[21st April 2019 | 農曆己亥歲三月十七](Easter Sunday 2019年復活節)- Sukan Rakyat #ungkuomarinteractionfestival19
[21st April 2019 | 農曆己亥歲三月十七](Easter Sunday 2019年復活節)- Sukan Rakyat #ungkuomarinteractionfestival19 -#chinesetraditionalclothing × #malaytraditionalgame Last time I managed to go to top four, but was no luck to be in top three; this time I lost to a semester one junior in elimination matches… Looks like I gonna practice more for this #congkak . On the bright side, I got second runner-up for Draughts, stay tuned for tomorrow.- #翁姑奥瑪互動節 民間運動 - #華人傳統服裝 × #馬來傳統遊戲上次有進過四強,可是還是与冠亞季軍擦肩而過;這次卻在淘汰賽敗給第一学期的小学妹了… 見笑見笑。看來得要多多練習這個 #馬來播棋 (冲格/衝閣)了。好的方面,我在西洋跳棋获得季軍,敬請期待明日。 Event committee 活动工委。。。。。。#hanfu #hanfudaily #shuhe #漢服 #漢服日常 #汉服 #汉服日常 #裋褐 #翁姑奥玛互动节 #华人传统服装 #马来传统游戏 #马来播棋 #uoif19 #gegarkuo #upsi #upsilife #upsibest #依大 #依大生活 #依大最棒 #sifangpingdingjin #四方平定巾 (at Kolej Aminuddin Baki(KAB) UPSI)https://www.instagram.com/p/BwhJ8EWgGg5HdQvGXHj_D6P_MOJcBgUFpHdFws0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fjgn0wzzww9 -- source link
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