soulinthemists:The “Talk” After “The talk.”I receive “interesting” messages all the time. I don’t w
soulinthemists:The “Talk” After “The talk.”I receive “interesting” messages all the time. I don’t write articles for all of these or I would be deluged with repeating the same thing over and over because, as I have written before, there are those who always ask the same question but it is from their personal perspective. Most I respond to privately and there are questions which I would not and cannot respond to for what i would call obvious reasons…..and there are those direct and “very personal” questions that I deliberately overlook or choose not to answer. I simply speak to the subject that has been presented to me, in this case by a “satanic” mom who has a daughter with questions which go beyond the “birds and the bees” . She is asking about behavior…her behavior and her mom’s behavior…all manner of questions. She will want to know and what she will want to know can be uncomfortable for some moms. As a follower of the Dark Lord, you need to be willing and ready to be up front and honest. You and she are seeking to discover your true selves. So do so. These are times “just between the two of you”.Being a pastor’s wife, what I am going to share comes from a xian viewpoint which can easily be used by the “satanic” mom. I refer to this approach because I suppose I get a special pleasure using a xian writer’s perspective to advance the cause of the Dark Lord. Let me begin by quoting:“As women and mothers of faith, how we present sexuality to our daughters has the power to shape this pivotal point of their worldview.”We moms know that talking about sex with our daughters isn’t easy. There is the “talk” where, at times, dad may be involved if there is a dad around and, in this situation, is very much there. And then there is the “talks”, where you sit down and deal with the questions and issues your daughter needs to know about and which Dad can’t participate in simply because he is a male. One professional says that most moms don’t know where to start. Well, that isn’t so if you follow the Dark Lord and is actually easy to accomplish. Be honest and let her ask whatever questions she has whenever she asks. Then respond to her questions honestly and, if you are uncomfortable, its better to be honest than to lie and if you remain silent, you have to remember she is her own person and she is forming her own ideas about your message by your silence and not just what you say.The next issue is: How much information is too much? There is never too much information. See her as a sexual being because she is. Here is where the xian mom runs into difficulties because of the sin problem and the abstinence response which is part of the message the church tries to convey. In my case, as a follower of the Dark Lord, I feel it’s better to be honest and say too much than spoon feed what I want her to know and leave her with questions she may feel afraid to ask because I “cut off” the conversation or said she didn’t need to know. Of course, there will always be more questions, but I believe that when you have the “talks” you should set aside an entire afternoon and include dinner together so you don’t have that rushed element that puts a damper on what is occurring. Your daughter receives limited information because you’ve, without really thinking about it, put time constraints on the talk. Remember, the “sex information” your daughter receives from her friends is formulated over time…they are always messaging and texting and talking over the phone. They put quality time into the discussion….you need to do the same, Taking time to talk is key…it’s more important than you realize. Why?This is not the “talk” where you talk about sex and babies and periods and protection; what one might call the “initial” talk…..I’m talking about the later “cunt, pussy, fuck, dick, cock” talk where you take a deep breath and “tell it like it is”. You are not a slut if you talk about sex openly and honestly and sharing your experiences, what you like and don’t like sexually, all of it. If you want a close relationship with your girl, then you need to be willing to be open to questions and then answer them. Remember she has hormones just like you do. Put yourself in her place and, as I often say, ‘go for it”. Don’t have an agenda, let the conversation flow and if you don’t cover all the bases (and you won’t), you know she will be wanting to chat more. Tell her that.Look, how we talk to our daughters is individual. She needs that personal approach that takes into account her personality, fears and questions. That is why you are best equipped to discuss sex with her. Youth today are constantly bombarded by school, church, other youth groups about things sexual and fear of pedophiles. I have to smile because, as a pastor’s wife, we talk about sinful sexual behavior all the time as sin wile trying to say it is sacred and good. The real issue is sexual behavior and screwing has been drilled into our children in the name of helping them while at the same time encouraging them, saying when you HAVE sex you need protection….a confusing mess for many. That’s why mom has to step in and sit down and share just what sex is and how….and answer those questions that may be asked… “Mom, when is the first