Yesterday I decided to fool around a bit. I put on my white panties and pantyhose, white bra and a l
Yesterday I decided to fool around a bit. I put on my white panties and pantyhose, white bra and a light dress with a contrasting pattern. Flared skirt of my dress reached to the knees. I was sitting at the computer and read various pantypoop-stories. I have long wanted to use the bathroom, but endured to the end. When it was the limit, I went into the bathroom and turned on the camera. I turned their backs to the camera and barely had time to raise the hem of my dress as feces burst out of me. Liquid mass instantly filled my panties and dripping down the legs. Panties and tights were completely dirty. Letting go the hem of my dress I noticed in the mirror that on it also appeared brown spot. Pressed his back against the wall bathroom, I felt like a sprawling mass feces in panties and pantyhose, leading them to an even bigger mess. I pressed his hand to his crotch and quickly finished. It was delicious! In front of the dress stain cum, brown stain spreading across the back of the dress, a under my the dress were filled panties and dirty pantyhose with streaks of diarrhea… -- source link
#pantypoop#pantyhosepoop#my pantypoop