ilikemyownopinion:calmandcalculating:Supergirl 2x13 – Mr. & Mrs. MxyzptlkAre people missing the
ilikemyownopinion:calmandcalculating:Supergirl 2x13 – Mr. & Mrs. MxyzptlkAre people missing the very clear often brought up by feminists issue here?This whole episode featured a character that wanted Supergirl to love him. Saying how nice he was, and how great he was, and better than the other guy he was.Sounds a lot like the whole friend zone type thing right?She doesn’t owe him anything. She has someone that she is interested in. And you’re looking that over just because you don’t like Mon-El.I get that you don’t like them as a pair, I’m indifferent. But to say that the show is being less pro feminism recently is absurd. All it has done is become less ham fisted. And believe me the first season is super ham fisted when it comes to its feminism.Is this really what Mister Mixes Piddle Ick looks like on the show? No imp form? -- source link