chrystalwynd: From Chrystal Heights hotspot The Zone- Taylor: The AftermathTaylor looked at the full
chrystalwynd: From Chrystal Heights hotspot The Zone- Taylor: The AftermathTaylor looked at the full-length mirror and studied her reflection. And just like the previous day, her belly was big and round, the embarrassing result of an Alpha planting his seed deep inside her while she was too zoned out on his pheromones to stop him. It had taken her less than 30 days to achieve a belly one normally carried in the seventh month of pregnancy.“It’s SO not fair!” she said, stamping her foot, causing her big, milk-heavy boobs to jiggle, swaying under the loose top. Too late Taylor realized her boobs were leaking and her maternity bra was soaked.It was all her boss’s fault. That Cynthia had *tricked* her into getting knocked up by an Alpha! Grrrrrrrr!She padded barefoot back to her closet. The waddle was so freakin’ embarrassing. Her belly led the way wherever she went. Everybody at work was still laughing at how Cynthia had tricked her into a swollen belly. Well, Taylor was going to show them. She was going to get her dignity and her rightful promotion back.*****Taylor arrived at work and made her way to the receptionist’s desk, where she had been transferred once Cynthia had gotten her knocked up. Grrrrrr.She answered a few calls, then went back to make some coffee for Cynthia. It wasn’t one of her favorite jobs, but having been knocked all the way down to receptionist, Taylor didn’t have any choice. As she made her way toward the coffee machine, she noticed there was a buzz around the office.“Hey, Arlene,” said Taylor. “What’s up?”“A new department head has been transferred in,” said Arlene. “But the department he’s supposed to run won’t be ready to go for a couple months. So he’s going to be working here with Cynthia for the time being.”“He’s replacing Cynthia?”“No,” said Arlene. “Just working with her. She’s still in charge. He’s just going to help out until they’ve got his team ready to go. Might take a couple months, though.”“Great,” said Taylor. “That’s all we need. Another boss.”“He’s already here,” said Arlene. “He’s in Cynthia’s office now. He’s *really* good-looking.”Taylor rolled her eyes. “Oh, please,” she said. “Good-looking? Whatever. You all can sit there squealing and soaking your panties all you want. The last thing I want right now is a man.”Taylor suddenly blushed, realizing her belly was speaking louder than her words. She scurried over to the coffee machine to make Cynthia her coffee.Two minutes later she knocked on Cynthia’s door. Hearing her boss answer, she opened the door and walked in.“Your coffee, ma’am,” said Taylor, setting the mug on Cynthia’s desk.“Thank you, Taylor,” said Cynthia. “As long as you’re here, I want you to meet Keith. He’ll be working in this department in a supervisory position, and you’ll be expected to extend him every courtesy and the respect that goes with his station.”Taylor mentally rolled her eyes. Why did Cynthia feel the need to play up this guy’s position? She was beating Taylor over the head again with the fact that she was a receptionist. Grrrrrr.Still, Taylor could be nice. She turned to Keith and smiled. “Good morning, sir. I’m glad to meet y-“Taylor stopped and gasped.“You!” said Taylor. “You! You’re the one! The Alpha that…that…!”Keith smiled easily. “The one that claimed your belly as my trophy. Yes. It’s nice to see my trophy on display there.”Taylor blushed several shades of red. She opened her mouth to protest.“Taylor!” said Cynthia warningly. “Mind yourself.”Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Taylor closed her mouth.Cynthia stared at Taylor for a long moment. Then she turned to Keith. “So, Keith, ready to review the Sullivan account?” said Cynthia.“Sure,” said Keith. “I have some figures here.”“Excellent,” said Cynthia. “Would you like some coffee?”“I’d love some.”Cynthia turned to Taylor. “You heard him, Taylor. What are you waiting for? Go get Keith some coffee.”