mirtabrkulj:(for more info, go to PawsForWildlife)LION HYBRIDSFirst and foremost, because this appli
mirtabrkulj:(for more info, go to PawsForWildlife)LION HYBRIDSFirst and foremost, because this applies to *all* big cat hybrids (no exceptions): these animals are not healthy. And while some are indeed results of accidental breedings in sanctuaries and the like, most are bred for profit. They have 0 conservational value. And contrary to the claims of the idiotic greedy soulless psychopaths who breed them on purpose, they do not generate money for conservation, nor promote conservation of wild animals. They only generate money for breeding more hybrids! If you ever find yourself in the position to visit a zoo that has these animals, just don’t. Don’t give those assholes money for what they’re doing to these poor creatures. Hybrids are often stillborns, or die at a young age. They suffer from various health problems (depends on the particular parent combo), but all seem to be very susceptible to cancer and most live short and painful lives. Males tend to be sterile. Hybrids experience many behavioral problems as well, as they have conflicting instincts built into them. They just don’t know whether to act like one species or the other - imagine the psychological and emotional consequences of such a situation!It might sound funny to you that animals can be depressed, but it’s not funny. I have seen dogs in the shelter that were truly depressed and barely alive because of it. They were literally dying of sadness. It’s a terrible thing to watch. This often happens to these hybrids as well.Ligers (lion father, tiger mother)They’re the most popular, because they are huge. You can find one really good explanation of their size here (it’s called growth dysplasia). There are unconfirmed reports of liger occurring in the wild, but they have been bred on purpose in captivity many, many times, most notably by that asshole you see in the first picture, “doc” Bhagavan Antle (nobody knows where he supposedly earned his ‘degree’). That asshole-of-the-universe is the founder of T.I.G.E.R.S., aka The Worst Organization Ever. For more information on why this guy is The Worst and why ligers are a bad thing:Big Cat Rescuebigcatawareness tumblr911animal-abuseAnd as an added bonus, this dumbfuck bred a white lion to a white tigress, in hopes of producing white ligers. If you don’t know already, white lions and white tigers are not healthy either. But since the white color is caused by different genes in these two species, the cubs didn’t exactly turn out white, oops. (fyi, white lions are the whitest at birth, as they age they become more beige-colored).Tigon (father tiger, mother lioness)Tigons are generally smaller than their parents, again due to growth dysplasia. This is why they’re less popular than ligers. However, they are still occasionally bred by zoos and circuses to attract visitors. Although they don’t suffer from health problems related to huge size like ligers, they are still prone to cancer, arthritis and various emotional and psychological problems because of their conflicting instincts and temperaments. The tigon you see on the photo (Noelle) died from cancer.Ti-tigon (father tiger, mother tigon)These animals are 75% tiger and thus resemble tigers more than lions in appearance and behavior (for example, they use tiger vocalizations, while ligers and tigons use both tiger and lion vocalizations). The on on the photo is called Nathaniel and he was the product of an accidental mating. He died of cancer at only 9 years of age.Li-liger (father lion, mother liger)These animals are 75% lion and when they grow up, they will resemble lions more than tigers in appearance and temperament. If they survive to adulthood, that is. They were first bred by a Russian zoo, and I mean, that’s almost like a Chinese zoo. Seriously. How can you think this is a good thing.Li-tigon (father lion, mother tigon)75% lion. 7 litigons were produced in a zoo in India, but only one survived. His name was Cubanacan and he was a pretty big cat.Ti-liger (father tiger, mother liger)15% tiger. To the untrained eye might resemble a pure tiger. Also known as taligers.Jaglion (father jaguar, mother lioness)Only two exist and they are the product of an accidental mating between two animals at a sanctuary. The female, Jahzara, has inherited melanism from the jaguar father (although it is not very strong). Her brother Tsunami is tawny with spots.Leopon (father leopard, mother lioness)Leopons have been bred several times in zoos and circuses. Most of them would not survive to maturity.Lijagulep (father lion, mother mix of leopard and jaguar)Also known as the Congolese Spotted Lion, because the man who managed to create it was advertising the animal as a new species.Lipard (father lion, mother leopard)One was born in Italy once, it seems. Can’t fin any photos though. How on Earth did the mother manage to give birth to such a huge cub? Probably died at childbirth like many mothers of hybrids.-I won’t be covering crypritds. - -- source link
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