atlaspsd:to close the year, i leave here a list of my favorite tumblr’s. i thank everyone for alwa
atlaspsd: to close the year, i leave here a list of my favorite tumblr’s. i thank everyone for always being an inspiration, i appreciate the hard work and i wish you all a happy new year. i’m sure someone is missing, so i apologize in advance): icons n’ resources for twitter:@94scolors - @afterglowedits - @akumaicons - @alaskacollage - @alaskacolors - @angelestuff - @antaresicons - @artsyicons - @augustedits - @avatarstuffs - @barrowedits - @belairedits - @berrystuff - @bettericons - @breathions - @brekkeredits - @boxycons - @carpenterpsd - @cartoonedits - @capricornlayouts - @cherrysource - @cluelessedit - @cobrasnakedits - @dameliopsd - @disneypsd - @duastuffs - @editspoems - @editspotter - @editswhite - @eliowithpsd - @enchantedits - @evrmoredits - @fentyedits - @flighticons - @giawstuff - @girlsedt - @gmezstuffs - @goldeenday - @greycarstairsedits - @heavenlyicon - @heroncarstairsicons - @honeystuffs - @hunteredit - @hypnotiseicons - @iconsfinder - @iconsflow - @klhicons - @kyliedit - @kyslieicons - @literaredits- @loveonpsd - @lunairedits - @lynxstuffs - @madnessaedit - @melophobiastuffs - @millieedits - @misticoloring - @mistyicons - @nativaicons - @onlythebraveedits - @peraltiagoedits - @perry-pack - @plutopsd - @randomwithpsd- @raeneuerstuff - @rougeonpsd - @screensland - @selenagstuffs - @sempsds - @shinestuffs - @shitedits - @sitemodelswithpsd - @skydiveicons - @strawberrycolors- @stuffsdevil - @stuffslm - @stuffslourry- @stuffswiftie - @summeredit - @upinflamesicon - @vampierps - @viciousedits - @vintageonpsd - @tvfaces - @watermeloncolors - @winnieicons - @womenedits - @womenstuffs - @wonderlandedits - @wwithpsdps resources:@allresources - @allscalliepsds - @artsluna - @athenacoloring - @chaoticresources - @cobypsd - @cosmuspsd - @dailypsd - @evenresources - @galaxypsds - @goldencoloring - @harupsds - @hisources - @honeycoloring - @kumihocolors - @l-agallerrie - @lilopastel - @luvsourcers - @miniepsds - @opulenceps - @peachcoloring - @royalscolor - @selenapastel - @sistaround - @sunshinepsds - @vannilapsds - @wealphotoshop - @wiiintermoon galleries: @acciogalerie - @cherrygallery - @galleriepeach - @igallerie - @indiegallery - @neverscreens - @saturngallery - @screencapsfortv lockscreens:@floralocks - @lockpapers - @lockzinhas - @lokcscreen - @loxxscreens - @lockswiftie - @luckscreens - @luxscreensothers:@brightusers - @castawayusers - @colorgifs - @iconsreblog - @luvreblog - @luvpreviews - @royalpreviews - @skydivereblog - @wtfreblog ♥️♥️♥️♥️ -- source link
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