*****Taylor was ready to scream. Working with Keith was infuriating!He had been there two weeks now. Every morning he made Taylor bring him coffee, and every morning he patted Taylor on her bottom after she set his mug down, whether Cynthia was there or not. Every time he passed her waddling in the hallway, his eyes glanced at her round, gravid belly and he smirked.And now he was dousing her constantly with his Alpha pheromones every time she was near him.Taylor knew it was low-grade exposure, since she had managed to keep her clothes on and walk away, if only barely. But she was spending her entire work day sopping wet and she’d had to relieve herself in the bathroom twice a day all week. Her nipples were perpetually hard and she knew she was waddling around smelling like sex.There was nothing worse than working with an Alpha who had managed to swell your belly. NOTHING!“Hey, Taylor,” said Arlene. “Cynthia wants to see you in her office.”Uh oh.Taylor knocked on the door, then walked in at Cynthia’s beckon.“You wanted to see me, ma’am?” said Taylor.Cynthia looked up from the report she was reading. “Yes,” she said, “I do. Keith wants you on his staff, and I have no problem with that. So you’re temporarily promoted from receptionist to office staff. Do a good job, and maybe the promotion will become permanent.”Taylor’s eyes widened. “What?!” she said. “I have to work with *Keith*?!”Cynthia’s eyes flashed. “Are you refusing to follow my direct instructions?”Taylor jumped back a step. “No, ma’am! I mean, yes, ma’am. I mean, no, ma’am, I’m not refusing, and yes, ma’am, I’ll do a good job.”Cynthia relaxed. “Excellent,” she said. “Report to Keith now.”“Yes, ma’am.”Grrrrrrrrr.*****Taylor stomped over to Keith’s office. She was *not* happy. She knocked on his door and waited until he called her in.“Good morning, Taylor,” he said. “How are you?”“Fine,” she said.He stared at her expectantly. She clenched her teeth. “I’m fine, *sir*.”“Good,” he said. “I assume Cynthia has told you you’ve been assigned to me, so let’s get started. I’m working with some accounts you were working with before you developed your adorable condition. So let’s go over them, shall we?”Oh, gawd.Keith kept Taylor in the room the entire morning and he doused her with low-grade Alpha pheromones the entire time. By 9am, Taylor was sopping wet, her panties a soaked mess. By 10am, she was pressing her thighs together and unconsciously wriggling in her seat. By 11am, Taylor was flushed and breathless, unable to concentrate, pressing her palm between her thighs.Keith looked up from his documents. “Are you okay, Taylor?”Taylor nodded, not trusting herself to speak. He looked so good. So good. She wanted to waddle over there, to straddle him, to slide herself onto his thick cock, to ride his fat shaft. Oh, gawd.Keith said, “Taylor, your dedication to keeping your boss happy is impressive, but you do realize your hand is on my cock, right?”Taylor blinked, then gasped and jumped back. She had been so engrossed in her daydream that she hadn’t realized she had circled around the desk and was petting Keith’s cock through his pants.“Omigod!” she said. “I…I didn’t know! I mean…I didn’t mean…!”Keith chuckled easily. “Not a problem at all. You’re certainly welcome to touch it. Would you like to see it?”Keith reached down and unzipped his pants. He pulled out his cock, letting it sit in the palm of his hand as if on display.The air was thick, heavy with his scent. He smelled so good. Oh, gawd. It was such a good cock. Taylor remembered it vividly, that night on the dance floor. Hands on her hips. That thick dick, stroking back-and-forth like a piston, hitting every hot spot inside her, pressure against her cervix, that potent seed…Taylor gasped again. She was on her knees. Between his legs. Her face inches away from his exposed cock. How had she gotten here…?