littlebh13: soulcorruptor: So it all began, innocuously enough, with a Tumblr blog. A friend of mine
littlebh13: soulcorruptor: So it all began, innocuously enough, with a Tumblr blog. A friend of mine, who was a self-described hardcore feminist, was triumphantly showing hers off to me, waxing lyrical about her followers and the community. I was intrigued, and frankly I wanted some more friends in the feminist community (“to become more loyal to the cause” as my friend put it), so I ended up starting my own Tumblr blog. It was slow going at first, mainly reblogs of some of my friend’s posts and some other people’s, plus a few ramblings of my own. Eventually though I got some followers, people started reblogging my posts, and it all seemed great! However, that all changed with one fateful post. It came in the middle of a reblog chain discussing feminism and sexuality, more specifically how to fulfill one’s sexual needs without accidentally or intentionally perpetuating any notion of male superiority. Some suggested sticking to masturbation, others advocated lesbianism, and some argued it was possible to have sex with men without undertones of male superiority, but that it required a very careful selection of sexual partners. There was even a few comments involving strap-ons in there. However, there was one comment in amongst this debate which was swiftly rejected and derided for being patriarchal propaganda: it stated that any woman, given the right incentive and motivation, would trade in their feminist ideals and be a dumb, slutty bimbo for men to use as fucktoys. I was so furious at this, I decided not only to call his comment complete bullshit, but to message him directly to tell him how wrong he was. femmefeministprincess How dare you spew such misogynistic crap?! There’s no way any woman would choose to be the kind of “bimbo” you lust after! They’re the women we’re trying to liberate from your oppression! daddyjameson You can’t liberate that which is already free. femmefeministprincess What on earth do you mean? daddyjameson Exactly what I said: you can’t liberate that which is already free. Look at any bimbo you like, do you think they care about equal rights or the gender pay gap or any number of other feminist “issues"? No, their only worries are how their hair and nails look, how pretty they are, and how to satisfy their unending desire for cocks. They live an almost carefree life, how can you not call that freedom? At this point I was so angry that if we were talking in person, I would have probably punched him, or at the very least spewed a string of swearwords at him. Instead I took a moment to compose myself before carrying on. femmefeministprincess Because they live at the whims of some patriarchal pig like you! Instead of having independence and free will, they have to rely on some “daddy” to take care of them! I bet most of them didn’t even have a choice in the matter, becoming like that because of a patriarchal system that failed them because women aren’t important enough to the system! daddyjameson Like I said in the reblog chain, any woman, given the opportunity and the right circumstances, would jump at the chance to be a slutty bimbo. Not because the system failed them, not because they don’t have independence or intelligence, but because they WANT to. Because that’s who they really are. I’ve even trained a couple of them myself, and met more that have been trained by other people. I’ve seen plenty of women letting go of their facade of normality because they knew that, deep down inside, they’re sluts and fucktoys. They’re holes for men to use. Was this guy for real? Did he genuinely believe he was some kind of “woman tamer”? Like we were animals to be domesticated and trained? femmefeministprincess Ha! Keep dreaming. Women giving up their independence and freedom to degrade themselves for the amusement of men? Maybe if they were coerced or forced into it, but I bet no sane, rational woman would do that, regardless of your so called “training”. daddyjameson Hmmm… ok, I’m a betting man, I’ll take you up on that bet. femmefeministprincess What bet? daddyjameson That no sane, rational woman would agree to be a slutty bimbo after being trained by me. If you can prove that, I’ll shut down my blog and never post on Tumblr again. I may even reconsider my views on feminism. At this point it almost seemed too good to be true. All I had to do was prove to him that his training was bullshit and I would have shut down a misogynistic blog! I would be an inspiration to women everywhere! (Or at least, those on Tumblr.) femmefeministprincess Ok, so what does this training involve? I can probably break down all the various ways that it’s bullshit for you right now! daddyjameson That’s for you to find out. femmefeministprincess Wait, what? How can I prove it’s bullshit if you won’t tell me what it is? daddyjameson Oh I’ll tell you, but only as I’m training you. femmefeministprincess Training ME?? daddyjameson Who better? You said no sane, rational woman would choose to be a bimbo, even with my training, who better to demonstrate that than you? We’ll do it over the course of a month, at