mspainttaz:raven squad and tres horny boys team up mission:(spoilers, the bigger the party the fewer
mspainttaz:raven squad and tres horny boys team up mission:(spoilers, the bigger the party the fewer the brain cells.)[i.d. a redraw of one of those haunted house reaction pictures. in order from left to right: Taako is clutching Magnus and hiding behind him. Magnus has one hand on the back of Barry’s cloak and the other is using Barry’s hood to cover his face. Barry’s face looks spooked as he grabs onto Lup in front of him. Lup has a hand fisted in Kravitz’s cloak but is wincing from one of Kravitz’s bony hands slapping her in the face. Kravitz looks angry and scared like he wants to run away. in the bottom right corner Merle is fleeing out of frame. end i.d.] -- source link