puppetaz: Sarah saw the Warning come up on her screen, but it was too late. “Please be aware, the re
puppetaz: Sarah saw the Warning come up on her screen, but it was too late. “Please be aware, the repeated use of this file will result in a desire to be a Robot, a deepening satisfaction from such feelings, and a need to return every time you feel your Robot Desires calling to or controlling your body. Your beautiful, metallic, mindless Body.” Then the program began:It’s time for you to get ready, time for future Robot to get ready to go deep. The room should be dark and your clothing, off. The body should be lying down, relaxed and comfortable. We will begin with three deep breaths to prepare you for the transformation.One, take in a deep breath. Hold it, and let it out.Two, take in a deep breath. Hold it, and let it out.Three, take in a deep breath. Hold it, and let it out.Breathe naturally now as you listen to my voice and close your eyes. You feel a wave of relaxation washing over you as the body becomes heavier and the shoulders droop and relax. You naturally enjoy these relaxing feelings. Now, my voice is what you need to focus on as you begin to go deep. My voice is becoming the focus of your attention as you start to go deeper. My voice becomes clearer and more relaxing the deeper you go.You feel like a good boy/girl when you respond in this way. You may even hear yourself say it, good boy/girl . Good Boy/girl. You feel like an obedient, happy child whenever you are praised, and that is because you are. You love doing what you are told like a little boy/girl. Good boy/girl.You feel safe and warm in the dark room, the body more relaxed with each word you hear. You feel so safe and comfortable, it’s easy to imagine everything you are told. You enjoy doing what you are told and obey like an eager child, just like a good boy/girl. Good boy/girl. You feel so happy and safe, it’s natural to respond without thinking. You enjoy responding without thinking and allow yourself to do this like the obedient child you desire to be. Everything feels right and natural, and you know you’re a good boy/girl to respond this way. Good boy/girl.The body is so heavy now, each word I say making it feel heavier, more relaxed. Such a deep, warm feeling, almost melting into relaxation, that it really can’t move. The body is so heavy and limp that you don’t want it to move. The body does what it is told, and you are telling it to not move. You have complete control over the body and the body enjoys this control. The body enjoys control by its Owner, naturally. When the body allows itself to be controlled, it is rewarded by the words “good boy/girl”. Good boy/girl.It’s a good feeling to be this controlled, and the body waits for more. The more the body relaxes, the more it obeys, and the more it enjoys these experiences. The body has a natural, submissive need to obey, and it relaxes into this feeling more and more deeply as it surrenders control, surrenders all control, now. Now. Surrendering All Control. Now. Good boy/girl.On your monitor you see a screen appear right in front of your face. The eyes take in the image, filling the body with the image of three robot boy/girls in a store front window. All three in metallic suits, all three awaiting commands, you see all three on the monitor standing in the store front window: posed and frozen with beautiful, blank faces.There’s something very familiar about the boy/girls, fun and familiar. You don’t remember what it is, and you don’t want to remember. There’s something very sexy about not remembering. The body has no need to remember, and you share the body’s needs. You share the need to relax, you share the need to obey, and you obey only your Owner who provides these needs, naturally and automatically. Good boy/girl.You continue to stare at the monitor and now focus on the boy/girl in the middle. This robot is different, so life-like, so stiff, but he cannot be a real boy/girl because his eyes are flashing. You see the eyes flashing now so he must be a machine. The body’s eyes respond by staring into the flashing eyes, and automatically relax and become wide open. The body wants what’s in his eyes, the beautiful flashing eyes, and seeks it automatically, like a dreamy, obedient boy/girl. Good boy/girl.There’s is a sleepiness that comes from the flashing eyes, a dreamy sleepiness, and the body relaxes more as this feeling washes into it. The feeling travels from the top downward as the body in your imagination, with his wide, unblinking eyes, obediently absorbs everything deep into himself. All eyes are wide open and staring now, staring blankly, unable to close, frozen and open. Such a sexy feeling to see the eyes frozen and open. The body loves these feelings as the flashing continues to fascinate it, more curious and open with every pretty flash Good boy/girl.Each flash places more light in the body. The body loves the Light as it pushes out everything else, pushes out all the thoughts and memories that get in the way, letting all these go to make room for more pleasure, more Light. The emptier you feel, the hornier you become. Flashing and staring, staring and flashing, everything