lethargicopinions:serixlkillermama:im doneDear rabid Paperhat fangirls and other shit heads of the V
lethargicopinions:serixlkillermama:im doneDear rabid Paperhat fangirls and other shit heads of the Villainous fandom,What the ever-loving fuck are you doing??? Have you forgotten that Roleplay is purely fiction?? Are you idiots that delusional? This awesome person right here has been harassed by stupid psycho paperhat fans online and in real life. Ya’ll should be ashamed of yourselves! Paperhat fans that aren’t batshit crazy and other awesome Villainous people please spread the word! This toxic bullshit needs to stop!Serialkillermama I got yo back! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -- source link