“Tell you what,” he said. “I need a few minutes to total these numbers. You go ahead and do what you need to do while I take care of this.”Indignant, Taylor opened her mouth to refuse, to protest, to argue……but found herself instead taking that heavy shaft into her mouth. And as that shaft hardened into a steel bar between her lips, she found her mouth working his dick with helpless heat and daunting need.For a long minute the only sounds in the office were the licks and slurps from Taylor’s warm, wet mouth working Keith’s cock. Taylor knew the sounds of her cocksucking were echoing in the office, but she couldn’t stop. And then as her head bobbed over Keith’s lap, her tightly-wrapped lips sliding all the way to the base of his shaft, pressing against his balls, there was a knock at Keith’s door.“Come in,” said Keith.And still Taylor couldn’t stop sucking that Alpha cock.“Hello, Keith,” said Cynthia’s voice. “Are you busy?”“Not at all, Cynthia,” said Keith. “What can I do for you?”Taylor’s cheeks burned, but she couldn’t stop stroking her mouth over Keith’s rigid dick.Cynthia said, “I just have a couple questions about the projections you submitted. Are you sure you don’t want me to come back later? I don’t want to interrupt Taylor’s work.”“No, you’re fine,” said Keith. “Taylor’s on her break.”“Oh, that’s fine, then,” said Cynthia. “Excellent idea, by the way. She’s been such a brat since you knocked her up. Putting something in her mouth to keep her quiet is a brilliant idea.”“I’m here to help,” said Keith. “Teamwork makes the dream work.”“Very true.”“You might want to pull your chair a little farther from the desk, though,” said Keith. “Unless, of course, you’d like to join Taylor…?”Cynthia laughed. “No, thank you,” she said. “I’ll just stand her in the doorway. Even from here, I can smell why she’s so focused on her work.”Keith chuckled. Then he said, “Can you excuse me for one moment?”“Sure,” said Cynthia.“Thanks,” said Keith. Then he fisted his hand in Taylor’s hair, holding her head in place as he proceeded to shoot a long, thick, heavy load of sperm into Taylor’s mouth.Taylor squealed indignantly around Keith’s cock momentarily. Then she began swallowing the hot flow as fast as she could, desperately trying to stay ahead of the Alpha’s powerful ejaculation. She knew Cynthia could hear her throat working, knew that Cynthia knew exactly what was going on, but there was nothing Taylor could do except let the hot seed fill her belly.And then, too late, Taylor realized that the sensation of her belly filling with the Alpha’s semen was triggering her own release.Taylor shuddered, squealing around his cock in between swallowing sessions as her body, her mouth, her lips became erogenous zones. Intense heat and pleasure rippled as her belly filled and Taylor began losing all sense of time. Taylor knew Cynthia was there, knew that Cynthia was watching come like a slut with a dick in her mouth, but she couldn’t stop swallowing the heavy load or stop her own orgasm.Taylor’s release continued for long, long seconds, again and again. And when her orgasm finally abated, Taylor realized that Keith was still coming, still pumping hot sperm into her throat.After a long minute- in which Keith continued to come the entire time- the hot flow finally slowed, then stopped. Taylor was sure she was green. She had never been so full before.And then Keith released her hair and began pumping her mouth again. Eyes wide, Taylor made an effort to slide her mouth off Keith’s cock, but the Alpha just pressed her head back down.“I’m in the middle of a meeting, Taylor,” he said. “Please don’t interrupt me right now.”Then he doused her with a full blast of Alpha pheromones.And Taylor, light-headed, found herself continuing to blow Keith without pause.*****Keith and Cynthia talked for a half-hour and Taylor worked Keith’s cock with her mouth the whole time. He had come four more times after the first time, and Taylor had come each time as well.Finally Cynthia said, “All right, it’s time for me to get some lunch. Care to join me, Keith?”