spaffy-jimble:bloodandbloodyash:spaffy-jimble:bloodandbloodyash:wrthgpnk:bloodandbloodyash:wrthgpnk:bloodandbloodyash:wrthgpnk:bloodandbloodyash:wrthgpnk:bloodandbloodyash:wrthgpnk:bloodandbloodyash:I would feel better if they would bare their face openly, showing how they don’t care what happens to them, they will fight with honor and thus gain a better appearance, due to having faceless fighters always dehumanizes them and makes them look more sinister.bloodandbloodyash is a fedYes I do respect the Federal government. However a ski mask makes me think Criminal, Terrorist, or a James Bond villain’s goon. If people openly showed their face, they would be viewed as people instead of “those ANTIFA thugs”. There are better ways to protest than with anonymous violence and pillaging. How did Gandhi, or MLK succeed when they used non violence? The thing you must understand is no one supports those who look for a fight.Not looking for improving society, a fight. ANTIFA has yet to do anything to show it isn’t just a bunch a goons in masks. Black Bloc tactics don’t win the hearts and minds. In fact it is counter productive. A majority of the Media that is established is democrat leaning. You only have given them Charlottsville, which required you going to a INDEFINITE Alt right movement rally, and having a third party counter protester DIE in order to get you some sort of good publicity. EVEN THEN some people, myself included, said this one fatality doesn’t equate to the hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage, injuries, and fear-mongering you caused. We say the alt right suck, but you are the Alt left. So these are your options to remain viable, since ANTIFA is now a domestic terrorist cell.1. You completely disband, and never return. this makes the Alt Right seem an unbalanced part of the right, and hate towards them will grow faster than anything you can do while active.2. Change tactics, Become so passive that people think you became too obsessed with Undertale’s Pacifist route. Anything you are inficted never return. instead of battles, have “massacres”. This paints those against you, who will drop in volume once you stop destroying and injuring, in a bad light.3. Face an unavoidable and harsh end, one people have grow so sick of ANTIFA in it’s current state it will call for anyone who identifies with the group to be arrested. This is a worst case scenario, but your best case is you just lose significance, and fade away. I personally would consider myself ANTIFA if you were what was on the label, Against Fascists. However you only seem to me ANTIRE, or anti Republican. While everyone that is in the Alt Right is a Republican, not every Republican is part of the Alt right. I highly suggest that anyone in ANTIFA read this and view yourself in an outside light. I could just say “oh go to hell Commie” which while it is one of my problems with ANTIFA, being pro Communism, which cannot work with how humans instinctively work, is not what you need to hear. Instead I listed the three options that you will follow, and with what I predict at least, where they lie in how they work. I hope you pick one of the first two however. saves everyone involved a lot less pain long really just wrote out a thing because you wish anti-fascists were easier to identify and capturego eat your own shit, copLMAO You think I’m a cop? Just cause I’m not violently against the Trump Administration doesn’t mean I’m a police officer. Also, why would I show you ways to overcome the Alt right if I was’t against it? Glad you hate me and all, but this assumption of yours is quite false. Also insults very rarely are effective persuasion devices. Maintaining a cool and collected air to yourself will make you seem quite in control of your emotions.we aren’t gonna conform to your standardsOf a civil debate? I was hoping you do.too bad. you aren’t gonna have much luck telling people how they should or shouldnt protest.Destroying property and attacking people isn’t a protest, it’s a riot. (However I don’t care if someone like Richard Spencer got hit, dude is an ass.) If you were shouting just distasteful things but never actually do anything physical to someone, it’s a protest.Riot means “ a disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons acting together in a disrupting and tumultuous manner in carrying out their private purposes“ (Source That sounds very much like what ANTIFA has done in the past.hell yeah!I don’t think you understand why I put the definition, It’s to show how ANTIFA is literally rioting. Not protesting, rioting. While protesting is being defined on when it is too far, almost universally it agreed too far is when it’s textbook rioting. No one likes a rioter.Your analysis needs a bit more nuance but ok. As a Jewish trans woman, I’d rather side with the “”“rioters”“” than the people sitting in their armchairs with their thumbs up their asses. There’s a new fascist movement that’s still gaining followers. Do we wait until they start rounding people up? Of course not because we learned that lesson 75 years ago. Here’s a good resource if you want to know what antifa actually is instead of the strawman fed to you by right wing media. It’s about an hour long, but that’s what it takes to unpack the various ideas that go into the movement (which started in 1932 to violently resist the Nazi regime). It takes so long because you probably weren’t taught this in school, so a crash course is needed. “The Philosophy of Antifa,” by PhilosophyTube you give the main points of the video I don’t have time to watchAlso, watch from about 22 minutes in to about 30 minutes. That part is the most poignant. It sets up the question “Is all violence equal?” in a very good way. In here, I’m talking specifically about European and American fascism, not other forms that have materialized around the world. The crux of the point is: All political systems justify violence, the only question is against who the violence if acted upon. I’m not going to go into liberalism, because I think the speaker does it better, and you should watch it because it’s a perspective you may not be familiar a Jewish trans woman, there are two options for me. Either fascism loses, or I die. A fascist can stop being a fascist, or go home and think fascist thoughts quietly in their head, and antifascists will leave them alone. The historical evidence supports this as well. There are various antifascist groups that reach out to fascists and racists to help them get out of that trap. Sure, we may not go have a pint with them, but we’ll leave them alone. When the fascists leave, it turns out that the antifascists go back to their lives.But if fascists come to my town. There are two outcomes. They lose, or I die. I can’t stop being Jewish, like a fascist can stop being a fascist. I can’t renounce being trans, like an ex racist can renounce their past beliefs. I can’t stop being autistic, or stop having a chronic illness.So to me, it’s imperative that they lose, so I don’t die, so people of color don’t die, so LGBT folk don’t die, so poor people don’t die, so Jewish people don’t die, so Rromani people don’t die, so Muslim people don’t die, so anyone who doesn’t fit their racially pure fantasy doesn’t die. Anyways, if you want to learn more, go actually watch/listen to the video. I put real effort into this and engaged you in civil debate. However, I don’t have the time or energy to keep this up for however so many hours and the video is a very good resource directed at You. You, a liberal who hasn’t really been exposed to the philosophy behind this other than through strawman arguments, are the intended audience of this video. -- source link
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