soulinthemists:Why is it that people seek after the Dark Lord but never seem to find him? Why is it
soulinthemists:Why is it that people seek after the Dark Lord but never seem to find him? Why is it we are, at times, afraid of the darkness? Is it because we always want to be in the light? Have you ever considered that to discover the true light you must travel through the darkness of life experiences and the darkness in the mind; the doubt, the not being willing to truly find that which you seek? Several truths I have learned. Among them are these:First, there is no “satanism” without there being an authentic “satan”. I don’t like that term because “satan” is a xian biblical construct and that which we know or proclaim as “Satan” goes beyond the xian construct and back into the mists of prehistory. However, i use the term because that is the “form” of expression often used by those who profess to follow him. At the same time certain “satanic” groups have appropriated the name and symbols attached to Satan throughout history yet they do not believe in an authentic Satan or Dark Lord. Nor do they believe in the supernatural. But these not matters for discussion here.. What I am saying is that a true follower of the Dark Lord must believe that he is. Period.Second, What is it that we want when we seek him? That is an honest question and requires an honest response on the part of the seeker. The “why” is important when it comes to the journey each takes to find him. And each of our responses can be different. Third, Remember that the Dark Lord wants us to be free. Free to think. Free to use our mind and imagination without internal moral fears and to engage those issues that bombard us throughout every day. We are created with senses. And these senses engage with us every moment of our lives. We are sensual and sexual creations. How do we deal with them?Fourth, everyone has free will and we are reared or raised in a moral quagmire of life restrictions most often imposed by religion and often by culture which clash with who we really are. We find ourselves in a moral straightjacket and are filled with anxiety and guilt, etc. Is that how we are to live? In fear of our very thoughts? That is not the way it is supposed to be. Think about it.So, how do we seek him, if we want to find him? I’m not talking about some “construct” created by history and those who have an agenda when it comes to him. I’m speaking to seeking and following a real entity.How we express or choose to share about our journey is up to each of us. As followers of the Dark Lord, we are free to share what we wish about how we see or express his Presence and are free to deal with our “life issues” as we wish.That is the purpose of this tumblr for me. And there is more. It is to help others on their journey to find him and embrace him and help them to overcome issues that may be keeping them from finding their “real” selves. -- source link
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