, an entire range of emotions just sifting through your body as you push yourself forwards. “Lydia…. Lydia, Y/n- I can’t…” you heard from behind, and when I tell you that you completely stopped-Oh, I mean it.Scott skidded to a halt though just before you could look over to Stiles, and you face your brother instead, noticing how his face was contorted into such eagerness of getting out. You took in multiple deep breaths, the two of you just staring at each other before you give him a simple nod.A movement that spoke a thousand words. Your brother ran off within a second, your eyes stuck on his figure as it got further and further away. “Y/n, go.” a voice calls out, and you jerk round immediately, eyes just widening when they land on both Stiles and Lydia who were set against one of the walls, Stiles slipping into an unconscious state.“Stiles.” you breathe out while take a step towards them, hand reaching out to grab onto the poor boy, but Lydia took it instead. “Y/n, go! Get out of here okay? I’ve got him!” she insists and your wide eyes flicker over to her, completely taken aback by the out burst before she nods her own head. It took a second of thinking until you came to a decision, moving your hand so that it was completely holding onto Lydia’s before giving it a firm squeeze. And that was it.You sprinted through the tunnel, feet practically slamming onto the floor with every step as your arms swing back and forth, eyebrows furrowed in determination…Your legs buckled mid run, falling forwards until you landed on your knees, a grunt straining from your lips as your hand clutches at your chest, teeth gritted in some for of pain that you couldn’t put into words.“Allison!”The scream was Lydia’s. And if what you thought was right…A struggled cry passes through your lips as the aching sensation moves through your entire body, knuckles practically turning white because of how hard you gripped onto your shirt.But you refused to give into it.Your free hand slams palm first into the wall beside you, one of your knees lifting until the foot was firmly planted on the ground, breaths being sucked into your lungs after every second. You were so close to being outside.After a moment, you finally manage to pull yourself off of the ground with a slight whimper, body slightly staggering around until your eyes snap onto the light flowing into the end of the tunnel.Determination hit you all at once, and you took the first step with your eyebrows furrowed in pure pain, then the next one, and the next one-Soon enough you were stumbling out of the exit, trying to run a little further until you rammed into a kind of chain gate, eyes flickering around the outside of the-You saw it. Oh, god, you saw it.The breaths that you so eagerly needed to take in felt like they came to a stop, your determination, your hope, every single feeling of being able to help anyone completely vanishing all together.There, slowly falling limp in your brothers arms, was none other than Allison, the girl’s hand from your angle clutching onto her stomach while Scott gently rocked her back and forth. You could hear their voices, but the words themselves were barely audible, your brain not even managing to form a single sentence, either because of the shock or because you didn’t want to listen into a conversation that wasn’t for you.“Y/n…” you heard not that far away and your mind let go of you, eyes staying on Allison and Scott for a little longer while you turn your head in the direction of the sound. And after about a second, you finally let yourself look away, a short breath getting sucked into your lungs before you stagger forward.“Isaac…” you breathe out and practically collapse to the ground when you get over to him, eyes rapidly flickering around the multiple injuries on his chest. “What- what happened, why is she- why are you…” you tried to start up, but the pure panic in your system took over, Isaac letting out a strained grunt as he pushes himself up. Your ears caught onto the struggled breaths that Allison was attempting to take in, and though your mind wanted to focus on helping Isaac, you couldn’t.The boy himself managed to sit up next to you, body weakened by the multiple injuries, so he was leaning into you a little heavily, but you didn’t care at that moment.Your eyes began to fill with tears as they finally landed on Allison’s hand, blood trickling through her fingertips, and you suddenly caught onto what happened, your hand clutching at your chest all over again.She was stabbed by one of the Oni’s.“No!” Scott sobs out and the next thing you saw felt like it was in slow motion, eyes following Allison’s hand as it fell to the side…. her entire body then going completely limp.Tears freely spilled down your cheeks as Scott struggles to contain his cries. “Oh, god… Oh, god, oh, god…” you breathe out rapidly, body hunching forwards as your free hand slams into the ground to hold you up, the fingers of your other hand clenching on your shirt even tighter while the tears just drop onto the floor one after the other.You felt your body getting pulled to the side, but you couldn’t even focus on what was happening beyond that, the ability to breathing getting smaller and smaller as every breath got taken over by sobs that rippled from your lips. She was gone…Allison is gone.~~~~~The endinggggg. Definetly hit me in the feels, I had to rewatch the scene and everything oml.Taglist-Please let me know if you want to be added or removed!@shadow-of-a-cloud - @e-bendy - @sftpjmn - @nmriia - @holyshnitzboi - @simpforsomanypeople - @trustfundparker - @wandascandles04 - @poguestyle17 - @royalreadery - @im-a-stranger-thing - @abitofeverythinggg - @mvrylee - @topazy - @seninjakitey - @tanyaherondale Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy!- Ava :) -- source link
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