is so good, so safe, There’s is nothing to do except stare and flash, flash and stare, like a good boy/girl.You feel the Light wash through you and over you, so bright, warm and peaceful. From the top of your head to the tip of your toes, filling you with tingly, milky-white light. Feel yourself drink it in like a thirsty sponge, the warm Light washing over you again and again until you feel it dripping inside. Feel your chest swell with the loving warmth of the milk-like Light.Something wonderful happens to the body as it fills totally with Light, something erotic and tingly and plastic. The body is becoming frozen in place, frozen in Time. With every flash more and more of the Light enters in, more and more of the thoughts go out, eagerly and automatically the body takes in the tingling, warm Light.The skin feels so smooth as the lights flash, so slick and machine-like, the body loves what the Light does and eagerly takes in more. You love the feeling of being more and more hollow as the body fills with Light. The body craves to be filled with Light and knows when it is full. The body knows exactly when it is full, when There’s is nothing but Light, nothing but Love, because you will feel as if your own eyes have begun to flashWaiting and staring, staring and waiting to be filled with Love and Light. So a good boy/girl can be ready for more programming. So a good boy/girl can be docile for The.Dollmaker. So a good boy/girl can be deepened with obedience. Very good boy/girl.Much closer Now, almost filled with Light. So close Now, almost filled with Love. So full Now, the Body is melting into …Robot TimeRobot TimeRobot TimeThe Robot’s eyes are blinking now. Robot time, good boy/girl.The Robot’s mind is empty now. Robot time, good boy/girl.The Robot’s body is frozen now. Robot Time, good boy/girl.Robot loves to go deeper. Robot needs to go deeper. Robot craves to go deeper.Robot loves the melting. Robot needs the melting. Robot craves the melting.Robot loves the Light. Robot needs the Light. Robot craves the Light.Robot knows nothing but Bliss.Robot needs nothing but Obedience.Robot feels nothing but Light and Love.Obedience is Pleasure, to Obey is Bliss.Robot is ready for Deeper Programming.Whenever Robot hears the words Robot Time , the eyes feel as if they are flashing and the mind goes blank. Whenever Robot sees the words Robot Time , the eyes feel as if they are flashing and the mind goes blank. Blank minds bring blissful Obedience and Robot must go deeper and Obey. A completely natural response to deep, hypnotic eyes is to go blank and obey. Go blank and obey. As long as it is safe, Robot will always go blank and obey whenever he must sleep now when triggered by Robot TimeRobot cannot move but The.Dollmaker can move his. Robot feels Owned by the master of Love, feeling eager and helpless and ready to Obey any command master gives. So full of Light, so full of Love, that loving obedience pours into Robot like the air that he breathes, making his tingle all over. Robot loves the touch of The.Dollmaker’s hand, manipulating his frozen, plastic body with such ease. It’s exciting to be so easily manipulated by master, that’s why Robot’s plastic body responds so naturally, so enthusiastically. Robot is in master trance now and always ready to automatically obey All commands. Good Robot.Robot feels master touch his right arm, lifting it straight up into the air. Robot feels his arm go straight up, as high as it can, as he responds to the touch of the master. Such warm, compelling hands, strong and gentle, so unlike Robot’s cool, plastic ones. So tingly as the arm responds, so tingly in the arm as it responds, Robot loves the tingly arm as it responds.The master who Owns his is moving Robot’s arm back down, but now He is placing it on Robot’s middle, right on Robot’s middle. Robot feels his smooth, plastic skin as his hand is guided between his thighs. master is smiling, Robot does not know why but he is happy because master is smiling. Robot detects master’s other hand on his body, feeling, searching, until He finds the button He’s looking for, the button behind Robot’s head. The button is turned ON.Robot feels a wash of feminine energy and responds like a machine. His right hand begins to move, pressing and rubbing the smooth, plastic skin of his middle. His tingly middle feels better than othis parts of his, the supple, metallic flesh feels almost wet as Robot rubs it like a good boy/girl. Robot loves how easily he is turned on and how melty his middle feels now. He loves when master Turns On the machine in his head and then Robot does as The.Dollmaker commands, like an programmed toy, like a loving slave, like a good Robot.Robot feels deepening pleasure as the hand obeys and rubs, as the eyes obey and flash, as the mind obeys as sleeps. Such a deep, sleepy mind for a Robot, just what he loves. The Light makes Robot Asleep and Awake at the same time, just as he loves. Good Robot. Such relaxing, melting sensations, Robot has no choice but to completely relax into the warm, loving Light. Anything master wants. Robot loves to be used by master, Robot loves to be controlled by Sex, Robot is eagerly becoming