localerotics:This young sweet lookinggirl in the black string bikini caught my eye right away. Her s
localerotics:This young sweet lookinggirl in the black string bikini caught my eye right away. Her slim body, curvyass alongside her long straight black hair with her white porcelain skin withsand sediments around her sweet ass body stood out to me on the beach.As the breeze blew herhair she picked up her camera and started shooting. Her lean body moved withthe grace of a ballet dancer. Was she a fricking dancer or what…?Body like this just mademe fricking aroused… She was so concentrated onthe photos she was taking she didn’t notice me slowly raping her in every inchof her by ogling at her flat stomach, slender legs, tight butt, tiny bikini,her petit boobs with her nipples protruding. “Oi, Triciaaaaaa!” Herfriend yelled from her back.Her friend had her darkbrown eyes looking right at me… Looking a bit annoyed and slowly walked towardsme.“Oh, I’m sorry…! Please forgive me forbeing rude”, my cheeks were a little red and I hoped my blushing showedhow sincere my apology was. “I couldn’t help but notice your hardware…uhm, Nikon D750? Nice camera.“ The beautiful girls stopped in their tracks andher friend’s look of annoyance and anger suddenly changed to confusion,bemusement, and maybe even a tiny bit of admiration? “I was about to come over here and kick yourass for being such a creepy pervy ass dude but your knowledge of cameras hasbought you some time,” her friend angrily exclaimed. “You’ve got 2 minutes of my attention….Fire away you perv.”“I’m Kevin and again. I’m sorry for lookingto engross with your camera.” I extended my hand while still ogling atboth of their blossoms.“I’m Chloe. Nice to meet you and my friendher is Tricia,” she shook my hand. “You don’t look local…?“ “How could you tell…? I am actually aSingaporean until my parents migrated to Canada.” I asked as I notice bothTricia and Chloe have a fucking amazing body… “You’ve got an accent.” she reciprocated.That was the third time this week someone said that about me. “What’s aguy like you with a charming Canadian accent doing in Sentosa?” Chloesmiled while she held Tricia by her slender waistline while I was looking attheir clean shoulder.I have a weird thing forshoulder…“I’m taking a few days off after visiting myrelatives and… I love Singapore.” I smiled.I joked and talked aboutcameras while they both just stunningly stood there and continued theconversation while I was having a small hard on… I was lucky enough to go for acamera course just before this convo. Chloe was really bubbly… Just like herbutt… easy to talk to, and so goddamn beautiful. Half the time I was tryingmy hardest not to get caught staring at her bikini top… and speaking of hard,now that she was sitting next to me on the sand I was really hoping shewouldn’t notice her presence stiffening my… donger.“Ehhh, so what does your wife think about youbeing on vacation without her?” she asked, marking an abrupt change intopics. “Well, you’re right. I am married. But we’repretty much in a boring marriage, treating each other like acquaintances ratherthan lovers…” I didn’t know why was Itelling her this? What happened to my smart-ass comments from before? Tricia was just quietly standing withher camera there while Chloe was doing all the talking.“Sorry to hear that…” Tricia randomlyblurted out a reply.From there our conversation turned a little morepersonal. It was my turn… “I bet both of you got a boyfriend, and I bet theymust be fucking handsome to have a gorgeous girlfriend like both of u.”“Yes we are both attached… Hehe!” Chloe repliedwhile Tricia looked reluctant and shy. “But I have never dated anon-Singaporean before.”“And what’s wrong with a handsome and youngnon-Singaporean?” I asked.“Nothing laaaa. It’s just… if you know ofone, can you introduce me?” Chloe retorted with blush on her face whileTricia continuingly looking dazed. I guess I was out of my league for both ofthem.More teasing, more laughter and I felt the weightof the world lifted off my shoulders. Her bright smile made my heart soar. Herbreasts, legs, and arms made other parts of me feel uplifted too.We were so engrossed in our conversation that wehadn’t even noticed that the weather had changed. Dark clouds were looming overthe ocean, people all around us began packing up and as the ocean breezestarted to get a little stronger we both decided to head for shelter. “Letme buy you a drink, as a peace offering” I said. “Well your two minutes are up….” She sticksher tongue out while she held Tricia hands. “I guess buying me a drink will getyou more time.”They happily agreed andshe packed up her camera and put on her beach wrap. I grabbed my backpack, andwe ducked into a beachfront bar that gave us an excellent view of the rain thatwas headed our way. After a beer or two we were starting to get wet… theawning which we thought would protect us was hopeless - the rain was coming insideways off the ocean. “I’m staying just a 15 minute walk away.Would