beautifulhabesha:blackandbrownlove:smvirgo85:blackandbrownlove:estrogengonewild:blackandbrownlove:blackandbrownlove:blackandbrownlove:thesassqueeninparadisexoxx:blackandbrownlove:blackandbrownlove:THE PEOPLE OF THE INDIANSUBCONTINENT ARE BLACK.Black people in India have been cut off from the black world. On one side theyhave arabs/persians/ethnic eastern europeans and on the other side they have mongoloids(China, Burma, Thailand, etc). Because of this extreme disconnect they are at themercy of the colonizers and have no say over their identity (though in recentyears that has begun to change). On one hand they are being called “Indo-Aryan”and at the same time they are being called “South Asian”, or “East Indian” orother names that ignore the Black ancestral origins of these people…. Yes,that is seriously messed up. Addto that, the latest irony: White people are now insisting that “we areall African”….Okay let me slowthis down. Let’s use our eyesand our minds for a second. In the first pictureabove there are black women and children with 4C hair and also straight tocurly-straight hair. What if I was to take all the women with 4C hair out of the picture and justleave the ones with straight to curly-straight hair?.. Would you not then easily assumethat these are not *African people*?…. Well, that is essentially thecase with India. All the black people with 4C hair are no longer present. Remember, the caste system (color-coded apartheid) has been going on for 3000 years! Thatis more than enough time to take out the indigenous black people. The problem is that they don’t want to admit that arabs/persians/ethnic easterneuropeans and mongoloids have committed genetic warfare against them forthousands of years. They have been fooled like most black people into thinking that black peoplewith straight hair are somehow a different race – after all that is what wewere taught in school… and in recent times genetics studies are filled withcomplete nonsense that mislead people into thinking black people in the eastare not African. Tell the truth. Im pretty sure they are filipinos not indians and the colonisators called them negritos which translates to little black person and also you can find more of them in Malaysia called Semang and the Aeta,Agta,Ati people and 30+other ethnic groups in the philippines some others live in Adaman island and the mani people of Thailand they are all indigenous from those places. And also in India and Pakistan they are the Sidi people who are of subsahara descent. Better research should of been iran and in Sri lanka(kaffirs) they are also people descendent of the slave tradeMaybe you should read. I used them as an example. Nothing you wrote is news to me. I probably should just block you for your feigned ignorance. Next time. Now you will be used as an example. The term isAfro-Ceyonese and has been for some time since ‘Kaffir’ is derogatory. Also, weknow it’s Aeta people, as we’ve posted this photo countless times before withinfo on the Aeta, and of course is included in the dozen or so tags we used forthis post. There is noattempt to collapse or erase the historical and political existence of theAeta. In fact, this is an attempt to bridge black populations in southindia/the pacific islands. Blackness is global. Nice trytho.Lol why the reach?? Dark does not automatically equal black.3000 years ago the people in India looked like the women in the background.#BrainWashed #WhiteWashed #Stolen #Research #Educate #Unite #Knowledge #RiseIf you disagree the original post, letus know why.We want to get tothe bottom of why we don’t accept these sisters as part of the Black family. Isit their hair? Certain features? Geography? Is it the prevalence of mentalslavery and/or communal anti-Blackness?If you areconfused or perplexed please say so, I really want to understand.I hope this postwill help the global Black diaspora to understand their Blackness/Africanessand their history.Part of the workof white supremacy is to divide and conquer global Blackness, so we don’trealize that we have the numbers that we actually do. The inherentAfrican-rooted Blackness of Indus/Tamil/Dalit people in the Indiansubcontinent, the people of the Pacific like the Aeta, the West Papuans and theAndaman people are all Black. All trace their blackness to ancient migrationsof Africans eastward from the continent. The great tragedyis, these members of the Black family are themselves so brainwashed and havehad their Blackness submerged, erased and hidden that they have complete falseconsciousness. Yes, there are the Dalit Black Panthers and others who have seenthrough the lies and embraced their Blackness and formed functioning solidaritywith other Black people globally. But that is the exception, not the norm. Sad. Ultimately, thecombined effect of the lies and erasure/communal anti-blackness is that itbecomes increasingly difficult for woke people to claim their Black Ancestry.It makes it really difficult to build those vital connections and unlearn thelies and historical narratives imposed on us through things like casteapartheid and pigmentocracy. We need to see clearly that those that benefitfrom caste apartheid and pigmentocracies are always going to try and keep thelies in place. Here’s just oneexample of how challenging that asserting those Black roots can be: And yet theevidence of the truth is abundant; traces of the ancient African migration arein the faces of the Aeta, West Papuans and Jarawa. The curls and kinks andnoses, lips and deeply melinated skin is evidence of our Blackness. It’s beendamaged by historical smoke and mirror tricks that conceal the many branches ofthe global Black African family. If you travel to Sri Lanka you will see beautysalons that provide luxury skin bleaching, you will see marriage ads that askfor ‘fair’ skin or a certain caste, you will see roadside billboardsglamorizing blonde beauty; the consensual genocide is everywhere.Information for the Soul…. the truth is deep and if we forget it, we throw away the souls that lived it as well…. -- source link
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