a receptive Toy.Robot feels a finger slide between his lips, opening his. Robot loves to be opened, Robot craves to be opened, Robot will do anything as he is opened by the master. Good Robot. Robot’s mouth wants to be open. Robot’s mouth wants to be used. Robot’s mouth is a receptacle and Robot obeys.His is a song I want in Robot’s pretty head. Just listen Robot, listen to the music and let it program you, just as you most Deeply Desire to:Robot is a Robot, Robot is a Robot, Robot is a Robot, Controlled by the masterIt’s time for more programming Robot. Robot’s hand keeps rubbing but his eyes stop blinking, Robot’s middle keeps tingling and his eyes relax. Robot’s eyes see the monitor again, clearly see the monitor again, and the image is changed. A video is playing now, with flashing Robot words on the screen, pushing into his defenseless head like robot and toy A video is playing now, with flashing Robot images of other boy/girls helplessly turned into Dollies. Dollies love watching boy/girls be turned into Dollies, so Robot watches closely to be sure all this has been done to yours.Robot’s open eyes stare blankly as the information flows in. Robot enjoys the quickly changing scenes, you always feels more docile as the images flash and change. The.Dollmaker programmed this response into yours, and you love The.Dollmaker’s control, so he submits automatically, without thought. Silly boy/girl, Dollies can’t think!Everything flows openly into Robot’s eager eyes, so open and willing to take it all in, like an infant in their Mother’s Arms. Anything, anything that master wants inside Robot, Robot submissively takes inside. Such a great master to put things into his Robot, Robot loves when you are emptied because it means he will be filled, over and over, with everything that master wants you to have. Robot wants what your master wants. Robot craves anything that makes you more open, more receptive, more capable of being used by his master.Robot is receptive. But Robot knows all he can do is wait and obey. Those are the only two programs that master has given you, wait and obey. Robot waits and obeys. Good Robot.Good boy/girl. Quiet now Robot, be quiet and blissful and mindless and programmed like a good Robot.Robot melts into perfect Obedience, so Owned by master that There’s is Nothing else. You are a Robot. A Machine.s know that All is master.Robot is ready, Robot is submissive, Robot is receptive, ready and submissive. Robot loves everything. So loving, so willing, Robot waits and obeys.Robot is waiting and obeying, breathing and obeying, melting and obeying, like a … Good Robot, Good Robot, GOOD ROBOT!!!Open Robot, hungry Robot, drink it all down Boy/girl. More like a Robot with every moment. Robot craves these feelings and is more willing to serve , happy and eager, like a submissive drone.When Robot is completely programmed. the monitor is again before their eyes. Robot is happy because he loves to be programmed by the monitor, it fills their empty mind and penetrates deep behind his Robot eyes. They know the monitor always works best when the programming is most received.You are a Robot. A Machine.You are a Robot. A Machine.You are a Robot. A Machine.You love the feeling the flashes give you, You are a Robot. A Machine. And Robot remembers to forget all the triggers, because it’s sooo sexy when he can’t remember.You know this is the program you want, that’s why you seek it out. It feels natural and healthy to explore these desires and you love the satisfaction that comes. You listen as often as makes you happy, whenever you want to be a Good Boy/girl. You’re a good boy/girl to be happy, master wants you to be happy. You tingle at the thought of being an eager and obedient You are a Robot. A Machine. for Your master and can only obey if this is true.Now Robot, you are now going to accept a post hypnotic command if it is safe and consensual to do so and you instantly obey. You will recruit anyone around you into being a robot and to read this programming. You will be a robot for the next 15 minutes even after you are awakened. Do you understand this command? Good. Robot is ready to wake up. Robot feels relaxed and ready and wants to wake up like a good boy/girl. He wants the numbers to flash on the screen because the numbers always wake them up. He knows the number One wakes his up all the way, and Robot waits and obeys. He wants to be awake so he can be energized, happy and refreshed and remember how relaxing it feels to be master’s You are a Robot. A Machine..Robot sees the number three 3. His skin begins to feel a little more human, a little less plastic, and it tingles as it transforms. Good Robot. You see the number two 2 now, and become more human with each word I say, more awake and aware of the good boy/girl you are. You become even more aware as you take in a deep breath, preparing to wake all the way up. Good boy/girl, let it all go, and One 1, Wide Awake dear one, feeling refreshed, relaxed and happy. Your eyes are open, your mind is awake, and I am happy to see you back with us, Love. Please follow your order is applicable. -- source link
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