In 2013,21-year-old Dustmurod Ilesov (first two pictures) went on a murder spree in thevillage of Ok
In 2013,21-year-old Dustmurod Ilesov (first two pictures) went on a murder spree in thevillage of Okulovka, Novgorod region. He slashed his own fingers with a knife todrink his blood and felt an urge to kill. Dustmurod murdered his male andfemale drinking buddies by slashing their throats, then proceeding to gravelyinjure an innocent witness and take life of a woman who lived in a housenearby. Dustmurod’s murderous night ended when he stabbed to 90-year-old womanin the mouth, causing her death. In 2015, DustmurodIlesov was sentenced to life imprisonment and arrived to a prison for lifers inthe village of Torbeevo, Mordovia. There he met his new cellmate, an elderlyinmate Artur Kitaev (third picture), one of the last USSR serial killers, who committedsexually motivated murders of four women from 1990 to 1992. Kitaev has beenattacked by fellow inmates in 2010. The incident resulted in a broken spinewhich limited Kitaev’s freedom ofmovement even more than prison did. On 13 September, 2019, Kitaev and Ilesovhad an argument because the first was irritated by the latter always walkingaround their cell. Illesov struck 33 blows to his handicapped cellmate whichultimately resulted in his death. After themurder, Dustmurod Ilesov gave an interview, explaining that his cellmate wasconstantly bullying him and he was no longer able to tolerate the treatment. Healso told that he is ready to die, when he was asked how he feels about deathpenalty that was abolished in Russia in 1996. Dustmurod said that he sees nodifference between life he has now and death. On 11 March, 2020, now28-year-old Dustmurod Ilesov was sentenced to additional 14 years for the murderof his cellmate Artur Kitaev. -- source link
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