the end of that month I’ll let you choose and see who won our bet. I’ll even give you a safeword to make the bet null and void, in case you get scared. At this point I had my doubts, but still, it was just a month, I could just say no at the end of the month, win the bet and move on afterwards. I could even write the whole thing up and make a few interesting posts about it. femmefeministprincess One last thing: what happens if I lose the bet? daddyjameson Simple, I’ll have you post on your Tumblr that you’re a dumb, entitled cunt that should use her mouth for sucking rather than talking. femmefeministprincess So in short, something that will never happen. Ok, count me in, but when I win this bet you better hold up your end of the deal. daddyjameson Good girl. We’ll start your training tomorrow, and I’ll offer you the final choice thirty days from there. As for the bet, don’t worry, I’m a man of my word, no matter what happens I’ll uphold the bet. See you tomorrow, sweet cheeks! femmefeministprincess Don’t call me sweet cheeks. daddyjameson Enjoy that sass while you can! I fired off a few more annoyed comments at him after that, but he went offline soon after our conversation. Clearly he was a fan of getting the last word. Instead I decided to look at his blog, to see if there were any clues. What I saw repulsed me. Women being forced to do vile and revolting things for men’s amusement! After seeing that, I knew I had to take him down. Day 1 Most of the day had passed without incident, and by the evening I had almost forgotten the whole thing, writing it off as the guy getting scared when I called his bluff, or something like that. So when he actually did message me, I was rather surprised. daddyjameson Evening slut! Ready for your training? femmefeministprincess Don’t call me slut. daddyjameson Forgotten our little wager already? For the next month I get to mould you as I wish, and that includes calling you whatever I like. You’d better get used to being called a slut, once I’m done with you a lot of people will call you that… I held in a number of scathing comments I wanted to make here. One month and he’d be gone forever, and I’d be a hero for doing it. femmefeministprincess … Fine. daddyjameson Good! Now let’s get some ground rules established. Firstly, you will refer to me as Daddy at all times. Secondly, you are not to cum unless I give you permission. Thirdly, you will fulfill, to the best of your ability, any task I give you as part of your training. Trust me, I’ll know if you’re cheating. femmefeministprincess Is that all? If only sarcasm could be transmitted via the internet. daddyjameson “Is that all, Daddy?” femmefeministprincess … Seriously? daddyjameson Respect for your Daddy, and men in general, is part of your training. Say it. I sighed. It seemed I would really have to jump through his hoops for this. femmefeministprincess Is that all, Daddy? daddyjameson Good girl. Now, before I forget, your safeword is “pumpernickel cement”. If we go too far and you get scared and want to back out, just say that to me and we’ll call the whole thing off. It’ll be as if the bet never existed. femmefeministprincess Well, at least you’re true to your word about providing a safeword. daddyjameson Of course, I’m a man of my word. I intend to uphold this bet one way or another, even if I lose. Now, enough preamble, it’s time for today’s training! First things first, are you familiar with edging? femmefeministprincess Thankfully, no. daddyjameson Ahem. femmefeministprincess No, Daddy. This was going to get old REALLY quickly. daddyjameson Good girl. Now, don’t worry about not knowing what edging is, I’ll explain it for you. Edging is when you masturbate just up to the point of orgasm, but don’t let yourself cum. Your task for today is to edge just once. Remember that you don’t have permission to cum though! femmefeministprincess But what if I’m not in the mood, Daddy? daddyjameson Well you’ll have to turn yourself on, won’t you? Also, good girl for remembering what to call me! ;) I rolled my eyes at his last statement, but decided to go along with his training, if just to win the bet. I flopped onto my bed, slid off my jeans and top, and quickly freed my breasts from my bra. I let my fingers linger on my breasts, a familiar tingle spreading through my breasts as my fingertips ran across them. Despite my implications earlier, I usually get turned on rather quickly, as my nipples quickly proved, rising up as my fingers circled them. I briefly pinched one of my nipples, a short gasp slipping out, before sliding my hand slowly down my body and slipping it into my panties. My slit was surprisingly wet; was I really that easy to turn on? I didn’t think so, but my finger was easily sliding between the lips of my pussy. Putting my question to one side, I quickly found my clit and started rubbing it. A shiver shot through me as I did, quickly followed by a warmth that spread through my pussy. My hips started bucking up against my hand as images and fantasies popped into my head. I settled on a cute guy I saw in a coffee shop, and imagined him slowly and gently fucking me. I bit my bottom lip as I