Title: “MiSha sitting pretty”Been a while from my previous ballpoint pen doodle. Things
Title: “MiSha sitting pretty”Been a while from my previous ballpoint pen doodle. Things have been hectic at work and I’ve had other stuff to focus on lately. Also, sadly it’s looking like I won’t have the privacy for doodling at work anymore after X-mas holidays (new co-workers occupying the same general area as me). Then again, I recently burned through the last good ballpoint pen from my stock. Good a time as any to start saying farewells to ballpoint pen doodles. I still have couple of weeks left that I can try to spend doodling, but with the crappier pens and faster work pace, I won’t be getting much done, probably.Today I managed to doodle this one though. It’s a random pic of MiSha, sitting pretty on the edge of a bed. Proportions are a bit wonky but I think she’s lookin’ pretty cute there. She’s supposed to be lightly brushing her hair to the side with her hand, in case you’re wondering why she has her arm raised.Anyhow, this is probably the most detail I’ll manage for anything I might get done with my last ballpoint pen doodles. Here’s hoping I might manage to pull off a few more though.© HitmanN 2016Ballpoint pen on sketchbook. Made couple of tiny edits on computer after scanning, but mostly a direct scan of the original. -- source link
#anime girl#sitting#panties#topless#hitmann