Fantasy Adult oriented Fiction- must be 18+Just so we are clear, the following story is fiction. No
Fantasy Adult oriented Fiction- must be 18+Just so we are clear, the following story is fiction. Nothing in this story deals with safe sane consensual bdsm.It was a crisp cool autumn evening. Jessica returned from school on the big yellow bus and began to walk the two blocks back to her house alone. Sighing loudly as she carried her heavy book bag slung low behind her dragging on the sidewalk, Jessica wondered if things would ever get better. Whereas the other girls even younger than her at the high school all drove shiny new cars they received for sweet sixteen birthday parties or from money they earned working over summer break, Jessica even at eighteen could not afford such a luxury when her mom was barely able to make rent and had sold their rusted station wagon to purchase another week of groceries. If only there was something she could do for her family. Things had gotten so difficult since her dad passed away from a prolonged illness that had wiped her family out. A cool breeze blew up Jessica’s threadbare skirt, her school uniform a hand-me-down from a neighbor whose daughter attended the same school. Melissa, a blonde cheerleader and neighbor was everything Jessica was not. She was popular, well off, tall and pretty whereas Jessica saw herself as unpopular, poor, and mousey. While they were neighbors due to Jessica’s mom renting a single room in the basement of the most run-down house in the neighborhood, they were far apart as two people could be… and Melissa somehow relished making everyone know this and know that Jessica was not one of them. Jessica’s mom was Melissa’s maid, and she made sure everyone at school knew this.As Jessica grabbed mail, full of over-due bills and coupons, from the mailbox in front of the old house, a bright orange flier slipped out and flutterred in the wind as a gust blew it down the sidewalk. Running down the block after it, still holding the other mail, a petite white tennis shoe stepped on the flier as it attempted to blow past a young girl standing before the gate of a large two story cape-cod. It was Melissa. She bent down her athletic body gracefully grasping the flier that had gotten away from Jessica as Jessica clumsily tripped over her own feet dropping more mail along the way.“Seems you lost this.” says Melissa picking up the flier to read. “BDSM fair seeks young submissive’s over 18 for snuff booth. Will pay a hundred-thousand to the deceased family.” Melissa read the flier outloud in a matter-of fact voice like someone reading a headline from a newspaper with disinterest. Jessica thought for a moment that Melissa was just picking on her again, certain that the flier said no such thing. It was probably another advertisement with coupons for discount pizza. Regardless, Jessica snatched the flier out of Melissa’s hands to see what it said after having chased it for such a distance.“What? You don’t believe me?” said Melissa slyly. “I should know what the flier says. Afterall, I am the one who put it in your mailbox.”Jessica stood confused unsure what new prank Melissa had in store for her. Melissa’s bullying had always been more subtle, like commenting on how she gave Jessica her clothes from her garbage or implying that Jessica was too ugly to have a boyfriend. But this flier advertising for something so bizzaire left Jessica waiting for the punch line.“You and I both know your mother is sick. She most likely has cancer is my guess… from all that smoking she did no doubt when she could still afford to buy smokes. It’s her own fault. My parent’s have been talking about firing her, but they find you so pathetic, they want to make you an offer that can help solve things. One-hundred thousand dollars can do a lot to help your mother. Maybe even cure her. But, to save a life it will cost a life… yours.” said Melissa as if she had practiced the words to say.“What are you talking about?” growled Jessica, about ready to take a swing at Melissa’s perfect face. The flier however was just so ridiculous, it hardly seemed worth the effort. What was Melissa up to?“Every year my family sponsors a little festival. Think of it as being like a neighborhood party. We find some poor pathetic hopeless girls like yourself. Girls with no hope of a future, no hope of happiness, no hope of bettering themselves. Girls just like you. We then offer a token of hope at a high price. For your life, we will help your mother. In exchange, you give up your life and your body, no questions asked. Think of it as selling your soul.” Melissa smiled relishing the emotional torture she was inflicting. “It is completely your choice you know. You can say no. Next week, your mother will be unemployed, no doubt with a massive medical bill from treatments she no doubt will need. My father is her doctor at her hospital, he knows all about her condition and has been treating her for free. That will stop as well. Oh, and I’m afraid your rent is over-due. You didn’t earn enough tips at your waitressing job this week I guess. We’ve been covering for you, but that will stop as well.”Jessica stood there stunned. She always knew Melissa was evil, but not like