felt my orgasm building, my legs naturally spreading for my imaginary partner. Eventually, I stopped rubbing my clit and slid a finger into my pussy, finger fucking myself in time to my fantasy guy. My breathing went ragged as I got closer to cumming, sliding a second finger into my pussy alongside the first. I was finger fucking myself faster and faster now, feeling my orgasm get closer and closer, I just want to cum, fuck that arsehole and his training, fuck the bet, I just wanna cu- daddyjameson How’s the edging going? ;) The sound of my phone bleeping at a new message sounded like a klaxon, snapping me out of my masturbation induced reverie. I quickly snatched up my phone and brought up the message. If this arsehole was here in person, I probably would have killed him with my bare hands. However, seeing the message did bring me back to reality. Edging. No orgasms. 30 days of training. If the rest of the training was going to be like this, then this could be harder than I thought. Day 2 I woke up the next day to find a new message awaiting me. daddyjameson Morning slut! As you can imagine, now that you have the basics down, we’re going to ramp things up a bit! So, your task for today is more edging: twice as soon as you’re awake, and twice last thing before you sleep. Remember to let yourself calm down between edges, and no cumming! Ramping up was an understatement. Four times in one day? Still, I was determined to keep going to win this bet, so I slid my hand down into my panties for the second time in as many days. My pussy quickly warmed up to my touch, perhaps because of the orgasm I was denied previously. The first edge turned out to be surprisingly easy, my body swiftly returning to the worked up state it was last night, my hips rising up and down almost of their own accord. The hard part came with waiting long enough between edges; the feeling of being inches away from orgasm lingered for what felt like an eternity, the whole time my pussy feeling like it was begging for one more touch to push it over the edge. The second edge went on for longer than I intended, as my desire to cum battled with my pride and desire to win this bet; as such I hovered on the edge over and over, one fingertip slowly circling my clit round and around before I managed to tear myself away. I found it difficult to focus for the rest of the day, as everything seemed to drag my focus back to my pussy, to my needy clit and my aching desire to cum. Even my panties and jeans seemed to be teasing me, every slight touch of the fabric felt magnified as it caressed my oversensitive pussy. Thankfully, if anyone noticed they didn’t say anything, and the day passed mostly without incident. At least, until I got another message. daddyjameson Evening slut! How are you doing today? femmefeministprincess I’m feeling a bit… sensitive, Daddy. daddyjameson Oh come on now, you’ve got to be honest with yourself! You’re horny, aren’t you? Desperate to cum? femmefeministprincess … Yes, Daddy. daddyjameson Good girl! Now I want you to focus on that feeling, that desperation, because that is a driving motivation for a slut like you. femmefeministprincess I’m not a slut yet, Daddy. daddyjameson Oh you are already on the inside, it’s just a case of letting your inner slut out. Now, don’t forget your two edges before you fall asleep tonight and I’ll see you tomorrow! The rest of my evening was filled with semi-futile attempts to distract myself from my pussy (which had thankfully mostly calmed down) and what was to come. However, tiredness started to creep in and I couldn’t delay it any more. I could feel my pussy moisten as I slipped into bed, as if it already knew what I was about to do. My hand slipped into my panties once more, as a familiar tingle ran through my pussy. The first edge was the fastest of the day, and again I had to lay in bed waiting to calm down enough to go again. The second edge was trickier, due to tiredness making me sluggish and weary, but for some reason the feeling of hovering on that edge felt amplified, with waves of pent up desire flowing through my body, until eventually I drifted off to sleep with my hand still in my panties. Day 3 I once again awoke to the sound of my phone receiving another message. I sincerely hoped this wasn’t going to become a habit. daddyjameson Morning slut! Nothing too taxing for you today, just 3 edges each in the morning and evening. From now on, this will be your daily routine unless I say otherwise. Have fun! As much as I wanted to be annoyed at him and his training, my libido was already elevated thanks to the last two days and my hand was already snaking its way into my panties. Today the edges seemed to blur together; despite waiting after the first edge I was still very horny, which the 2nd edge seemed to build upon. The 3rd edge then drove my arousal even higher, and I was left hornier than I’d ever been in my life. I spent a good half an hour humping and grinding my hand, torn once more between my need to cum and the bet. By some miracle I managed to tear my hand away but it left me needy, frustrated and with a distinct empty feeling in my pussy. If yesterday I