I’ve got a little behind with my Tumblr feed. This photo is part of a small project I worked o
I’ve got a little behind with my Tumblr feed. This photo is part of a small project I worked on examining Greece and her love of football - timed to coincide with the start of the FIFA World Cup. The 2014 tournament was only the third time the Greek national side had qualified to reach the ‘finals’ of the tournament itself, and the team had never progressed past the group stage of the tournament, so expectations were modest, to say the least. Greece’s team did enjoy international tournament success in 2004 though, unexpectedly winning the 2004 UEFA European Championship.This photo was taken on the 14th June, as the local kafenion in the village of Margarites readied the TV for Greece’s opening match against Colombia. Greece lost the match 3-0. -- source link
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