this. She felt the paper in her finger tips and looked stunned at the obscene illustration on the flier. Then Jessica starred at the words One-hundred thousand dollars to the deceased family. Melissa didn’t need to say any more. She turned on her heels and slipped quietly back inside her families home as if it wasn’t worth her time to pick on Jessica any longer. After a moment or two, Jessica just figured it was another of Melissa’s cruel pranks and returned home after tossing the flier in Melissa’s trash can.The next morning, Jessica came down to breakfast and watched as her mother scrambled some eggs and brewed some coffee. Her skin was ashen gray and she coughed repeatedly trying to cover the rattle in her throat by muffling it with a dirty rag that appeared to have blood stains. “How’s my little angel this morning?” said Jessica’s mother as she put the dirty dishes away and washed the pan that the egg was scrambled upon.“Are you ok mom?” asked Jessica never before noticing how worn her mom had appeared. Her father had looked the same way just months before he died.“Oh, I am fine sweety. Just a little cold is all. Have you done all your homework? You know how important homework is to get into a good college.” said Jessica’s mom.“You know we can’t afford college, and I’m not smart enough to get a scholarship.” said Jessica“Oh don’t say that. You can do anything you set your mind to.” said Jessica’s mom“I couldn’t save dad.” said Jessica, more to herself than her mom, but she immediately regretted the words coming out. Jessica’s mom said nothing, but she slowly turned away lost in her own thoughts as she repeatedly scrubbed at the worn clean pan.That day in school, Jessica realized everyone in school was staring at her. Melissa passed by with a smile on her face. They all knew something. As Jessica opened her locker, the entire locker spilled out with bright orange fliers. The principal walked right by, bent over picking up one of the fliers looking at the obscene image printed upon it. Instead of demanding to know what was going on, he did the most bizzaire thing. He picked it up, looked at it, folded it in half, and tucked it into Jennifer’s front breast pocket without saying a word. Jessica hurriedly stuffed the fliers in her backpack and rushed late for class. The rest of the day was equally as bizzaire. Stapled to every quiz, test and paper Jennifer got back, in addition to a big fat red F at the top of each page was yet another bright orange flier. Every answer on her papers were correct, and yet the grade of F marked each page. A chill ran down Jennifer’s spine.Jamison was the county officer for Brewerville and spent most of his days patrolling the streets looking for vagrants and for adolescent delinquents causing trouble by damaging property with some foolishness. When this young girl in pigtails and a backpack walked into the police station, he assumed that the girl was probably there to ask about selling for some school fundraiser or some other event. When she pulled out the bright orange flier, he realized that this girl was one of the objects for the town’s festival. He knew what he had to do… but hated himself for it.The officer behind the desk examined the flier’s Jessica handed him from her backpack seemingly with much interest as she relayed her story of how she had received the fliers and her experience at school. The cop held the flier and examined it for some time before he spoke.“You know, we get crack addicts in here all the time with crazy made-up stories. Many of them young girl’s like yourself accusing members of this community of the most outrageous things. Our jails are full of young ladies just like yourself. Why, I bet if I examine your backpack, I’d find enough drugs to send you away for a very very long time… drugs just like this.” Jamison stuck a big white bag of powder on the table on top of the fliers. “If I were you, I would take my fliers and my drugs and go back home and sleep on things for a bit before making anymore accusations.” Jessica starred in astonishment as officer Jamison then took the bag filled with drugs and the fliers and tucked them into Jessica’s backpack before patting her gently on the head and sending her on her way.That night, Jessica sat on her bed, the contents of her backpack spread out. She had no choice. For the first time she thought about her situation. She owned nothing. She wasn’t particularly smart or beautiful or talented or anything. She was just a poor mousey girl working as a waitress until she became homeless and her mom passed away. In tears, she tried some of the white powder the officer stuck in her bag, and drifted off to sleep where she had incredibly vivid and erotic dreams… the sort she had never experienced before.Jessica stood at Melissa’s doorway and rang the bell. It was her mother’s day off today, and her mother was likely spending it at the hospital undergoing treatments that Jessica was not suppose to know about.“I’ll do it.” said Jessica as Melissa answered the door. “What do I have to do?”“Undress right there.” said Melissa.Jessica disrobed naked standing before the doorway of Melissa’s house.“Its a start.” -- source link
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