was unfocused, then today I was completely out of it. Anything and everything seemed to drag my mind back to my pussy; an accidental brush of my groin left a tingling feeling in my pussy, odd snippets of overheard conversations seemed to all be about sex, even poles and table legs looked tantalisingly grindable! One of my co-workers even seemed to notice, saying I was “squirmy”. I waved her off with a comment about my concerns about the company downsizing, but that was far from the truth. I realised what I was actually doing: I was grinding on my chair! I quickly stopped myself, but it left me wondering: was I really that desperate and horny? That question was on my mind as I fingered and edged myself senseless that night, and my reaction answered it for me; apparently I am. If this was just the beginning, what kind of mess would I be by the end of the training? Day 4-5 The next couple of days went by in a blur; without any new messages from Daddy I started to get used to my new routine. The three morning edges would shove my libido through the roof and make everything seem sexual and keep my focus on my pussy, and then the three evening edges would push anything non-sexual left in my head out. Every waking thought that I could hold on to for more than a few seconds seemed to be about sex: the vibrations of my car, my bra and panties rubbing against my nipples and pussy, me trying to not grind on my chair at work, me riding that cute guy from the coffee shop, me sliding and twirling on that lamppost like it’s a stripper pole, etc etc. Falling asleep whilst fingering myself seemed to be the new norm now; my three evening edges would last so long that I’d literally run out of energy and sleep wherever I was laying. Day 6 I expected today to pass like the previous two, in a blur of sexual thoughts and a desperate need in my pussy. However, shortly after I finished my morning edges, my phone bleeped at me. daddyjameson Morning slut! How are you doing today? Keeping up with your edges I hope! femmefeministprincess Yes, Daddy. It’s left me very… on edge. daddyjameson Good girl! Now I have another task for you today, along with your daily edges. I want you to go to this blog and pick one woman who you admire, who you want to be like. He then linked me to a blog which, to my complete lack of surprise, was full of bimbos. All the women seemed to have massive fake breasts, vacant looks on their faces, and a distinct lack of clothing on. I scrolled down quite a bit until eventually I saw one in a sports bra and leggings, looking like she had just finished a work out. Her figure was exaggerated but not to the same ridiculous scale as some of the bimbos on there, and she clearly took care of her body, which I respected. I showed my selection to Daddy and awaited his response. daddyjameson Hmmm interesting. Also, you’re a good girl for doing what I asked so quickly! I’ll be sure to remember that ;) Having the day pass as a libido fueled blur was starting to become a habit, with my mind drifting back to thoughts of sex and masturbation and my pussy far too easily. However today was a bit different, as the woman whose picture I chose for Daddy kept drifting into my mind too. I imagined what it would be like to have a body like hers, with her massive hips and toned legs, maybe wearing a tight pair of leggings to show off the ass, and a top that pushed the boobs up to show a little cleavage. My evening edges ended up revolving around what kind of sex life having a body like that would entail, maybe bending over at the waist to display my massive butt to some lucky guy before he grabs it and slides his thick cock inside me, pounding me and occasionally slapping my ass to see it jiggle. I fell asleep with one hand grabbing and squeezing my ass, wishing it was as massive as hers. Day 7 The bleeping of my phone pulled me out of a dream I was having, but the details slipped away. Was there something about massive tits? Were they mine? Trying to hold onto the details was like trying to grab at rain, so I instead grabbed my phone. daddyjameson Morning fucktoy! Hope you’re feeling horny, because I have a new task for you! Today we start you on your mantras! A slut or bimbo needs more than to just be horny, they need to have the right mindset, which is why we use mantras. At this point I figured it was better to just wait until he finished explaining, I was too horny to argue anyway. When did I get so horny anyway? Did I wake up horny? Am I the kind of person who just wakes up horny now? daddyjameson So, from now on I want you to repeat a mantra in your head whenever you edge. femmefeministprincess In my head or out loud, Daddy? daddyjameson Good girl, and for today you can just say it in your head to get used it, but from tomorrow onwards you’ll have to say it out loud. Understood? femmefeministprincess Yes Daddy. daddyjameson Good girl. Now, today’s mantra is nice and simple, it’s “tick tock, suck cock, drip drop, mind pop”. Repeat it back for me slut. femmefeministprincess Tick tock, suck cock, drip drop, mind pop daddyjameson Good girl! Now run along and edge for me like a good little slut. I was a little worried