“Sure,” said Keith easily. “Love to.”And just like that, Taylor was suddenly able to stop sucking Keith’s cock.Taylor remained kneeling as Keith stood and left the office with Cynthia. Her jaw ached. Her neck ached. Her knees ached. Her pregnant body ached. And her belly……oh, gawd, her belly. She had never swallowed anything close to the amount of semen she had just swallowed. She was green. She knew she was green. She was breathing through her mouth.And then she inadvertently burped. She closed her eyes and shuddered.Taylor finally got to her feet. And only then did she realize Keith’s office door was open. And had been open the entire time. Meaning the whole office had watched her blow Keith for a half-hour.Taylor sighed. Maybe nobody had noticed. She stepped out of Keith’s office quietly, prepared to sneak to the women’s bathroom. But then everybody started clapping as soon as she emerged.Taylor waddled for the bathroom as fast as her swollen ankles could carry her. And Taylor, cheeks burning, could only hope her bladder cooperated that long.*****3 months later:Taylor waddled into the office. She set Keith’s coffee in front of him. Then she set a mug of coffee in front of Cynthia.Taylor stood for a moment, hands on her hips, her full belly extended. She paused for a moment, seeming to catch her breath. Her eyes were slightly gazed.Cynthia reached up and patted Taylor’s gravid roundness. “Maternity looks good on you, whether you like it or not,” said Cynthia. “But you’re going to have to learn belly spacing a bit better.Taylor blinked, then gasped as she realized she had almost knocked over the department supervisor with her passive-aggressive tummy.“Oh!” said Taylor, cheeks coloring as she waddled back a step. “Sorry, ma’am.”Cynthia glanced down. Then she looked over to Keith.“So, Keith,” said Cynthia, “did you know your swelled little office bee here is waddling around barefoot?”Taylor looked down, then gasped, her fingers over her mouth.“Really?” said Keith, sounding amused.Taylor blushed yet again. “Oh, my gawd. I am…I’m so sorry. I…well, you see…I mean…I just…!”Cynthia and Keith stared at Taylor, waiting expectantly.“Oh, gawd,” said Taylor, covering her face with her hands. “I…I forgot to put on shoes this morning.”There was silence for a moment. Then Cynthia burst out laughing. “You *forgot*? How did you manage that?”Speaking through her hands, Taylor said, “I just forgot. I can’t really, you know, see my feet right now and I just…sort of…left without putting on shoes. It’s so *hard* to remember *everything*!”Cynthia looked genuinely amused. “Well, you know what? It’s appropriate. In fact, it’s now part of your dress code. You are not to wear any sort of footwear until further notice. Is that clear?”Taylor’s eyes widened. “I can’t wear *shoes*?! But…but…but I’ll be walking around barefoot and pregnant! Like I’m a trailer park girl or something! I-“Cynthia’s eyes flashed. “Are you questioning your assigned office dress code?”Taylor opened her mouth to protest, but then thought better of it. She closed her mouth, then nodded. “Yes.”Cynthia stared at her.Taylor bit her lower lip, then said, “Yes, *ma’am*. It’s clear. No shoes.”Cynthia relaxed. “All right, then. And make sure you get a pedicure for those toes. Bright red.”Taylor said, “Bright red? Isn’t that sort of…trailer parky…?”Cynthia stared.Taylor blushed. “Bright red. Dress code. Yes, ma’am.”Keith took a sip of his coffee. He said, “All right, then, Taylor, if you’re quite done being reminded about appropriate attire at work, Cynthia and I need to go over some figures. So you might as well come on over and make yourself useful while we do that.”Taylor stamped her foot, but circled around his desk. This was SO unfair! None of the other girls had to do this!Keeping her grumbling low so Cynthia and Keith couldn’t hear her, Taylor wriggled into position just in front of Keith, facing him, careful not to press her belly into her supervisor. Before she could drop to her knees, however, Keith reached forward and circled her round belly with his hands.Taylor’s eyes closed instinctively, sighing as the Alpha’s hands rubbed her swelled tummy. She could feel her lungs filling with Keith’s pheromones, feel herself lubricating, feel her milky nipples lactating freely.