Contest RULES for RatingYou will be rated on a (1-5) Star Rating System. ⭐️ Which with then be avera
Contest RULES for RatingYou will be rated on a (1-5) Star Rating System. ⭐️ Which with then be average out into a total overall score. The total score is what counts ladies so please read the following spot of evaluation:First score Value- $15-$30 or Free Submissions. (Was the overall product worth the price)Next how was the item Shipped- (Packaging was it fast & easy shipping. Did you offer wet or dry options and/or discreet shipping options)Any available Content- (Was there any photos or custom videos submitted during the over 24hr use of the panties. This area of grading also includes “Love note” or other small extras)The Panties Zone 1- (vulva will be rated by sent and visual content on panties)Comment:Scent of area-Visual content-Zone 2- (vestibule will be rated by Scent and visual content on panties) Comments:Scent of area-Visual content-Zone 3- (anus will be rated by sent and visual content on panties)Comments:Scent of area-Visual content-Have the panties be wore for over 24hrs. (This will be proven by pics and over smell/freshness of panties)Communication- (During wear time did you sext via text, tumblr messages, email or etc.)Dirty Panties type submitted. (Sexy undies or granny panties. Is the quality good or cheap. How well did it hold your natural scent?)Personal turn on rating- (Did it get my cock nice and stiff? Was I personally turned on or disturbed that I had to throw away.)All the factors stated will be graded. Then the graded areas will be averaged into a over all score. The over all score is what matter ladies! That is how you win the the $50 grand prize and $40 bonus Kylie Store prize. Also when done submitting please vote on what the grand prize should be. Grand prize options posted on my tumblr wall. Thank You , Ladies You’re all the best but there will be only one winner! (Best panties on Tumblr!) P.s. (All payed slot are taken! Only accepting Free Dirty Panties Submissions!!!)Best of luck!!! -- source link
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