you like to dry off at the place I’m renting?” I asked. “I stay even nearer, haha! I’m just down theblock. How about you come with me instead…?” she offered. I nodded andthought I have fucking scored a goal while I fantasised of raping both of themup. We ran, as Tricia was still really soaked in water, I would love to fuckTricia sweet ass, I wonder would she be so quiet when I fuck her pussy out. As we arrived at herapartment lobby I suddenly came to my senses… “Maybe I should just saygoodbye here. I wouldn’t want to get into trouble with your boyfriend,” Isaid. “Don’t worry about him, he’s at a workconference overseas and… he won’t be back till next weekend. But don’t get anyideas in your little perverted mind,” she said with a glint in her eye. “I’ve yet to let you offthe hook for ogling me on the beach! That lame camera cover up wasn’t foolinganyone!“ She took me by the hand to the stairwell, and as Ifollowed behind her I got a great view of her lovely ass which was not coveredup by her wrap. Nice, small, firm, round buttocks, and oh God… Chloe caught mestaring again. This time she returned the favour, taking a peek at the growingbulge in my swim shorts before continuing up the stairs. She whisked me in andasked me to run in and take a shower first before I died of pneumonia in herliving room. I could believe Tricia was still being so quiet after Chloe broke the ice… Chloe had one of those water saving showers where thehot water was controlled by a gas burner at the faucet. I couldn’t figure outthe handle and asked her to come back in to the washroom to help me out. As Chloe stepped in to the shower she whisked my towel away, getting a clear view of mycock, which was still at half attention, still mesmerized by her gorgeousbikini clad body. “Well, look who is big now ah!” she giggled. I moved my hand to cover it up but as the hot water camedown she reached down and pulled my hands away.She was brushing my cock with the backof her hands… “It’s pretty big, a thick guy… and you look a lot fitterwithout wearing that baggy old t-shirt.” She played with her words while fondling my fucking cock.My wife never talked to me like this… but this young beauty admired my semi-toned dad-bod. This just aroused me even more while looking at her bikini bottom.Chloe leaned forward to kiss me on the lips, firstgently, but with increasing passion and urgency. Her hands softly pressedagainst my chest. My hands reached around her waist, feeling her sides, herback, the smooth skin made wet by the warm shower. I reached lower, grabbing her buttocks, feeling them beneath her bikini… She took a short step back while her fingers now lightly caressing the top of my penis… She reached for the soap before saying, “Ishould probably help you out, being my guest and all." She turned mearound and started lathering up my back and shoulders, descending to mybuttocks, slipping her hand below to brush against my balls. I turned aroundand tried to soap up her arms and chest but Chloe turned out to be ticklishgirl. I suppressed the giggles with a kiss as I soaped up the outside of herbreasts, lingering on the nipples that were poking through her bikini top. Oneof my many fantasies was to be able to soap up a rich petite school girl with perkybreasts and a beautiful smile."I can’t cheat on my boyfriend. We’re prettyserious. You have to promise you’re not going to put it in me… If I tell youto stop at any time you’ve got to stop or I swear I’ll fuck you up…”“Wait…!” She shyly took back her words. “I didn’t mean literally ah…!”I’m not sure why but part of me was turned on bybeing threatened by a gorgeous, wet, bikini clad girl with her fingers on mycock. At that point in time I’d have given her the world without complaint. I drew her close again, renewing our passionatekiss as I untied her bikini bottom. My fingers lingered at her hips beforeventuring to the front of her thighs, so thin yet muscular. I grabbed the soapagain and rubbing against her pussy, enjoying the smoothness of her skin, lingering around the top of herclean shaven pussy, and diving a bit lower with each pass.At this point of time I forgot I wanted to fuck Tricia more, but… Still… Chloe is fucking hot herself. This bitch deserves my dick in her…I broke off our kiss… the tips of her nipplescaught my attention and I moved my hands upwards, caressing her flat stomachbefore reaching her bikini top. I moved the fabric to the sides a bit, exposingher breasts and pushing them together. Her brown nipples, standing erectinvited me to give them a lick, a kiss, a nibble… I loved her breasts andsuckled every inch as my fingers went back down, caressing and probing her cleanshaven pussy. ”You know… Tricia is pretty into you…” Chloe spoke while caressing my huge dong. My cock was even harder when Chloe outrightly told me Tricia is into me… I probably could take a second serving after this…. Chloe continued stroking it softly, but her concentration seemed to wane as my fingersdanced on her pussy lips, lingering on her