shitmrassay:bowsbellsandshinythings:shitmrassay:congalineofdurin:everybody-calmdown:congalineofdurin:had to shut a bitch down todayAnd that’s how public shootings and school shootings and shit like that happen. I’m not saying that this dude is not creepy as fuck, but this is not the way to handle this! He didn’t say anything mean (on purpose), and when you shut him down like that how the fuck do you think he’s going to react? He must know he’s somewhat creepy, but when a complete stranger that he adores tells him so vividly how creepy he is, that must wreck his world. I’m just saying I wouldn’t be surprised if he bought a gun (legally, but that’s a different issue) and went in to the store he knows you fucking work at. Just be nice to people fuck.Alright, you know what? I don’t want to reblog this post. I want this post to die. And I have never once reblogged to reply to someone else’s comment on this post. But this one? This one I’m fucking gonna, because how. dare. you.Are you seriously one of those slimy, inhuman grease traps of a human being who blame VICTIMS OF SHOOTINGS FOR THE FUCKING SHOOTINGSDon’t you EVER come at me and try to tell me that I need to be responsible, personally responsible, for the mental satisfaction of the kind of monsters who would do something like that. Don’t you ever tell me I have to let myself be uncomfortable around people who LITERALLY STALK ME and put on a big smile and let them down gently because in your twisted little brain it is MY JOB TO KEEP THEM FROM KILLING PEOPLEH O W F U C K I N G D A R E Y O UYOU are the problem. YOU are the kind of person who justifies that kind of senseless violence by saying WELL IF SHE HAD JUST GIVEN HIM A CHANCEIF SHE HAD JUST FUCKED HIMIF HE HAD JUST ‘GOTTEN SOME’HE WOULDN’T HAVE RAPED HER/SHOT THEM/DONE ITAre you fucking proud of that? Are you proud that that’s the tiny drop you choose to drop into society’s bucket? I don’t care if it ‘wrecked his world’ when he was called out on his socially unacceptable, disgusting behavior. I don’t caaaaaaaareHis actions are HIS actions. His actions are HIS faultthe next time I see a tragedy like the elliot rodger shooting on the news, I’m gonna think of all the vile comments from people online that say it all could have been avoided if the people he threatened and menaced would just relinquish their bodies and their comfort and their personal space for him, and I’m gonna s e e y o u r f a c e and I hope you fucking know it.Don’t you ever talk to me. I am sick to my stomach over your fucking bullshit.Apparently telling a creep that he’s being a creep is a brutally mean overreaction, whereas buying a gun to kill someone who refused to go out with you is just the expected response.I didn’t read his messages as creepy but kind of romantic. I would probably be better off not reblogging this because I complete disagree with the woman in this post. I think she had a stick up her ass. I would’ve been absolutely flattered by this if it had been me. The guy didn’t stalk her, wasn’t a jerk, and he wasn’t gross. She must be those types who get offended over EVERYTHING a man does.If I was in his shoes I’d be devestated by her actions and probably never go out of my way to make a connection ever again.Do you want a gold star for ~not being offended~ by this guy’s advances?Like, let’s break down all of the ways he was a piece of shit here:He tracked down the cute girl who worked at the store on Facebook.I get the impression that this is part of the bit that you think is romantic. If she was interested, it probably wouldn’t be that big of a deal, because at this point facebook is kind of accepted as the place you go to chat with people you met once? But it’s also not really a thing I’d want to actively encourage, because in general most people don’t want to be hit on at work. It’s a situation where you are basically required to be polite, which has been known to lead men to mistakenly assume that they’re being flirted with, and there are stories on tumblr of that leading to stalking. So, in general, telling men that it’s okay to pursue the cute girl who helped you at the store is not in the best interest of most women in most situations.She was giving out “not interested” signals from the very beginning, which he repeatedly ignored.Like, okay, let’s assume that Guy You Helped At Work has messaged you on Facebook and you’re totally flattered. Do you say “Do I know you?” then not respond for three messages and then ask how he found your Facebook and ignore him for another four messages? Or do you say “Yeah, that’s me! Sorry, I see a lot of people through there. How do I know you again?” and then respond to his first message back with “Oh, yes, I remember you! How’ve you been?” She was at best lukewarm toward him from the very beginning, and he pressed on regardless.He was being desperate for attention through the whole message thread (long before the bit where he asked her out).His first response to her is seven minutes after her first response to him (which is nearly six hours after his initial message). Literally fifteen minutes later he’s pressing her for a response, and first thing the next morning he messages her a frowny face to express how sad he is that she is ignoring him. Like, she’s a stranger who helped him at the store once, and he feels it’s appropriate to press her for a response on Facebook by sending a frowny face with no message. Then after her next response, he asks if it was okay that he found her on Facebook, waits two hours and then sends “Poke” to demand a response, and then waits another hour and asks “You ever gonna message me back?”That shit’s not okay on OkCupid, never mind talking to a stranger on Facebook. She could very easily just not be on the internet during that time. A woman who wants to talk to you will respond when she has the chance, but if she gets back and finds that you’ve been whining about her not paying attention to you while she’s been out with friends, it’s a MAJOR turn-off.He basically said that he figured he had a chance because she hadn’t deleted her Facebook profile.Like, is he in the habit of making women so uncomfortable that they have to run away from the internet to avoid him? In what universe is that an acceptable bar to set for when to stop pursuing someone? She had been obviously ignoring him for like five days at that point, and he figured that was a green light to ask her out? Seriously, dude, try reading the room a bit.And then literally within ten minutes of her responding to that (a response in which she DID NOT ACKNOWLEDGE that he had asked her out and instead focused entirely on figuring out who was giving her name out to strangers), he’s straight back to whining about her not talking to him, all while calling himself a “nice guy.” Like,1. “Nice” is the bare minimum for dateability. It should not be your best selling point. And2. A guy who is actually nice doesn’t whine about not getting enough attention from a stranger on the internet who once sold him a Legolas figurine.If you wanna go ahead and be ~not upset~ by this guy’s advances, that’s you. But it’s at least a bit unfair to tell her she had a stick up her ass because she wasn’t comfortable with it and tried to communicate that by being basically non-responsive (which most people could recognize as a cue to stop) and finally shut him the fuck down when he refused to get the hint. -- source link
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