“Goodness,” said Cynthia. “You’ve really baked her brain good.”Keith grinned. “Yep,” he said. “She’s pregnant with an Alpha baby and she’s been exposed almost non-stop to low-grade Alpha pheromones now for several months. She’s got a helpless case of pregnancy brain.”“Really?”“Oh, yeah,” said Keith. “It’s even showing up on her body already. Look at how her hips are widening, how her bottom is getting plump. She’s only on her first baby and already her body is shaping itself to carry any number of babies.Taylor’s eyes snapped open. “That’s not true!” she said. “This is, like, the only baby I’m gonna have! This belly is going to be, like, totally no occupancy and stuff after I drop this puppy!”Keith chuckled. “Of course you are,” he said, putting his big hands on Taylor’s wide, round hips and turning her around. “You know what? Since you’re already knocked up, let’s put this nice, broad caboose to work, shall we?”“What?!” said Taylor, feeling herself turned around. “You are SO not putting it in me back there! I’m serial! Totally no way! You’re not…ohhhhhh…you…you can’t….!”Taylor was bent over the desk now, her heavy, milk-filled breasts flattened on the surface, her belly hanging free. She felt Keith drawing her skirt over her hips, felt her maternity panties sliding down her thighs. Felt him pressing his fat cockhead against her tight rear opening.Taylor’s face was barely a foot away from Cynthia as she felt her tight rear opening penetrated. Blushing, she could only close her eyes and bite her lower lip as she felt Keith’s thickness sliding into her ass.Taylor tried to keep quiet. She tried hard. But the embarrassment of being butt-fucked in front of the grinning Cynthia unfortunately raised her erotic heat even higher, and the Alpha pregnancy had turned her sphincter into a crazy-hot erogenous zone.“Impressive,” said Cynthia. “Even getting it backdoor is making her come like a slut.”“Yup,” said Keith, not missing a stroke as spoke with Cynthia. “Sometimes when she’s really milky, I make her moo.”“Keith! You do not!”Keith grinned. “Sure I do. I think I’ll make her meow during the next pregnancy.”“Oh?” said Cynthia. “You think you’ll get her again?”“Oh, yeah,” said Keith. “I wasn’t kidding about her having pregnancy brain. Her body is already structuring itself to be a baby factory. Taylor herself can be as bratty as she wants, but her body will betray her at some point and trick her into getting herself knocked up, most likely because of my pheromones. Trust me, she’s going to be perpetually pregnant now. Her baby factory status was sealed the moment I baked her brain.”Cynthia laughed. “You’ve made Taylor a barefoot, pregnant ditz,” she said. “You’re a bad, bad man.”“I know,” said Keith. “But you have to admit she’s adorable when she’s knocked up. Every Thursday is overalls Thursday, and Friday is dress down day- she has to wear a tank top that can’t reach below her belly button. We have to show off that belly. Right, Taylor?”Taylor was grunting as Keith stroked deeper inside her ass, his heavy balls slapping her sopping wet clit.“I can…can hear…everything…you’re…saying…” said Taylor, trying desperately to concentrate. “I’m…I’m SO not…not going to be…a…baby…baby factory…I’m…I’m not…not…!”Keith grinned, then drove his cock fully into her ass and held, his heavy hands holding Taylor’s hips against his pelvis as he unleashed a stream of hot seed into her ass.His release triggered Taylor’s and she began moaning seconds later as intense ripples from a hot anal orgasm wracked her body with erotic heat and pleasure.Cynthia fanned her face, the heat from the butt-fucking and the Alpha pheromones getting to her in equal parts. She stood up.“Well, I’ll leave you to it for now,” she said. “Just send pregnancy brain here over with the numbers later. Mind if I borrow her for a little while afterward?”“Sure,” said Keith, as he continued to empty his balls into the helpless Taylor. “Feel free.”“Thanks,” said Cynthia. She reached forward and patted the flushed Taylor on the cheek. Then she left the office before she jumped Keith herself. @tayfair This is Part 2 of the mis-adventures of Taylor. -- source link
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