a little worried at this new development. Mantras? Changing my mindset? Edging over and over was one thing, but this seemed distinctly more… real. I wondered why I was still doing all this, but two things silenced that question: one was a vague memory of the bet floating back into my head, the other was my hand making my way into my panties, making me realise how much I needed some form of stimulation at least. When did I get this horny? Today’s edges, now accompanied with a mantra, seemed oddly rhythmic. However it wasn’t until halfway through my second edge that I figured out why: I was fingering myself in time to the mantra! “Tick”, touch. “Tock”, stroke. “Suck”, rub. “Cock”, flick. “Drip", finger in. “Drop", finger out. “Mind”, finger in. “Pop”, finger out. I looped through this pattern over and over, fingering myself as the mantra repeated itself in my head time and time again. Everything else seemed to slip away, just my pussy, my fingers and the mantra remained. I didn’t realise how much of an effect this was having until the end of the third edge: I suddenly realised how close I was to having a massive orgasm, waves of pleasure cascading through my body from hovering on the edge for so long. It took everything I had to stop myself, clinging to the bed and biting my bottom lip as my hips bucked wildly, desperate for one last touch to push me over the edge. It took me far longer to calm down after that, I was almost late to work because of it! By the time I was finished with work I was so worn out from trying to rein in my libido that I collapsed into bed. As it turned out this wasn’t the best idea, as my libido promptly took over and I started fingering myself again. The mantra started playing in my head again as I slipped back into the rhythm I had this morning. The world slipped away as the mantra filled my mind and my fingers filled my pussy. By this point my brain was so addled, I couldn’t tell when I was asleep and when I was just brainlessly repeating the mantra. Day 8 I woke up to a realisation that, despite being rather obvious now, shook me to my core. I am horny. That was just part of who I am now. My desire for sex had risen up and claimed a part of my identity, and given how horny I was this morning, it claimed a big part. The worrying part is that the times when I’m edging, when I’m giving in to my horniness and my desires, are the times when I feel most awake; the rest of the time I seem to just drift through life. What does that say about who and what I am? More importantly, what am I becoming? I tried to shove the whole thing to one side and focus on work, but that was once again futile. Between the usual stresses of work and new rumours of downsizing, my mind seemed to take refuge in thinking about sex and wanting to cum. A bleep from my phone pulled my mind back to reality, and to my surprise it wasn’t a message from Daddy. feministontherise Something’s different about you. For some reason, despite working in the same company, she always preferred to use messages and texts rather than talk face to face. femmefeministprincess Yeah, I’ve been a bit… spacey lately. feministontherise Not that, I mean your outfit. You’re wearing a clingy skirt and your cleavage is on display. femmefeministprincess So? feministontherise So?? You know the male gaze is a thing, you’re dressed like another one of those dumb bimbos! femmefeministprincess I am not! I’m not nearly curvy enough for a start… Why are you being so mean anyway? feministontherise I’m not! You just seem to be drifting away from being a proper feminist and I just want to help! femmefeministprincess Thanks, I guess? I just dressed like this because I wanted to feel sexy. feministontherise I get it, just be careful ok? There’s many ways to feel sexy, and you don’t have to appeal to men to do it. femmefeministprincess I guess so. After that, I wasn’t surprised that my brain sought refuge in sex and lust. Why was she being so judgemental? I know she was trying to help but it just made her seem like a bitch. Day 9 femmefeministprincess Daddy? Are you there? I kinda need to talk. daddyjameson What about, slut? femmefeministprincess Something weird happened earlier today, Daddy. daddyjameson Oh? What happened? femmefeministprincess Well I was relaxing at home and there’s this clock I have, it’s an old one I’ve had for years. Anyway it ticks rather loudly and I started staring at it and… the next thing I knew, nearly half an hour had passed and I mouthing my mantra over and over! daddyjameson Good girl! Seems like the mantra is working faster than I anticipated! femmefeministprincess Faster? Is this ok? Am I going to be ok? daddyjameson Of course you are, don’t worry your pretty little head. You just keep doing your edges and doing as I tell you and you’ll be just fine. femmefeministprincess … Ok Daddy. daddyjameson Good girl :) Day 10 Today seemed like it would pass as normal, with the sex haze blurring out anything that wasn’t sexual, but whilst I was at work something pierced through the haze which filled me with equal parts dread and arousal: I had booked the next week off from work. Between that and the weekend, I