solitudinous:rosinhabela:fuckyeahmarxismleninism:think-progress:Police use gas to evict Occupy Oakla
solitudinous:rosinhabela:fuckyeahmarxismleninism:think-progress:Police use gas to evict Occupy Oakland protesters in the middle of the night.Don’t forget, this is the same fascist gang that confronted the founding Black Panthers 45 years ago.Apparently, this was a really nasty situation. Police were said to have arrived at the encampment in riot gear sometime around 4-5 am and were permitted to use tear gas, rubber bullets and other mechanisms of crowd control. Many at the camp were arrested, and everything left in the park was thrown away.It is said that arrestees are currently being held on $10,000 bail, and will be held until arraignment on Thursday.According to twitter, many people are marching in Oakland right now in protest. They have been stopped by police and are facing the same future.**I’m basing my knowledge off of twitter, local news sites and the occupy websites. Does anyone else have any key info about this?Whether you support occupy or not, this. is. not. okay. I don’t want to hear your shit about permits or whatever. This is unnecessary force, plain and clear. -- source link