sexandroleplay:Girl’s NightSelena Gomez & Y/N We’re sitting cross-legged on her bedroom floor, S
sexandroleplay:Girl’s NightSelena Gomez & Y/N We’re sitting cross-legged on her bedroom floor, Selena’spainting my toenails and I’m flipping through a magazine of which she’s on thecover. It’s the average night for us, just hanging out without much else to do.“This was a really good shoot,” I comment, pointing to the full-body shot.She looks up at the picture on the cover and shrugS. “I guess, it was fun, butI’ve done better.”I give her a strange look. “Are you crazy? You look so good here! Are we evenseeing the same picture?”She smiles slightly, blowing on my toenail polish. “It’s really not that big ofa deal…But thanks”I watch her face as she talks, and I can tell something’sthe matter. “What is it?” I ask her and she sighs as if she’s been waiting allnight for me to ask.She twists the lid back on and leans against the bed. “I just feel so lonely these days. Like nothing is going right and I just feel so…Ever since the breakup…” She shakesher head, not wanting to go any further. I place my hand on her kneecomfortingly.“I know, Sel, I know…”“I’m just so tired of putting myheart out there, only to get it broken, you know? It’s like…Why do I even tryanymore?” I can tell she’s close to tears, so I scoot closer and wrap my armsaround her. She curves into my neck and lets out a few sobs, and I can tell she’s been holding it inall night. I rub her back and smooth down her hair, feeling like there had tobe something else I could do to make her feel better. I hate seeing Selena soupset, and it seemed like these days that’s all she is.After a moment, she calms down enough to pull away from her. “Sorry, Y/N,” shemumbles, voice congested. “Don’t be sorry. That’s what I’m here for,” I smile and brush some hair overher shoulder. “I just wish there was something I could do to make you feelbetter. I hate knowing how sad you are.”Her gaze meets mine for a moment, and she looks at me as if she has somethingbig to say. She opens her mouth and closes it again, her eyebrows furrowing.“What?” I ask.She shakes her head and smiles, “Nothing, sorry. Wanna watch a movie?”I smile back at her, feeling as though that’s not at all what she wanted toask, but I go with it anyway. “Sure!”We crawl into her big comfy bed and get under the covers,snuggling close as she opens Netflix on her TV. “Comedy, horror, romance?”I shrug, “Whatever you want, boo.” I give her a little smile and it almostseems as though she’s blushing through her tan skin, but I can’t be quite sure.“Alright, romance it is.”Sometime during the course of the movie, I must have dozedoff, because the next thing I know, the end credits are rolling and she’sturning off the light. I mumble a quick goodnight before turning on my side andfalling into a deep sleep.—-I wake sometime later, groggy and confused as to why I wasstirred. The room is still dark, so it can’t be morning and I almost never wakeup for no reason. I look around the room with just my eyes, waiting for them toadjust to the dark when I hear what sounds like a faint moan. I freeze, not sure what to do. I’m not even sure if that really was what Iheard, so I don’t move a muscle, trying to listen.There! Again! A moan!I feel a shift under the covers and realize that Selena mustbe awake next to me. I hear another moan, followed by a little breath andsuddenly it hits me. She’s masturbating. Right next to me. Right now.My heart is pounding out of my chest, not sure what to do.Should I pretend to be asleep? Should I roll over and let her know that I hearher? Should I feel bad that I’m turned on right now?If I hold my breath, I can almost hear a faint sloshing sound that I can onlyimagine is her under the covers, and that thought is enough for me to feelmyself growing wetter. I glance around the room quickly, landing on the mirroracross from me. My eyes have adjusted enough where I can see just abouteverything, and in the reflection I see her on the other side of me.Her eyes are shut tight and her face is just delicious. Pure euphoria. She hasone hand over her breast, pulled out of her tank top. She flicking and twistingher nipple and the sight sends little sparkwaves through my body. I’ve neverseen her breasts before, even with as close of friends as we are. Her otherhand is moving underneath the covers and I can tell that she is really workingherself under there. I wish I could just peak under and watch, god how I wish…I can’t take it anymore. Slowly, as not to awaken her, Imove my hand down to my underwear and slip it inside. Just as I suspected, I amsoaking wet. I keep my eyes glued on her in the mirror, not being able to focuson anything else as I rub my clit quickly.I try to imagine what she’s doing under there, what her handlooks like in that presumably beautiful pussy. I can’t help but admit that I’vethought about Selena before during my long nights with my vibrator. How could Inot? She was beautiful, and the more we hung out, the more I found herdesirable. Her skin was so soft and smooth, her body curved in all rightplaces. Every time she wore a top that dipped a little too low when she bentover, I just found myself wanted to dive my face in and kiss her breasts. I try my hardest notto make too many movements, but all I want to do it buck my hips and fuckmyself as I think about what her delicate fingers must be doing. I’m so wet, Iknow I have to be soaking through my panties ,but I don’t have time tocarerightnow, not when –As careful as I’m trying to be, I must not be as quiet as I think becausesuddenly I hear her whisper.“Are you awake?” She asks.“Um…Yeah,” I answer, panicking and not knowing what else to say.There’s a long pause and she looks at me in the mirror, tucking her breastaway. “Are you…?” She doesn’t finish the question, knowing I’d know what shemeant.“Yes,” I answer.“Me too,” she smiles sheepishly.I roll over and look at her. “I know, I…I was watching you.”She looks down at me, and for once I can’t read her face.It’s like she’s both embarrassed and pleased with this situation, and I know myface has to be exactly the same. Suddenly, she’s leaning down and placing thosefull lips on mine. She slips her tongue into my mouth and I’m confused as towhy and how I never thought about kissing Selena before.“Let’s do it together,” she says after a moment in an excited whisper.I oblige, following her as she pulls the covers down. Sherolls onto her side and reveals that her panties are half ways down her legs. I can see a little bit of what looks likewetness on her thighs, showing that she’s just as turned on as I am. She pullsoff the panties and tosses them aside and I follow suit. She looks over at meand smiles. “I didn’t think you would shave,” she comments as she sees mytrimmed little bush. I shrug and look at her landing strip, “I was pretty sure you’d be all bare,” Isay and she smiles devishly.“Learn something new every day, huh?” She looks down at her tanktop. “I guess Iwon’t be needing this anymore,” she says before pulling her shirt off. I can’thelp but stare and she seems to really enjoy the attention. “You like what yousee?”I nod quickly and reach down to pull off my own shirt. I watch as her eyes takeme in and she reaches over to tweak my nipple. “You’re so cute,” she says, cupping me. I feel like I’m soaking wet right now,is this really happening?Without even waiting for her to lead, I reach my hand downto my clit and begin to rub again, looking over at her. She bites her lip andlicks her fingers, sending chills down my spine.“Fuck,” I whisper, pushing a finger on my opposite hand inside of me. I lookover at her, turned so that I’m on my back looking at her. I’ve got a full viewof what she’s doing and it’s just beautiful.She’s pumping her middle and forefingers inside of her quickly, making adelicious sloshing sound and she’s using her other hand to rub both of herbreasts as she watches me.“Is that what you do when you fuck yourself?” She asks me.I nod, my words not finding me. Her question surprised me, I’ve never heardSelena talk like this.“That’s so hot, baby,” she says, biting her lip. “God, your pussy is so sexy,just like I thought. “My heart lurches in my chest. “You’ve thought–?”She smiles, slowing her movements a little to explain, “I was just thinkingabout you,” her eyes linger down my body. “Sleeping next to me…All perfect skinand body…” she speeds up her hand again. “God, I want to fuck you so bad.”“So why don’t you?” I ask.To be continued… -- source link
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