would have 9 days off in a row, without anything even attempting to distract me from the endless need in my pussy. There was only one thing I could think of to do. femmefeministprincess Daddy, can I ask you a question? daddyjameson Hmm… I’ll allow it. femmefeministprincess Can I edge more than the 3 times each morning and evening you told me to do, Daddy? daddyjameson Ahhh you want more do you? Seems like your horniness is getting the best of you, isn’t it? femmefeministprincess … Yes Daddy. daddyjameson Well you’re a good girl for asking, and I’ll allow you to edge more. I even have a new mantra for you: “my thoughts are just noise, brains are for boys”. Enjoy! I was glad I could at least edge as and when I needed to, but 9 days with nothing to stop me edging seemed like it might drive me off the deep end! I could only hope there was something left of me afterwards. Days 11-19 My week off started off fairly normally, or at least what passed for normal these days: wake up, edge 3 times whilst repeating my mantras, then get on with my day. However, I’d originally planned to use this week to unwind, so I had nothing planned and nothing I needed to do, and thus nothing to distract me. My hand quickly found its way between my legs once again, and I could do little to deny it. After all, fingering myself felt good, and hovering on that edge felt better! But stopping myself from cumming each and every time was soooo frustrating! Between that and the mantras, everything else seemed to lose meaning. New mantras seemed to find their way into my head: “I’m a bimbo, I’m a slut, I like cocks in my butt”, “have fun, be dumb”, “when I cum, I’ll be dumb" “I need cocks, I need men, to fuck my slutty holes again”. Over and over they bounced around inside my head as I fingered and edged myself, my pussy so sensitive that it dominated all other thoughts. After a couple of days I didn’t even bother wearing clothes, after all I didn’t need to go out, I just needed to finger myself over and over. I’d wake up with one hand already playing with my pussy, and it would rarely leave it for more than a few seconds. I quickly learned to do most things around the house one handed, as it was the only way I could cope with the endless horniness. My fantasies also seemed to shift, the cute guy from the coffee shop was gone, replaced with… someone else. He was tall, strong, and rough, bending me over and fucking me hard and fast, or grabbing my hair and gagging me with his cock. He’d even fuck my ass in these fantasies, and then make me suck his cock clean afterwards. On top of all that, the mantras made it hard to focus on anything, and 5 minute tasks turned into 30 as I stared into space repeating them as I reached yet another edge. By the end of the week it was so hard to think because… thoughts are just noise, brains are for boys. Every thought that wasn’t sexual came so slowly and was so hard, like a nice thick cock. Why is this so difficult? What happened to my mind? To me? Day 20 Today I had a revelation. It was after my third edge of the morning, and I was still laying in bed, waves of pleasure still radiating through me after fingering myself up to the edge. More importantly though, there wasn’t single thought in my head, and that felt great! I was mindlessly lying there, and I didn’t need to think, and it felt good! The fact that I hadn’t cum didn’t leave me frustrated or tense, it felt good to be so horny, so needy, so desperate to cum. It made me feel sexy, it made me feel slutty, it felt… right. As I realised this though, it started me thinking, and with it all the stresses and strains of having to think and face the world returned, and I saw the stark difference between the two. Was this what Daddy was trying to reach me? Is this mindlessness what Daddy wants for me? Day 21 daddyjameson Morning slut! Hope you’ve been doing your edges! femmefeministprincess Yes Daddy. daddyjameson Good girl! Now I have a nice simple task for you today, you’ve done it before, I just want you to look at the bimbos in this blog and pick one you’d want to be like. He sent me the link to the blog, and I recognised as the one he’d sent previously. This time however, I found the one I liked far more quickly. She was wearing a tight pink dress with slits cut in each side to show off her figure, and her boobs and ass had clearly been enhanced to make her even curvier. I loved how she looked so feminine and sexual, like she could walk into a room and make every guy hard. Naturally, I picked her and showed her to Daddy. daddyjameson Very interesting. You’re a good girl for doing that for me! She’s very different to the first girl you picked, why did you pick this one? femmefeministprincess She’s so sexy and curvy, if me and her were in the same room then she’d be the one getting all the attention… daddyjameson Ahhh, are you a little lacking in the curves department? I compared myself once again to the bimbo in the picture. Compared to her my B cup boobs looked positively flat, and my butt looked boyish next to her massive, plump ass. Once upon a time I may have considered myself attractive, but now I knew what standards I should compare