time you played with a cock”. Think about that. They already deal with porn and sex in every aspect of thier lives. Because you are her mother, you can address her concerns on the personal level she needs.In my little notebook I keep (some might call it my Book of Shadows- look it up, every legitimate witch has one) this note: “Five Things Not to Do When Discussing Sex with your Daughter”Don’t concentrate on the negative.A lot of the teaching your daughter has heard at school and church is fear-driven. Even i had to deal with this fear-driven approach to sex as a pastor’ wife. It was something i had to overcome within myself. Suddenly, when I married, sin was to become beauty but it didn’t, I had to deal with a whole different litany of sin, especially thoughts about adultery, etc. Fear of this and fear of that…Dad’s gonna kill your boyfriend if he touches you….that kind of fear. You are the one to guide her through that when you sit down, dedicate time just to her and be prepared to have to address whatever she wants to know.Avoid treating sex as shameful.Sex isn’t sin and you need to make that plain to your daughter. Tell her how much you enjoy it. And how you enjoy it. Here is a major hurdle you have to overcome because this is where you have to speak to her from personal experience. The Dark Lord calls you to what? Find your real self. She needs to do the same. So be prepared to go above and beyond and tell her how and why sex is a joy and not a pain. Try not be be embarrassed.Talk toys, positions, personal experiences and be blunt so she knows you are being honest with her. Don’t be clinical at a time like this. She has already heard the vocabulary but not from mom. Yes, it may shock her but she needs to be knowledgeable. Fucking, anal, oral, sucking cock. If she asks, talk about it. And here’s the biggie…Porn. She knows it’s out there and the odds are she is not just aware of it. Let her see it and talk about it. Tell her about the money behind it, that while the acts she sees happen they are not necessarily true… Consider taking time with her to view porn so she can ask questions and be guided by you as to what she is seeing. It’s okay to sexualize things (and you should since you follow the Dark Lord), joke about sex and help her learn how to deal with sexual issues and talk about them. She does already.Don’t avoid her questions. And encourage her to ask. Let her know sex is okay, good for her. Be up front and tell her. And when she brings up a topic, answer her first and then ask your questions if you have any as a result. Don’t answer her question by asking a question. Why? Because she’s asking and you are only avoiding doing so by wanting to know how she feels or whatever. What you are really doing is prying without committing to being there.This is another biggie. At first she will be afraid to ask about certain things. But as you open up she will start to move her questions toward your personal sexual experiences. You will be apprehensive but you have to answer. Don’t just blurt everything out all of a sudden and leave her open-mouthed. Share with her and let her know why. Yes, sharing about sex makes mom vulnerable. How you deal with this depends on your relationship with your daughter, however. Sharing about you may need to be guarded. However, considering how you described your daughter, you need to be open with her and willing to let her know you are permissive and understand her need to explore and experiment when it comes to sex and things sensual and you are that truly “safe person” to come to. You will discover, after a while, that you won’t lose your “mom status”, rather you will become a trusted mentor when it comes to the sensual in her life. It is better to be a mentor and guide than a ruler.Don’t view this “talk” as a one time event.I’ve mentioned this previously. Discussions about things sexual can’t be shared on a one time basis. She will have questions just as you will have questions. For the most part, don’t ask your questions and let her talk, and ask what she will. Listen! Listen! Listen! and respond. She may be apprehensive at first. You need to give her permission to talk by being open so she will begin to share and learn. Talk about responsibility and prudence. Take time and help her understand about the Dark Lord and his desires for her. Share your journey with her.When it comes to things sensual and sexual follow this adage: Let her know. Let her go. Let her grow. I may be unorthodox in many ways, but I am honest when it comes to sharing what I think is the way to go in matters such as yours. There is nothing wrong with being a slut. Just know what the definition is and how it’s meant in the context you use. Read about phallic worship. And the Dark Lord and sex articles. Hopefully they are helpful. I’m going to stop here. I’ve gone on too long already.I have filled in my thoughts after each of the five points for you. They aren’t in my notebook. I flesh out the five points per the needs of the person I am listening to. I know there is much unsaid and other points touched on have been “approached cautiously”. I’m sure you understand. I will pray for you in my pentagram. I look forward to your altar at home becoming a true altar to the Dark Lord. -- source link
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