clitoris. Chloe started letting outa soft moan which was replaced by louder ones as I continued sucking herbreasts, my fingers now concentrating on her clit. I slipped my middle fingerin between her lips when she stopped me… "No, don’t put it in… don’t put anything inme… Ahhh… Ughhh….” she pleaded. I obeyed. And yet she didn’t back away, insteadpulling my body closer to hers. I pretty sure at this point I could fucking dig into her with my huge dick readily poking her pussy entrance. I started kissing her neck, and she raised upher leg and began massaging my dick with the outside of her pussy lips. Iwasn’t much taller than her but I had to help. I lifted her up by her legs, andleaned back against the wall of the shower… “You are getting fucked by me soon you little angel…” I smiled as she erotically moved her hips like a nympho.I’m not very strong so beforelong I settled for a seat on the floor of the tub. She sat down with me, herlegs straddling my groin. She began to sway her hips back and forth, caressingmy cock with her pussy lips.I could feel the tip of my penis, rubbing againsther clit with each thrust of her hips. She started leaning further and furtherback, body splashed by the shower…. It was hard to see, water splashing… Ireached out to caress her breasts, now free from her bikini top…. I lightlypinched her nipples… My left hand moved down to caress her flat stomach, beforemoving lower to gently massage her clit with my thumb. Chloe leaned forward again, pumping furiously butby now my cock had entered into her, her pussy wet with juices making itslippery. “Fuck ugh….. Kevin… Fucking fuck me till I drop…” Chloe yelled in the shower with water running through our naked bodies.I tried to pull out but she was on top, leaning more and more on tome, pleading with me to cum inside of her. She began nibbling my neck, myshoulder, brushing her taut nipples against my chest… I could feel her fingernails starting to dig into my shoulders as she pumped even faster. Chloesuddenly threw her head back, breasts pointed outwards. Her face and breastswere now a bright shade of red. She let out a long gasp followed by her bodyshuddering, then collapsing on me… We lay like that for a few minutes, my cock stillhard within her, I had not yet come. The combination of the water and the fearof coming inside of a girl I’d just met allowed me to hold off my orgasm. Icaressed her back, feeling her spine and the back of her neck. She pulledherself off of me, mumbled something before grasping my cock with her hand. Shegrabbed some more soap, lathering it up and went back to work, caressing mycock. As she kissed me on the lips her pace quickened, rubbing my cock up anddown, sometimes concentrating on the shaft, other times on the head. I knew Iwas about to cum… I tried to warn her but my groans were all I could spit outof my mouth. My cock sprayed semen all over her hand. Groaning and grunting, Ireached out to kneed her thighs, feeling my own body shudder from a wondrousclimax… ”Eeeee sticky sticky de…” Chloe whined as she clearly looked like she enjoyed it… She took my cum and slowly licked it…I refused to let this slide as i slide dick right back into her as I rammed her over and over again.. She came within seconds after I rammed her… She was probably trying her best to not cum… Her love just just spat out as if it was a fucking shower on its own.”Fucking Kevin you made me so messy now…” We rinsed ourselves, and toweled off. I got towear one of her robes as she quickly donned some sweatpants and a baggyt-shirt. Our wet clothes now hanging over the tub to dry. As we got to herliving room with Tricia looking dazed and tired.“I hope you’re not mad with me….” I said. “You are clearly trying to wing Tricia and me…”“What are you talking about? I was on top ofyou at the time. I couldn’t hold back.. I really needed to feel your fat cockinside of me.” She exclaimed.“Also… Who says that I still can’t wing Tricia and you now…?”“But… I want to tell you that you’re not the longest I’ve seen but you sure are thick downthere….” she flirts with her eyes looking right through me as if she wants to fuck me again…. “Your cock seemed to be rubbing me in all places.It was totally worth it. You are a really considerate lover”. Chloe gaveme a peck on the lips.“Isn’t your boyfriend going to be mad…?”I asked, more than a little bit afraid for my own safety. “Nah.” she replied. “I don’t have aboyfriend…" "What?" "Well you never know what weirdos you’regoing to meet on a beach - I can’t let them think they can walk into myapartment and screw me silly right after meeting them, now can I?” shewinked as she said this, then quickly pushed me down on her couch, falling ontop of me before giving me a long deep kiss while Tricia was looking away onto the sunset.“Right now… Give the same energy of our sex to Tricia and get laid with her… She is my bestest of friend… Don’t mistreat her hor!”“Tricia!!!! Come over here!” -- source link
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