myself to. femmefeministprincess I have B cup boobs and a flat ass :( daddyjameson Awwwww, don’t worry my little bimbo, once your training is done we can look into making you look like a proper bimbo. Now keep up with your edges, and we’ll talk more tomorrow. femmefeministprincess Thank you, Daddy! For some reason I felt a bit conflicted about getting enhanced like that. I wanted a bigger ass and bigger boobs, right? They’d make me look sexy like the girls in the pictures, so why did I have a vague feeling that it was wrong? Thinking about it was too hard, and I didn’t like thinking anyway, so I decided to leave it and go back to edging. Also, I now seem to get an nice tingly feeling whenever Daddy calls me a good girl. I wonder why? Day 22 Today was rough. My boss at work said that the company had to make some “cut backs” or whatever, so me and a bunch of other people lose our jobs! I vaguely remembered hearing something about the company struggling a while ago, but didn’t think much of it. The fact that I hadn’t been able to think about anything other than my pussy and cocks probably didn’t help. Still, it was a shock to so suddenly lose my job! I figured I should talk to someone about it, but there was only one person I really felt like talking to. femmefeministprincess Daddy, are you there? I need someone to talk to. daddyjameson What’s wrong, slut? femmefeministprincess I just lost my job :( daddyjameson Oh no! Did you enjoy your job? femmefeministprincess Not really, it was difficult and annoying and… well… daddyjameson Did you have to think a lot? femmefeministprincess Yeah! daddyjameson Wouldn’t you rather not think at all? Just have someone else do the thinking for you? femmefeministprincess Well it did feel good the other day… daddyjameson The other day? What happened? femmefeministprincess Well I was laying in bed after my edges and I was empty headed and horny and sexy and it felt great! daddyjameson Wouldn’t it feel great to be like that all the time then? Tell you what, try this: when you edge today, try and stay as mindless as possible, ok? femmefeministprincess Ok Daddy! daddyjameson Good girl :) For the rest of the day, I kept my mind blank, edged and said my mantras over and over. And it felt great! Day 23 daddyjameson Ok slut, I have a new task for you today! femmefeministprincess What is it Daddy? daddyjameson I want you to spend the whole day edging, but while you do I want to look at all the bimbos on this blog. Imagine yourself as them, feeling your massive tits and ass, feeling a cock slide between your pumped up lips, be them, become them. Understood? femmefeministprincess Yes Daddy! daddyjameson Good girl! I quickly looked up the blog he linked, and saw picture after picture of bimbos with massive enhanced boobs and asses, some covered in cum, others in lingerie, others being fucked senseless. It was soooo hot to imagine myself as them, fingering myself as I pictured myself with big fake boobs. More and more I realised I wanted to be like them, after all they looked so sexy and fun, and I knew I was a bimbo like them! Day 24 daddyjameson I hope you’re ready for some more edging today, slut! femmefeministprincess Of course, Daddy! daddyjameson Good girl! Now today I want you to edge yourself all day again, but this time I want you to look only at my blog. The girls on there are to be your role models, so again imagine yourself as them. Understood? femmefeministprincess Yes Daddy! daddyjameson Good girl :) I was excited by Daddy's new task. I had only briefly glimpsed Daddy’s blog before, what would he have on there that he’d want me to see? As it turned out I didn’t need to wait long to see, his blog was full of porn! All the girls in it were having all kinds of kinky and dirty stuff done to them: some were getting gangbanged, others were tied up and fucked, and a few were getting coated in cum and piss! Some part of me felt like I shouldn’t like this, that I should be revolted, but figuring out why would mean thinking, and I didn’t want to think, not thinking and being dumb were way more fun! The edges came hard and fast today as I watched and read more and more of Daddy’s blog. Everything seemed so hot and sexy! I wanted to try everything I saw, and everything seemed to make me come so close to cumming, it felt so good and I wanted more! Day 25 daddyjameson I have a surprise for you, slut. femmefeministprincess What is it, Daddy? daddyjameson I think I might be in your area next week. Would you like me to come visit? femmefeministprincess OMG really?? That would be great, I’d love to see you Daddy! daddyjameson Good girl! Just what I wanted to hear! femmefeministprincess Thank you Daddy :) daddyjameson You focus on getting yourself ready for me, and I’ll see you in a few days. Have fun, slut! femmefeministprincess Ok Daddy! I was so excited, I was finally going to meet Daddy! There were so many things I needed to do to get ready! But all of that would have to wait until tomorrow, because my pussy is excited too and I need to edge again! Days 26-29 The next few days whizzed by in an excited blur. I got my nails done, got my hair dyed blonde (like a proper bimbo!), went out and got myself a new dress (neon pink and VERY tight to show off my curves) and a new pair of heels (pink stripper heels, to match the dress). Thankfully I still had some money left over from my boring old job, which was keeping me going, and would now help make me sexy for Daddy! Of course, on top of all that I still found time to finger myself over and over again, I needed to keep myself as horny and mindless as possible for when Daddy came! Every waking moment I was swapping between making myself sexier and fingering myself, I even managed to sneak in a couple of edges whilst I was at the salon! If the guy doing my hair noticed, he got one hell of a show! ;) By the end of all this, I was so excited and horny I could barely sleep! Day 30 Finally, the day arrived when I would meet Daddy! I did my make up to try and match the sluts and bimbos I’d seen online, wriggled into my new dress, and slipped on my new heels. I teetered around the house for a little bit, getting used to my new heels, before deciding to wait in bed. I was glad I decided to not wear panties, as I managed to slide my hand up my dress to finger myself whilst I was waiting. I had completely lost track of which edge I was on when my doorbell rang. Opening the door, I was in no doubt who was outside. “Hello Daddy! Why don’t you come inside and… cum inside?” I said, batting my eyes seductively at him. “Mmmm, let me get a good look at you, slut.” Daddy said, eyeing me up and down. I spun on the spot for him, showing off my new dress and heels. “Cute, but that’s not what I meant.” He growled, grabbing me and being me over the kitchen table. He quickly pulled up my dress to expose my ass and pussy, and I gasped as he ran a rough finger up my dripping wet cunt. I was so horny that this was almost enough to send me over the edge. “Remember, no cumming unless I say so!” He said. “O-of course, Daddy!” I said shakily, still teetering on the edge from his finger in my pussy. “Now then, let’s finish your training!” He said as he pulled his cock out. I looked over my shoulder to get a look at his cock and couldn’t believe what I saw. His cock looked huge! It must have been 8 inches long and 2 inches acro- OH MY GOD THAT FEELS SO GOOD IN ME! All other thoughts shot out of my head as he suddenly slammed the full length of his cock into me. He remorselessly pounded my sopping wet pussy, wet slapping sounds filling the kitchen. The feeling of finally having a cock in me filled me in more ways than I could have imagined; I needed this more than anything else now. Leaning over me as he fucked me, he grabbed my chin and tilted my head back until my eyes met his. “You like this, don’t you slut?” He growled. “Yes Daddy!” “You need to cum, don’t you slut?” “Yes Daddy, more than anything!” I begged. “Then cum for me! Cum for me you little slut!” He yelled, and with that he straightened up, grabbed my hips, and fucked me harder than I’ve ever been fucked before. He pounded me like a piece of meat, like I was a fucktoy for him to use and throw away afterwards. I realised then that I am a fucktoy, a set of holes and boobs for men to use as they see fit, and with that realisation I came. “Oh my god, oh my god, I’m cumming! I’m cumming! I- i- cum- cumming- cu- cu- c-” *Pop!* … “……………esolve the bet.” Huh? “Anyone still in there? We still have to resolve the bet.” “Wha?” I said, confused. “Ok you’re still pretty out of it, so let me just ask you this: would you rather stay the way you are now, or go back to the way you were?” Daddy asked. “The way I was?” “Hmmm maybe I fucked the memory of it out of you too? Maybe this will jog your memory?” Daddy showed me something on his phone. It took me a while to realise, but it was my old Tumblr blog, still full of my previous ramblings about misogyny and the patriarchy. “Would you rather be the girl who writes stuff like this? Someone angry and hurt from having to be independent and thinking for themselves? Or would you rather be like you are now? Mindless, sexy, horny, slutty and happy?” Daddy asked again. There was only really one thing on my mind that I cared about either way. “Which one has more cock?” I asked. “The latter.” Daddy said, smiling. “Then that one! I want more cock!” “Good girl.” Daddy said, his smile growing. “There’s just one last thing to do, after all, you do have to uphold your end of the deal.” “What do you want me to do, Daddy?” “Just post something on your Tumblr for me.” I was a dumb, entittled cunt who should have used her mouth for sucking instead of talking, but thanks to @daddyjameson I’m now a dumb slutty bimbo who knows what she wants from life: cock! “How’s that, Daddy?” “Good girl, that was perfect! Now I think I’ll keep you for myself, how do you feel about that?” “Want your cock again!” “Oh yeah, you’ll definitely be the centrepiece of my collection. I’ll need to get you enhanced first, but I think I have a few friends who would love to meet you…” “More cock?” “Yes my little bimbo slut, more cock!” ——— An excellent story submission by I’m sure she’ll offer more writing to come. I’m not usually into this but damn Omgomg omg loveee -- source link
Tumblr Blog :